Unity - Completed - Humiliation Dungeon Survivors [v0.88] [Naku Kinoko]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Recommended – 6/10


    • Length: 5-10 Hours
    • Experience: Vampire survivors but in stages
    • Not bad, not great, kinda fun but i wouldnt fap to it.

    Story: 1.5/5
    In the starting got my hopes up but story never followed up.

    Gameplay: 4/5

    Originality: 2/5

    Scenes: 4/5

    Quite good chibi and drawn art, not a lot

    Amount of Content: 2.5/5

    Characters: 3.5/5

    Performance & TL: 4/5

    Crashed a few times
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    This is my Review of Humiliation Dungeon Survivors (v0.79 Steam)
    Made by the developer (Naku Kinoko)
    + I made a review on Steam, too. 100% achievements.

    Spoilers alert, BTW! (Or maybe not)
    The Storyline: 2.5/5

    There isn't much of a story to go on. You just need to survive and not get grabbed by the monster. (Wait... for some characters, you need to be grabbed, never mind!) At the start of the game, you meet an absolutely beautiful goddess, and her name is "Goddess" I wonder how long they spent on that name...

    The only way to progress in the story is to complete "Goddess" missions. To find out more about her, very little content. There are no side quests, no decision-making, or any background for the other characters. Just go out, fight, and do the few missions you find on the Goddess list to get all the Goddess crystals to open new events about her. So it's more about rewarding jobs you completed.

    Animations and Art: 4/5

    The game feels like I'm playing with "Chibi" characters. It's incredibly cute to watch them run around, trying not to get caught by the monsters. But I did hope there would be more normal scenes of the character when something like that happened or both.

    The game looks great, the texture is great, the animations are smooth, you can edit your characters (well... just hair style and colors, not the body), and I would call it a great 2D game since you can't rotate 360 degrees, just right and left and there isn't different viewpoints, just one for everything.

    The Goddess art style is beautiful at the start. Just too bad they didn't use the same art style for the rest of the content you open in her shop. Only for the start of the game and the end part when it comes to her.

    Level of difficulty: 4.7/5

    The game is very challenging with all different types of weapons, characters that have different skills, different monsters, and some of them have more "HP" if they don't want to kill but want or do something else ( Talk about an adrenaline boost!)

    The dungeon comes with different levels and different portals you can choose from. Some of the portals have farming, traps (Not living traps), and quiet places where you can take it easy and camp for a time.

    Of all the weapons is not the sword that's the most dangerous weapon you can use or a handgun... No... no.. no... Nope, the best weapon in the game is a Book! Not kidding... The best thing to use (In my opinion) is books. They can grant you both damage and skill boosts. (Most be some real ecchi stuff in those books to have that kind of power) Same map type, and they are small, pretty small (Nothing worth exploring)

    I'm a little unsure why the game is tagged with "Rape" It doesn't seem like the characters are scared or care too much about what will happen. If a monster manages to grab you, it feels like they make a face that says "Oh sh*t... here we go again" instead of being unpleased regarding the situation they are in. (More like they enjoy it...)

    They even have a farm... oh boy, the farm... The farm is a... well, a necessary thing if you want to speed up you're gameplay. You can even hunt for ingredients in the dungeon to make food I had no idea how to use...

    The Sounds & Music parts: 4.8/5

    The game has both sounds and music for everything. The only main problem I had was that when you turn down the volume on everything, the explosion effect doesn't turn down. (Holy crap does goblins scared the crap out of me!!!) Besides that, everything else was excellent.

    Would have liked it if the monsters could have made sounds, too. For both the fighting part and the... (Yeah, you know what I mean!) I haven't played the old updates where they say they used to be sound effects for the monster. Maybe it was removed in the new updates. Idk

    Overall: 4/5 - F95Zone Star 4 " Good"

    I had a little trouble playing the game on Steam since the game had 2 updates a day, but at the end, there were some errors with my save that I had to start all over again to get the latest achievements. The reason why I have 25-26 hours of gameplay... Good thing the girls were cute.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    ok so the game is good

    Gameplay wise is okay, there are several classes. Several weapons. And a shit ton of attributes. The game mainly focus on attributes as that is what really boost damage, more than weapon scaling. Weapons are more for how you will play. There are also some food you can make to triiger h -scenes or boost attributes, overall is okay nothing different from other dungeon crawler games.

    For the H part, it can be divided into 2. first you enter the dungeon in which you can get clothes torn, and put slutty clothes(affecting attributes of course) in your character. Some enemies will have a heart circle around them, if they hit you it triggers a H scene. This short animations are nice, thought the lack of the enemies cumming in you, unless you lose, bothers me a bit.

    The second part of the h scenes are the unlockables you get for completing goddess mission. And these are normal. The typical animation with a gauge that fills and the enemies cum in you. Overall the art is ok, is not the best I have seen but is pretty.

    Overall is an okay-ish fame, there are some bugs, the plant one being game breaking but is okay.

    Finally, if you are having trouble with the difficulty then use gyaru with a full kunai build, and then get explosion damage and explosion range whenever you can.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    this is definitely better than the average game, but falls short of the best game. the game has some right ideas and good design elements, but it also has a few notable flaws.

    1. game is quite grindy and progression feels slow and repetative
    2. the h element is decent but not spectacular compare to the best games out there.
    3. some of the game design like the corruption system and upgrade system can really use some improvements to make it more impactful to the game and more engaging.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Decent game with mechanics similar to brotato game. graphics and animations are nice. goddess rewards were disappointing in terms if drawing.
    encountered several bugs in the process (like plant monster making you stuck and you are left with shadow) but other than that, this is stable build
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Surprisingly great game for a porn game! I went into this fully expecting a vampire survivors clone with very few features and weapons, but what I got was a pretty unique spin on the genre. The sex scenes are fine and aren't a penalty like in some other games, instead they are a risky opportunity to earn your persistent currency and a persistent stat called "faith". The minigames are fun and rewarding. I could play this as a non-horny game. There are enough playstyles that it doesn't get old quick. That being said it does have its quirks and bugs but so far nothing too bad that it intrudes on gameplay.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Humiliation Dungeon Survivors - It's not the best Vampire Survivors H-game rip off I've ever seen (that goes to Wedding Witch) but it's a solid and enjoyable game on its own.

    Gameplay consists of 20 levels of increasing numbers of enemies coming at you. The more you kill, the more money/exp you get. It's simple enough.
    Where the game shines is the difference between characters, with each unlockable girl having an entirely different goal in mind, ranging from stacking Brute melee, becoming wolverine with absurd Health regen, or being the Ganguro Girl character and breaking all difficulty over her knee with a resounding snap.
    Seriously, if you are having trouble beating higher difficulties, she does 90% of the work for you.

    Fappable scenes are fairly common, but extremely short and have a quick-time event to escape your buggering. What is interesting about that is that some girls have bonuses when they escape, leading to the situation of blue-balling enemies for bonuses leads to your character getting all sorts of buffed.
    You can unlock longer scenes based on completing objectives through many runs, but they're still fairly short and of middling quality. The H part of the H-game is where it falls short.

    Bugs are occasional, but sometimes game-breaking. I'm going to say this right now: DON'T GET GRABBED BY THE BELLSPROUT-LOOKIN' PLANT or your monster-gallery area breaks. If you do get caught, don't friggin' touch him in the gallery area.
    Other than that, they're annoying, but not really detracting from the game. Yeah, cooking inside the forest zone is bork'd, and the numbers for some heroines' reward goal obviously accidentally got a few extra zeros on them by mistake, but all of that, with the exception of that bellprout-lookin' man-eating plant motherfucker can be ignored with no real issue. You don't need anything that is broken to complete the game.

    It's unfinished, no matter what that Completed tag says, so this all might be fixed at some point, but for now, it works fine and I had a lot of fun with it.
    It's not perfect, and there's not much to fap to, but it is fun. And that's what matters most, isn't it?
    Likes: p23rklo
  8. 2.00 star(s)



    "Completed" "0.75"

    Very lacking, unfinished unbalanced both in monster design, gameplay function and audio levels (some sounds have their own unmanageable levels).

    Inconvenient to play, severely lacking a dodge roll (that could have easily fit with one-hand gameplay).

    A bad Brotato rip-off. Needs heaps more development to even be worth considering.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I went in expecting a mediocre vampire survivors clone, between the title and the title image, but, seeing the seemingly game-integrated H content in the screenshots that other clones don't have, I decided to give it a try.

    It turned out a lot better than I expected, and it's addictive. I won't say it doesn't have any flaws - some mechanics could use a better explanation, and the CGs aren't amazing - but, as far as H-content, it's integrated pretty well in game, some enemies will spawn with a pink aura, and if you run into them, you get a mini h-scene, and it gives you faith, a kind of permanent buff that's per character, and essence, the meta progression currency.

    Other than the enemy h-scenes, there's clothing damage, and items that actually affect how the character looks, reminiscent of The Binding of Isaac, for better or worse. It's really fun to see, and makes your runs feel more unique, but I won't deny that it can look like the end of an Isaac run when you stack too many clothing items, which can be funny.

    The gameplay is solid, assuming you like things like vampire survivors. A big thing though, is the characters - It kind of reminds me of Holocure, which each character has three "skills" unique to them, and makes the characters feel completely different to play. I wouldn't say the characters here are on that same level, but they do feel very unique from each other - I recommend the Gyaru early, a little to the right of the starting area, for 12 essence, as she starts with an explosive weapon and that makes early groups of weak enemies very easy to deal with, and that lets you get rolling with the game while you're still learning the basics.

    Also, characters choose between a selection of different starting weapons - not major, but being able to switch up the start of your run a bit does help it feel much less repetitive early, which is good.

    Overall, I couldn't say it's my top favorite h-game, but it surprised me, and it's something I'll probably return to every once in a while just because it's a solid, enjoyable game with a lot more eye-candy than other games.
  10. 2.00 star(s)

    X Death

    I dont agree with other comment, this is a game you should play if you interest in mobile rogue like game, this is for you, but for pc to have game like this? man gtfo. dungeon keep looks the same (im at dungeon 20) enemy gets stupidly hard, no treasure system all luck based on level up and store. the H-scene looks bad and generic, little to no story. to sum it all up :

    Pros :
    +Customization character

    Cons :
    -H-scene is bad
    -Boring dungeon
    -No other way to upgrade yourself during a run beside kill enemy and buy equipment from merchant.

    Tbh, if you dont care about H-scene why bother play this at all. go play mobile game that just similar like this.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Hard to fap to but god damn is it fun to play. I've been having a blast trying out all the different characters and trying to find playstyles that suit them best, already burned 10 hours today on this game, would highly recommend
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    very fun rogue like to just turn Ur brain off to music is good and has controller support which is a plus sound is also really good played it originally to fap I haven't done that yet cause the game is just fun
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    At first glance, the gameplay is okay, there appears to be some decent variation of builds and there is a pretty expansive stat system.

    Unfortunately, an hour or two in you'll come to realize the pacing is atrocious and the bells and whistles are in an attempt to make up for the tediousness of the gameplay loop. What's more is the H-scenes are pretty bad.

    I would of gave it a 2 but there does appear to be a lot of work into this. If you are really committed to grinding it, you might like it, but I'd say pass. Even the gallery unlock isn't really worth it.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    It's fun for what it is, it's a passable vampire survivors clone with tits. Not the biggest fan of the unlockable CG's which require a lot of grinding, but the core gameplay loop and upgrades are good. Good to middling enemy variety, woulda liked to see unique bosses for the five difficulty levels and not just the first three. If you're bored and want a time sink, it's not bad.
  15. 5.00 star(s)



    Horny Brotato clone. Good one. Solid.

    • The gameplay is cloned from the Brotato game, which is a Bullet Heaven genre game, so it's a solid base. Since Brotato is a great game, I will skip talking much about the gameplay, other than to say that it is satisfying and challenging.
    • Lots of lewd stuff
    • Animated chibi H-scenes
    • Animated highly detailed scenes in camp
    • Working economics
    • Various builds and paths each run
    • Somewhat grindy
    • Slow paced
    I have fun playing it and, since I love survivors-like games and I like Brotato, I also love this lewdified speciment of the genre. Fancy words aside, it's a good solid game and I'll definitely get back to it.

    Edit: I played for few more hours and it is still a good game with lots of mechanics. But there are some bugs regarding duplicating weapons, and softlocks after h-scene triggering in the battle.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    The gameplay follows the vampire survivors formula, but despite this, the levels are stupidly hard, took me 5 fucking hours to clear THE FIRST DUNGEON! The difficulty is due to, too many enemies spawning at the later half of stage 1, and you just can't get enough power, health, etc late game. The only way to cheese this is to use the pink haired healer, since she gains health regen after H-scenes with enemies, so you just spam that, get insane health regen, spam the max health upgrade too, with some healing magical books, and you MAY win after FIVE HOURS OF GRINDING!

    What also doesn't help is that, the fucking hit box of your attacks literally missing right in front of you, you can't aim your attacks at all, so when you try to run away from a large group of enemies, well guess what, you are aiming at the horde, and not at the enemies IN YOUR PATH!

    So, are the H-scenes any good? Ehhh, no, they are locked behind this horrible grind, and their quality is okay, but not as fantastic as you would expect.

    For the love of god, load a fucking save for the gallery and do not play this game.
  17. 4.00 star(s)

    A Vex on a Hex

    Gameplay wise : really fun, i found myself forgetting sometimes that this was supposed to be a nsfw game, it's a vampire-survivors style game but with levels instead of enemies always attacking you, it also removes the randomness that vampire survivor has quite a bit , by letting you buy weapons instead of getting them at random, and allowing for as many rerolls as you have money for, the weapons are interesting and items actually change your appearance and i like that in any game
    Visuals : Usually im not a fan of chibi characters but these are quite well made, and every character has a unique design, i've only unlocked 3 but they look really nice, enemies are quite basic but i don't see it as a downside if you compare it to others in this genre
    Dislikes : I think the grind for this game is just the worst part, the gameplay is really fun, but it needs some hours put into it to really enjoy it to the fullest, so i will give it 4 stars, fun game to play