RPGM - Completed - Hungry Noemi [v1.4] [ST Hot Dog King]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Outstanding technically. It's really cool to see what this dev can do. Unfortunately, it lacks any spark to make it either fun or sexy, in my opinion.

    Gameplay systems are somewhat impressive in their depth, but not fun to engage with. Battles for instance, you learn plenty of techniques and have to try to balance your lust, semen intake, and pregnancy progress. Put that along with battle sex and you SHOULD have a really interesting battle system, but it ultimately devolves into mindlessly hitting the attack button 20 times over the course of a repeated battle against 2 commonplace grunts. Over, and over, and over.

    Then there's exploration. Towns and other important locations are done well enough, employ a lot of visual variety and help tell a story visually, but then the people you interact with seem to not notice your infestation or your nakedness. Then there's dungeon delving, you're forced to explore large areas that may as well be procedurally generated(in fact, I'd bet they are, but then patterns were saved as "levels"). The enemies are multitudinous and while it's cool that they have stealth game style view cones to try to sneak around, there isn't much reason to use it, as you can either fight enemies to level up, or simply outpace them by running. All of this feels like it's maybe 70% of the way there, and maybe a good idea or two away from feeling GOOD. But it never does.

    Finally there's scenes. I personally am put off by this author's style, not because the art is bad, but because so frequently, it seems like they feel the need to change the subject matter. Take for example, the legjob animation from a move you learn very early. You use it against human men, and the animation is a leg around a literal eggplant vegetable. Not a penis. Penises do feature in the game, but not in that animation, and there's no story reason why, the artist just didn't want to draw a penis in that scene. It's not particularly funny and does detract from what could be a steamier cut-in. Because of these disconnects, it often feels like the artist doesn't really get how to make things sexy, besides drawing big boobs, which I admit I love a lot. But it all just falls flat.

    3 Stars for the technical talent behind this game. I actually bought this game on itch, but reviewing here.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    First off, just love the world building. Directly referencing a previous game where a strong human empire has spread throughout the land that led directly into the events of Elf’s Revenge. This little intro at the beginning telling us about this elf makes the world feel large.

    Though one thing that was disappointing was how neutral Noemi’s expression is. She looks so casual even as she is having sex with tentacles and humans. Where is the arousal? The warm cheeks? The open mouth moan? her expressions are rather tame throughout her journey.

    The dialogue is also not the best. Could tell that this is a translated game and not the best into English.

    Though do love the part where the curse really does change her. Regular human food no longer satisfies her and instead is replaced by cum and prey. Just love her growing breasts as she feeds.

    The game could have also benefited from having locations where you could take a shower without needing to spend a soap to wash off. Sure, in real life, you need the soap with the water but would have helped players feel efficient to take a shower at rest stops or specific locations.

    I did love the part where you take control of another character and rescue Noemi from the tentacles. That was great. Rather than just doing combat, you had to avoid the tentacles and make your way to save a friend. Showing that Noemi is not invincible and needs the power of friendship.

    Also would have liked different dialogue options for when Noemi leveled up. Only ever saw two dialogue options and would have liked a bit more variety. For example, at the beginning for levels 1-20, she talks about how she got stronger. Levels 40-60, she talks with much more confidence and depending on your sex skills, will change her dialogue.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    This game fulfils a rare niche: vore. So if you're into vore maybe you'll enjoy this game more than I did.

    Story 3/10

    You have an abusive father who sends you out to get beer. You get attacked by some tentacles who incorporate into your body and now you really enjoy eating things from anywhere but your mouth. You go back and eat your dad and you quest to try to fix yourself by following some sorceress.

    There's some war that's going on between humans? and valkyries. It's not super clear who the valkyries are but they have dicks and get birthed as full adults from a big valkyrie's boobs named "mother". Whom you vore. Where does it all go?

    Then you team up with a princess to take down the valkyries and the sorceress. Along the way you find your dead mother's soul and you exchange fluids if you get what I mean.

    Lastly you fight some bug lady thing and go to the bug base.

    The plot is not as complex as I'm making it out to be but it's really all over the place. The MC doesn't have a clear motivation and the writing (or maybe just the translation) is not great.

    Gameplay 2/10

    Pretty standard hrpg. HP/MP/TP attack, guard, item, escape. Lots of battle-fuck options including a vore option. Enemies can break your clothes off and then they start to h you. And if you orgasm? then enemies get a special scene attack on you. This scene can vary from foot fisting to your character getting vored. Getting vored is almost always an instant defeat.

    Beyond character art, the enemies are all pretty much the same with some small variance in terms of abilities.

    The rpg portion is super grindy. Voring nets you a lot of exp but even with that, it's still super grindy. To get better equipment, you need to build it with multiple parts from monsters. So you need to grind monsters just for parts as well as for experience.

    Near the end, when you're taking down the valkyries, there's 2 towers of literal mazes. It's just a maze. And you need to find and hit a switch before you find and ascend the stairs. This was just boring. Then after the 2 towers, you infiltrate a castle which is another maze. Then they make you backtrack out of that castle maze. After that you go to your mom's soulspace thing which is yet another maze. The developer either got bored or ran out of ideas but the end game maps were straight up terrible. That isn't to say the normal maps were much better. Normal maps are way too big with way too much space.

    There's breast expansion in this game. The breast expansion, caused by your worm tentacles, cycles from normal -> enhanced -> maximum -> normal. If you vore an enemy, you nearly instantly advance a breast size (or revert if you were already at maximum). Otherwise your breasts cycle by walking around.

    A special method for the game programming itself. There's a part where if you enter the sorceresses' house for the second time, you get soft locked. Additionally, the game lags. How does an RPGM game lag?!

    Art 5/10

    The art's okay. I'm not into vore but I'm not repulsed by it either. But I'm obviously not the target audience. The voring was just meh to me which is the majority of the content for this game.

    I love breast expansion and there's a good portion of that here. But tentacle breast expansion is just not that great. It's not real breast expansion...

    There's around 50ish base CGIs but very little variation CGIs. The quality of the CGIs are kind of below average as there's never any environment, just a plain gradient background.

    Overall 3/10

    If you're into vore, then this game is for you. I'm not into vore so I didn't find the art compelling. Aside from the vore, the gameplay and story were subpar. The gameplay especially just wasn't that fun. The BE was fun the first couple of times it happened but since it's a set pattern the novelty wore off real quick.
    Likes: 0jbk
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    So here is the thing if you are into this type of fetish , i didn't believe that a game this good could exist this is definitely a game for you ,if not you should still consider getting into it be cause of this game
    Art : the art is this game is not very detailed yet amazing enough , but it will be balanced out with the number of the CGs and variety in them
    Gameplay : just a little bit grindy but i have seen worse , though the gameplay loop is quite enjoyable and with many scenes to unlock ( check the recollection room for tips as soon as you unlock it )
    Story : Decent but nothing special , it is there and at the very least make sense
    Long story short , don't get a 100% save and look through recollection room because you will miss a lot of fun , what this game is offering is gameplay
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Previous games were, half baked, but at least short somewhat. If that can be something redeeming about them.

    This time, it's not only lazy in terms of art but unbelievably grindy. And reward is sex scenes where you can clearly see nipplefuck dick growing to match the boob windows Paint resize. That's how lazy art in this game is.

    Don't bother, grab a save from some poor sod that actually grinded this absolute trash.

  6. 5.00 star(s)


    M̷̨̟̖̞̊Ử̶̢̺̱̭̣̥̪̓̀̆͛̍͘͠͝S̴̨̛̛͓̓́̋̓͂͘͝Ṯ̷̅́̽͑͆̉̈́͜͝͝ ̵̝̔͠͝C̴̛̤͚͓͚̩̪̦̺̿̅͛̾̔̿̈́̽O̸̧̬̔͝N̸̛̛͖̻̤̯͕̩͑̅̚̚͠Ś̴̱͙̫͐̅̍U̶̩̳̦̘̫͕̯̔M̷̰̭̒͗̇͊̂E̶̢̢̢̻̟͇͕͉̘͋̉̐̈́̿̎̆̾̍ ̴̛͈͙̣̰̞͓̙͆̽̉͘͝B̶̢̛͎̫̙̹̳̮͐̽͛̇̕I̸̹̎͂̎͆̀̋͝Ơ̴̢̺̩̳͊͒̍͐͆̆͝M̵͔̪̦̼͍̥̮͗̈̇ͅḀ̷͎̜̙͍͔̖̀́̒̈́S̷͈͍̓̇̆͗͒͘͝S̵͇̝̱͇̤͇̈́̓̐̽̇̈͒͝͝

    Seriously tho this is the most fun I had with an porn game in a while, like most rpg-maker games it gets a little grindy, but I'm getting some serious reverse-horror vives, kind of like the ones from Carrion but with a femme fatale with actual character development, nice representation, really progressive.

    A female lead that is actually more horrifying than the enemies she faces feels fresh and the pacing of the story has good rhythm. That said, the worldbuilding seems kind of inconsistent sometimes, but with so many fetishes that has to be expected.

    This mad lad took his vore, parasite and breast expansion quirks and turned them into actual game mechanics. Nothing to say here other than praises (and I'm not even into those).

    The drawing style reminds me of kaguya-sama for some reason... And that one got an anime adaptation, so I say it works. Animations are just key poses and as a whole the style seems generic, not in a bad way; more like up to usual internet content standards. The audio sounds clean and has variety which is great, I hate the music tho, luckly there is a mute option.

    This developer seems to have a great deal of understanding of game coding enough to actually make an original and cool game, so why stick to mother effing rpg-maker? Seriously with that amount of commitment just use some other better optimized and flexible engine like unity and download a bunch of free top down and turn battle libraries and assets, the end product would have been a lot more refined.

    Other than that 10/10, I'm a fan, would devour the entire world with my massive magumbos again.