[R>Artist 2D] [R>Artist 3D] Paid HS looking for Artist(s)

HS Makes Games

Game Developer
Jun 21, 2017
HS Makes Games is looking for art support for My Old Soul (https://f95zone.to/threads/my-old-soul-v0-020-hsmakesgames.80464/#post-5617754). We just don't have the computing power nor time to build things in a reasonable speed. We aren't locked into the current art assets and are willing to go 2d if there is an artist interested.


Looking for:

Employment Type:
Planned Revenue Share - 30% net, or 15% if you only want to do the present or past art. (In the beginning net/gross won't be significantly different, but if we decide to include voice actors or some other costs come into play, they may start to deviate).
Our current plan is 30% art, 30% Writing, 30% Coding, and 10% Management. However if you are a machine and can output a ton of quality art very quickly, we're willing to take a hit on the writing portion to increase the artists share.

Work commitment:
Long term - Part time

Preferred method of contact:
Here for now, Discord once we start working together.

Job Description:
We are looking for someone to create the art to go along with our script/code.

Additional comments:
We are open to collaboration if there is a scene you are interested in creating, as long as it doesn't break the narrative. E.g. We can work with you if you want to add anal to a scene with an existing sexual partner or would like to move a scene to a different location (that fits the narrative), but not jump to fucking a character who has yet to have a sexual relationship with the MC.

Note: We aren't hiring personnel, this is just a collaborative art project supported by donations.