RPGM How To Make Specific Type of Tournament Event System


Feb 21, 2018
I want to make a very specific type of tournament style event system within my RPGM (MV) game and I wondered how I'd implement it.

Basically what I want to happen is, have the main character progress through a tournament however, not to take on competitors in succession but instead allow the player to break in between rounds. I dont want it to act as a battle with skills and stuff either, I want the game to compare variables to each other and score a point based on which charater has the higher variable.

At each round stage, I want to have two competitors face off against each other so for example the main character A vs cpu character B;

then the game checks 5 specific variables but compares them against each other one by one so what I mean is; Character A variable 1 vs Character B variable 1, whichever is greater that character scores 1 point. Then Character A variable 2 vs Character B variable 2, whichever is greater that character scores 1 point. and so forth until all 5 variables have been scorered and then at the end the game awards the victory to whichever (the main character or cpu) has scored the most points.

How would I do something like that?