Identify HTML Sis/Feminization Game with Femdom


New Member
Nov 3, 2017
Hey, been a few years since I've been into this but recently I've been on a Sissy/Feminization kick and I remember a game I played a looong time ago and was hoping if I could get some help finding it, or something similar.

It was an HTML game with Real Porn, where there was a big focus on sissification via visiting a teacher or therapist or something that would hypnotize the MC. Similar to what happens at the therapist in SQ Cruise Ship with Vr goggles and a short hypno video, or the school counselor in Tenet and Tenet, etc.

I'm not super sure on the specifics, just that it had a hypno video, was sissification focused, and used some sort of doctor/therapy/etc as a medium. Anything like that though would be great. Also if there are any mommy-dom games like that as well, i'd appreciate recommendations.
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