Human Breeding Authority Game Idea for anyones use.


Apr 28, 2018
Important right off the bat​

This is just a kink I have had for about a week or so and have not found any good games or content that hit the mark. I am not a dev but I do have ideas and write from time to time though I have never shared my thoughts or work outside of some nation-states RP back years ago. Anyone is free to take this idea leave it as true to my original ideas or change it up as much as they like I am just tossing an idea out and hoping some dev who maybe have the same taste as I decide they like what they see. This is also a work in progress but I wanted to see if so far it looked interesting to anyone.


  • Interspecies
  • Impregnation
  • Rape
  • Feminization/Trap/Femboy/Sissy (up to the dev)
  • Heavy NTR/Cuckolding
  • Mom
  • Mom NTR (Up to the dev)
  • Maybe Shota/Loli (depends on the dev of course and what they wanna do with this)
  • Monsters
  • Breeding
  • Extinction
  • Prostitution
  • Corruption
  • Vore ( Again up to the dev)
  • Bestiality ( Up to the dev)
  • All types of positions Anal, Doggy-style, missionary, Tit fuck, ect ect ect
  • Multiple Endings (ideally)
  • Monster Girls
  • Face sitting
  • Femdom
  • Gape
Of course, all tags are subject to the whim of whoever decides to use this idea if anyone of course lol. I think some of the key tags for the general idea would be obvious tho.

Backstory Lore​

The world setting in the world Solus is made of a Pangaea style continent with smaller islands and subcontinents around it. Fantasy setting with some possible steampunk tech. The main back story lore is as follows. Many races inhabit Solus. The largest single race by numbers are humans who are equal to nearly all the other races combined. The various human kingdoms fought and expanded at the expense of the other races. This eventually leads the other races to band together into the Allied Race Council to spark the Dread War.

The dread war lasted for decades and eventually ended with the human kingdoms being defeated. The territory the humans had recently conquered was returned to their respective races. Human kingdoms were allowed to keep limited autonomy but supervised by the allied nations council or ANC. The big issue that worried the ANC was the imbalance in race populations. A solution was purposed by leading scientists in the ANC. Due to [Insert magic fantasy reasoning here] human females when impregnated by other races gave birth to pure-blooded members of that race 92% of the time with the rest being a hybrid. With this human females could be encouraged or forced to breed with the other races to help balance out the populations of the different races.

With this solution in hand, the Human Breeding Authority or HBA was created to oversee this solution. Two key components were introduced. Firstly with the help of the Eleven and Fairy magic and alchemy human males were forced to take a potion that caused the average length of the human penis to shrink from 7 inches in this world down to 4.3 inches.

The second key component was that any region that was either deemed to have too high of a human birth rate or too low of a birth rate in the other races of the region compulsory breeding would be implemented. In short HBA authorities would go to a region and inform the region that birth figures were out of order. They would encourage compliance and normally have a compliance demonstration in towns and cities of the region.

A compliance demonstration would be where the citizens of a given community would be required to gather. Once there they would be informed of the HBA coming to the region to get the desired birth rates in order. They would then have a local woman of prominence such as the lady of the city or wife of the mayor ect and breeding age come forward on the stage. Ideally, this woman would be a mother and have her son or daughter with her so that it would hammer in the compliance (Could be opted out but IDK I like the whole mother NTR side element but understand not for everyone.) The husband would also be there along with everyone else.

The woman would then strip down and have sex with a member of another race. For example an Orc Futa or a group of goblins. Typically if the woman has a son they would be forced to watch up close and personal their mother being mated ( Again if any dev who wants to take this idea up wants to opt-out of the mother ntr aspect feel free to swap in the husband or whatever you want this is just an idea pitch). Some size humiliation might take play ect will go into more detail in the scene example ideas.

Once the compliance demonstration was over the next coming days and weeks human women would be compelled to breed with the various races.

That about covers the back story lore so far


Humans: Most numerous races on Solus and for the most part physically similar to us. Key differences being Human females can be impregnated by the other races and give birth to pureblood offspring of said race 90% of the time. Could be possible they could be impregnated by wild beast as well but that might be a dev call. Human males' penis size averages 4.3 inches thanks to the intervention of the HBA.

Orcs: Typically, well built and tall ranging from 6’4 to 7’5 for females and 6’4 to 6’8 for males. Males typically have a bit more of a beer belly but otherwise well built whereas female orcs are typically all very athletic built with six-packs etc. 30% of female orcs are born Futas. Average orc penis length both male and futa ranges from 9 inches to 13 inches. Orcs were one of the front-line soldiers in the war with humans. They are very hard-headed but don’t feel any sort of hate toward humans per se but view humans as arrogant.

Elves: Typical fantasy High Elves type so tall and slender. Hair colors have a wide range but the most common would be white, silver, blonde, black, red, and blue. Eleven females bust is typically on the more reserved side with C cup being fairly large. The average elf penis length is 7.8 inches. Elves can not be futas outside of the intervention of magic. Elves view themselves as superior and thus they have to guide the other races. This leads to a lot of head butting with other races especially orcs and humans. Elves one of the best magic users in Solus and tend to hold many high-ranking administrative roles in the ANC and HBA.

Oni: Race of ogers made of either females or futas. Oni typically comes in various shades of the following three colors red, green, and blue. Oni typically stands 7’5 to 9 feet all but some have been known to be taller or shorter but to a good degree. The typical build for an Oni ranges from fit to somewhat chubby. The average bust for an Oni of course would be largely due to their size. Penis size is typically 11 inches or longer. Oni’s tend to be rather lazy and laid back unless angered. They tend to run the gambit of professions ranging from hunters to shopkeepers. They typically stick to more modest jobs as they don’t want the stress of dealing with higher-end work nor do they put much emphasis on education.

Fairy: Tiny human-like creatures with wings and are renowned for their magic rivaling the elves in that regard. Fairy’s tend to hold magic-related jobs but also have quite a few in ANC and HBA admin roles. When they are breeding a human they could either use their magic to make themselves large or to shrink the human down to their size. They typically shrink the human down so that many of them at once can take their turn with the human. When the size of a human they would average penis size of around 6.5 inches. Fairy females typically are very petite with their breast size when at the size of a human would be around an A to B cup

Giants: Large creatures standing upwards of 40 feet tall giants are seen as the strongest race on Solus. It is said they're joining the ANC was a turning point in the war. Giants tend to stay out of the cities for obvious reasons tending to stay in their communities. Of course with their size, it would be impossible for them to breed a human female much less a human female birth to a giants child. However thanks to some inventive magic this has been solved (Two options here that I see. One is a vore option to an extent where the giant inserts the human female into his penis and jerks off flooding his penis and by extent the human female with cum before ejaculating both the female and his remaining cum. Option two would be with the use of magic the human female's vagina and insides become elasta girl like letting her be used as a stretchy onahole). Giant females have been known to love using human males as living dildos inserting them into their ass and vagina. It is said some female giants have even inserted human males into their wombs and demanded they and I quote “ fuck their ovaries” (could be left out but I think it's hot)

Goblins: Think goblin slayer goblins for the males and more WoW version for females. They were fairly intelligent creatures but have a fairly high sex drive. Typically still live in the outskirts of towns in slums or ruins but don’t raid and pillage anymore under order from the ANC. They are typically salvage merchants or basic traders. Average penis size ranges from 5.3 to some very gifted goblins being near 9 inches erect. When they breed human females they typically look for mothers and typically look to gangbang said, mother. They do this because they crave the attention of a mother as goblin mothers thanks to their high sex drive typically don’t give their sons much attention. Goblins are also typically born in broods of 5 to 7 so a human female impregnated by goblins would expert to birth around the same amount.

Ogers: Whereas Onis are either all-female or futa ogers are the uglier all-male counterparts. They normally reproduce with an Oni where it’s a 50/50 if it’s a male oger or an oni offspring. However, due to their appearance and being rather dumb Onis made a pact with a powerful demon lord allowing a good portion of them to become futa and birth futas. This lead to Oni’s preferring to breed with each other when possible until of course humans became available for use. This means ogers typically reproduce exclusively now with the use of human females. They typically stand around the same height as an Oni averaging about 8 to 9 feet with their average penis length being 12 inches+ and lumpy.

Dwarves: Short stocky like most fantasy Dwarves. They tend to be miners or craftsmen but they are also fine warriors. They have limited ability in magic typically around rune magic. They dislike humans due to how humans always used to mock them. Dwarves especially love to make human females admit Dwarves are a better fuck. While the average dwarf penis isn’t anything to write home about at 6 to 7 inches they are known for their girth that can stretch many human females like never before. Dwarven females love to facesit humans preferring males so they can play and mock their little penis.

Dragons: Oldest race on Solus the Dragons were nearly wiped out by humans before the war. For this Dragons harbor great resentment towards humans. Their size and form can change at a whim as they are very proficient in magic. In their drake forms, they would resemble Western-style dragons think WoW and the like. They can take on more humanoid forms but when it comes to breeding humans they like to be in their drake form and fuck humans very roughly as a way of letting out their pent-up resentment. Some incidents have occurred where the breeding got extremely rough. Some dragons have even called for humans to be forced to breed with dragons only to repopulate their numbers even if it meant humans being bred into extinction.

Quick Society Overview​

In terms of society for Humans, they typically run their affairs as I stated in the brief lore overview. I would like to expand on the breeding aspect is the key aspect of this game idea. Some human females choose to do this willingly and will go to certified breeding facilities or brothels typically in the larger cities. This is due in part because of the attraction they might have to a certain race but in many cases, with the use of the enforced limiting of the human male penis size to 4.3 inches, they are unable to get pleasure from sex with humans. However, force “cooperation” is still the norm in many regions but the number of willing volunteers has been growing over the years.

Human births are still much higher than other races but are trending slowly towards the set mark while other races' births are increasing some more than others.

Some human males especially in areas where cooperation is being “encouraged” have become sexually deprived. However, in these regions where there are not enough females to go around due to breeding quotes a solution has been found. Some males of the other races wanting to breed with human females but are unable to due to lack of available females ( Some have to still be breeding with humans) and lack of females of their race in the area seek to find outlets for their pent up sexual urges and in some cases desire to show their superiority over humans have started to open comfort clubs. These clubs hire femboy human males to comfort other human males but especially cater to the various other races. This has lead to some organized crime groups running these places typically run by either Elves, Dwarves, or Dragons. They also “offer” a magic drug to “willing” human males that will feminize them. Sometimes these “offers” are made to those who took out loans or can’t pay their tab and offered the chance to work it off or they can end up vanishing. This of course could be an optional deal to take out if the dev is not into traps/femboys.

Factions In the HBA​

In the HBA there are three main factions.

The Status Quo Faction:

  • Supports the current plan of having all races reach a balanced birth rate and number of population
  • Only use forced cooperation when regions are not meeting their number goals due to lack of volunteering
  • Supports eventual phasing out forced cooperation once it becomes unneeded
  • Doesn’t want much human input in the HBA
  • Feels the current human penis size should be kept for least a few decades to help encourage voluntary participation
The Breed Humanity into Extinction Faction:

  • Feel that either humans even in reduced numbers will still cause wars or that the HBA plan will never work
  • They don’t want to violently kill humans they feel this is immoral
  • They would force all human females to breed with other races exclusively
  • Human males would be encouraged to take the maidens touch drug to become Femboys/Sissys
  • Plans in place for a covert way of doing this if society at large would reject the idea
  • Plan A would be to alert the potion that makes the average human penis 4.3 inches. The alert potion would further shrink the average down to 3.3 and cause a large increase in low sperm count and inability to get an erection
  • The plan would also increase the encouragement of human females to breed exclusively with the various races. This could be outright propaganda to subliminal messaging.
The Human Interbreeding Reform Faction

  • This faction views the current plan to limit the human population and bringing other races up via human female breeding as unethical and unsustainable
  • They suggest encouraging interbreeding by all races to increase the number of hybrids
  • An increase in hybrids would start to break down the monolithic pure-blood races as the population increasingly became a mix of hybrids.
  • Would solve the population issues by creating the new hybrid populations
  • Favor undoing the potion that limits human penis size
  • Could have retooled the forced cooperation method to be applied to all races early on to jump-start this method


Possible scene ideas

Faction Ending​

I see three main endings for the factions which would influence the various sub-endings. Think Mass Effect 3 Red, Green, Blue with the choices during the rest of the games giving the largest sub endings

Status Quo faction keeps running the show:

  • Humanity has relative autonomy, but the breeding program is still in place.
  • Force cooperation is still going to be a thing for a while.
  • Pent-up resentment towards humans still a thing but will dissipate in time.
  • Humans are seen as second-class citizens when it comes to issues of breeding.

Breed Humanity into Extinction Faction takes over:

  • Humans still have most of their rights, but their days are numbered as they now can only exclusively reproduce with the other races.
  • Human males are mostly feminized by choice or force.
  • Large breeding parties are held by those who hold more resentment towards humans such as Dwarves and Dragons where large numbers of human females and males are brough in and fucked senseless for days.
  • Not uncommon to see humans being bred in the streets in the middle of the day. With their days numbered human females are encouraged to breed with every race if possible and bare as many offspring as possible.
  • Last scene could be of the last human female born Eve coming of breeding age. She will be forced to breed with the leaders of every race. Her brother Adam will be encouraged to try and breed his sister even though he will be sterile with a tiny dick it will be great entertainment for the masses watch the last two humans born attempt in vain to save their race. Eve will then resume her breeding with the various leaders from around the ANC. Her brother will be used for their enjoyment as well and perhaps their wives will make use of him as well.
Human Interbreed Reform Faction:

  • Human penis size returned to normal (yay)
  • Encouragement of interbreeding between all the races
  • Interspecies orgies are encouraged.
  • Forced cooperation could be used early on to force all races to get into it
  • Hybrid races start to grow in number.
Secret ending Humans overthrow the ANC (Like the thought of secret endings but this can be dropped of course:

  • Human Kingdoms stage a surprise attack and defeat the ANC
  • The Human Breeding Authority is retooled to serve human needs.
  • Human females are forbidden from breeding with other races.
  • Females from the other races are forced to take potions that increase their fertility and cause hybrids born from them and human males to lean more on the human side.
  • Females from said races are required to produce 5 hybrid offspring before being allowed to breed with a member of their own race.
Sub Endings​