How to edit players names within an android .apk file?


Aug 3, 2018
Hello everyone,

I am new to this website, and to posting on this forum, and not sure if I posted this in the correct location, if not, please let me know. Here we go......... I was wondering if anyone would be able to help me out. I was wondering if there is any way to edit, on an android device, players names that you are not able to edit within the game, within an .apk file? If you need anymore info, please ask.
Thank you in advance, for taking the time to read this, and for your input if available.


The Hentai Witcher
Jun 2, 2018
As far as I know I'm not aware of any apk editing software that runs on android though personally I wouldn't consider modding games on android bc a keyboard is easier to use and windows simply has more support when it comes to reverse engineering software. It is possible however to edit apks using apktool. This handy little tool allows u to decompile and recompile them.

After ur done modifying the game ur going to need to resign the apk otherwise it wont work. U can get a signing jar here.

Now all of thats really the easy part. Here comes the hard part. Finding the code u want to edit. Depending on the games file structure this can change from holy shit this is easy to its a nightmare. If its unity based ur gonna have a much easier time though ur probably going to need to know some C# assembly if u want to make sense of anything. Using a program called dnspy will help a lot with this.

Anything else I'm unsure of as I'm still learning myself and I'm not an expert on reverse engineering games I just know a little. I'm not entirely sure whether u can get source code from apk's or not as they r compiled differently from executable but I wouldn't count of it and even if u do get source code ur either going to have to have knowledge in C# or java. Still I encourage u to try as its a very insightful learning process from my experience and a great way to understand the inner workings of code. Best of luck man.