VN - Unity - Completed - HuniePop 2 Double Date [v1.1.0 Deluxe Edition] [Huniepot]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Complete stumble backward from the first one. No real progression, nor hidden characters..
    Its a threesome, not a double date. Double date is two couples.
    The art is the same though, so thats good.
    The match 3 seems convoluted but its very simple and easy. It has the illusion of an improvement, smoke and mirrors.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Was going to give 2 stars but realized my expectations may have been a bit high, and it's not a terrible game.
    Main issue is that sequels are supposed to improve on the original and this one doesn't.
    Not a fan of the forced double date mechanic, would like some single date options. The handicapping the girls with baggage is not a fun addition. The gift giving became unnecessarily complex. For some reason, whether you play Male or Female, the MC kind of turned into an asshole.
    Biggest failure though is where most players want more lewd scenes and sexy art, it just isn't there. If anything this one has less sexy stuff than the first one. Pretty disappointing.
    Really should probably take the VN tag off this, as it's only good for the match gameplay, and that's not great.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm giving this an "Average" but it's pretty bad. It's a downgrade from the first game, all in all. It has a handful of girls and a handful of CGs, and those aren't much better than in the first game. The gameplay is tight and works well, but getting one CG with transparency settings after some excruciatingly hard puzzle thing is pretty disappointing.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    I consider this a 2, despite viewing it's predecessor higher.
    It's essentially the first with added unneeded complexity in "game play" and new girls and art but those haven't progressed in talent or content from the first with just a few exceptions.
    Basically it developed where it didn't need to, the game play, and stayed the same in the actual adult content and pic style and quality, so, more grind relative to payout.
    The medium moves on, this series didn't.
    If it wasn't good to have adult games finally being in main stream services like Steam, and I give them credit for that, I'd almost be tempted to give it less.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    The art is pretty good, unfortunately it feel like it's a lesbian game and you are the camera man, you literally never see yourself or any body part of yours, just a disembodied voice, it's heavily implied that you take part in their fun time, but you never see any of it, just the aftermath, the characters are alright, they have some interesting personalities and quirks, but end up pretty shallow compared to the first game, mostly because the game doesn't dig deeper, you get the surface level background on them, some problems they might have but nothing detailed, you just know they have some issues that aren't elaborated on, overall not bad, but disappointing.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    better graphics, better dialogues, smart and refreshing way to play the mini-game and BETTER MUSIC that noone seems to give a shit about. it is counter-intuitive in two ways though: 1) sometimes you can't match an insane quadruple (or more) due to the new mechanics in the minigame, which feels bad if you worked your way through it. 2) sometimes talking to the girls can end up harming your playstyle in the minigame

    but fuck it man, those are worth it, way worth it
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Huniepop, the exact type of game that never warranted a sequel, and the perfect example of everything wrong with most H-games. You spend an immense amount of time playing through what is essentially Candy Crush to get the absolute worst pay-off of "porn" you could ever hope to get.

    The art itself is just passable, especially considering how much time has passed between the first and second game. The art should be better, and far more plentiful, but instead you'll do the same thing the first had you do. Grind out the same game mode for single image rewards.

    All in all, an utter disgrace of an H-game.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Just boring and dumb. Gem matching with tits. No story to speak of, at least not that matters. The CGs would be good, if there was a story along with them. Really just softcore hentai CGs with a puzzle game as a requirement to see them.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    The game is very disappointing, for something everyone was so hyped for...
    The mechanics are nice, you use a lot of ways to improve and and get more points, and stuff, the whole double date is nice, but could be different...
    Most CGs contain half-nudity, and although they're very beautiful, it's very lacking... you can't remove the whole girl's cloth and that's boring...
    By mid-end game, things get way too hard, not in a fun and challeging level, but on a "heck, I can't miss one single line in that 30 minutes challenge..."
    Overall is a "okay" game, I hope we have some nice mods and good DLCs...
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    I found this to be a fairly average game, balancing the good points with the bad ones.

    The actual match-3 game, with the gifts and smoothies etc. is actually decent. For people that just want to play match-3 with some hentai images as a reward, it excels in this a bit. The balancing "double date" and later stages where the difficulty is ramped up can be pretty challenging and fun to succeed.

    As far as adult content goes, this is far less appealable than many games on this forum. The artwork is fine—but with very little buildup after just going on a couple of dates—and no actual descriptions of the act, I wouldn't really recommend this to anyone looking to enjoy the adult aspects.

    Rather than just throwing a picture in your face after completing the bonus game, it needed some sort of text story to go with it. I believe this to be the biggest shortcoming; basically unlocking the image in game is no different than if you were to just look up the image online with no context.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Boring and plain.

    The dialogue and voice overs are sometimes cringy.

    The girls feel generic. The majority of them look ugly and based on cheesy stereotypes.

    No build up whatsoever compared to the first game which is much better on this aspect. From a shy, awkward virgin to a chad who fucks every girl he talks two and it only takes 2 dates. That's just boring and uninteresting unless you're a horny teenager who can't really help himself.

    The puzzles are still challenging but too much dependent on RNG. Just pray that you get more bells than broken hearts. I liked the concept of baggage but the stamina mechanic is awful and broken and completely kills the fun.

    30 minutes of playtime and that was enough for me.

    The biggest disappointment from all of it is that it took them 5 years to come out with this.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    I want to like this game. I didn't mind that the game is more puzzle focused than dating focused and I didn't mind that the art style's a little different. However, I've been playing it for a couple hours now hoping the new mechanics would grow on me, but it didn't. The game had genuinely good ideas, but I felt like the ideas just didn't mesh together well.

    Like others have pointed out, the stamina system is problematic. It's poorly balanced and makes the game tedious to play. You have a maximum of 5 stamina per girl, but anything more complex than a match-three costs 2 or more stamina. Getting a broken hearts combo automatically empties out a girl's stamina. You'll have to survive 3 or 4 turns with the other girl before the girl you pissed off rejoins the date. You have to individually raise both girl's sentiment and affection score or die trying. On top of this, each individual has up to four unique "baggage" which serve as debuffs.
    Individually, these things are somewhat manageable. Together, it's utter dog shit. Here are some of the worse mechanics.
    • One of the girls loses affection if you switch off of her. Good luck crawling out of affection hell.
    • One of the girls deducts 1 stamina for any combo greater than 3. Only divine intervention can save you now.
    • One of the girls will penalize 1 turn from you for playing the same combo consecutively. What's that? you only have 6 turns left to max out your score but both girls share the same preferred attribute? Better make it in 4.

    Also, despite setting Polly to have a vag, her H art still has a visible bulge. I don't know whether this was an oversight or if the devs were lazy or what.

    tl;dr: You're at the mercy of RNG. You'll be praying for bells and hexagons while you resist the urge to disembowel yourself from frustration.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I am... honestly shocked at the negative reception this game is getting. Were it not for everyone complaining "wah wah, the first one was better", I would have thought that no one had played the first game at all, for the degree of nitpicking that is going on here.

    Huniepop2 is no masterpiece, to be sure, but it knows what it wants to be, which is a cheesy dating-sim puzzle game, and it does so with aplomb.

    The gameplay is in my opinion, massively improved. Playing on anything other then easy mode takes an honest effort and some thinking and preperations, which... I can understand turning some people off. I know some people just want to get a nice wank in without having to worry about getting stumped by gameplay. The Baggage feature, for example, while it can be mildly annoying at times, is really cool, changing the way you have to approach every puzzle, and actually bringing aspects of everyone's character into the gameplay, making everyone feel just a tad bit more fleshed out.

    Speaking of the characters, hot damn. Compared to the cardboard cutouts of the first game, the characters here are massive improvments. Sure, they are all still trope-driven horny bitches, but at least they don't make me die a little inside every time they open their mouths. With one exception, all the characters are genuinely fun and lovable this time. The one that isn't, the game itself calls out as being, and I quote "annoying as fuck", which makes me wonder why she is even there in the first place.

    The plot is properly ridiculous too, and there is an actual plot beyond "get laid by everyone" going on, as silly as it is. And boy is it silly. While the first game did have some good humor, most of it was cringe as hell, and bar the aforementioned annoying-as-fuck bitch, the humor in this game is on-point. It had me laughing out loud consistently. A lot of people seem to take a beef with how quickly things progress and characters get to fucking, as compared to the first games slower buildup. But, like... the game takes place at a sex resort. People literally go their to fuck. Can you blame them for fucking?

    The only real complaint I have, and one that is generally shared, is the lack of Kyu action. And the CGs still feel a little off, but they did the first time too, so I can't really complain. As far as RNG goes, you were at its mercy in the first game (and most match-3 games). The stamina and baggage systems just gives people something to point at and complain about. And I feel bad for those people.

    All in all, I am thoroughly impressed by the game, and would recommend it to anyone who liked the first, or otherwise just wants a goofy, lewd experience.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    A disappointing game.

    The only thing that was improved from the 1st game is the puzzle. It's still a Bejeweled type of match 3, but you have an added mechanic of balancing stamina between 2 girls. It's not complex, but also not annoying and it spices the puzzles up just a bit.

    The bad parts are two basic things in this type of game. Porn and story. Now story wasn't groundbreaking in the first game either. It was ok. You meet a girl you want to fuck, but she doesn't know you, so she won't fuck you. So you need to invite her on dates, and she likes you more and more until you fuck. A basic, perfectly fine story. In this game, you meet 2 girls you want to fuck and they want to fuck you. So you fuck. There is no story. And it really brings the game down.

    CGs are another bad thing. They are just 2 girls in weird poses, with optional cum all over. It's not sexy, it just feels strange. Such a shame, this game.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    I wish I could give it 3.5 stars. I am leaning towards 4 stars to balance most other reviews that are rating it so low. This review is more of a rant than a review, and I apologize in advance for that.

    I believe the review from AHentailurker bellow to be nearly perfect.
    Now regarding most other reviewers, they frankly seem to me to be completely delusional.

    You cannot tell me that the characters from Hunie Pop 1 were well fleshed out and well written. They were one dimensional stereotypes, and the most development we ever got out of them was when we first met them and learned the basics of who they were. Similarly, Hunie Pop 1 wasn't really a "porn" game. It was a game with sex in it. Lots of people are complaining how Hunie Pop 1 was more sexy or more engaging in general in terms of erotism, and, while I don't disagree, I think it's way too harsh to call this game worthless simply because of that.

    Now, yes, I don't think people are wrong when they say characters from HP1 felt more... "real", so to speak, than the ones from HP2. This is likely due to the fact that in HP1 having sex with one of them was much more of an ordeal (in the good sense), with us getting progressively closer to them little by little. While in HP2 we have an omega chad who can just have threesomes at the drop of a hat. Yes, I agree, this is downgrade.

    Regarding the erotic content, I also agree that not seeing the girls undress during the "fast connecting" thing is another downgrade, as are the CGs. Admittedly, I haven't seen all CGs for this game yet, but the ones I've seen feel very...lackluster, somehow. It feels as if the girls were deliberately posing for the scene, while in the first game it felt like the artists captured an spontaneous moment during/after the sex.

    What bothers me the most from these reviews, however, is how people are bashing the puzzle system. Look, I don't know about you, but I sure as hell didn't want the 72nd reimplementation of vanilla CandyCrush. Stamina, baggage, separating sentiment and passion for the two girls, the ability to switch between them, all of these are additions that enhance the core basic gameplay, by forcing the player to actually use their fucking head, instead of just matching stuff at random. If you want a more relaxing experience, there is an easy mode. Once again, yes, the specific implementation of the baggage system is weird, as sometimes it completely changes the way you go about things (without affecting difficulty, or even making the game easier) and other times it just makes things harder in a somewhat artificial way.

    The jokes are fine. Same brand of humour we had in HP1. I don't get what these people saying that it got worse are referring to. I like it.

    All in all, it's an ok successor. It's not amazing by any means, and it baffles me how the developer took so long just to implement a handful of new mechanics. Like, he had most of the thing done, from HP1, no? Was it really that difficult just to program in stamina and the other stuff??

    Final score: 3.5/5 - I NEED MORE KYU CG YOU MOTHERFU—
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    I hate the whole random outfit at random locations part.
    I hate the fact that you are basically forced to grind all the Gifts in order to do the final date, without it it's not worth the time.
    The final date was disappointing. Basically they just copy pasted 4 dates and slapped them together. How creative.
    The art for the reward images was... average at best. Almost identical scenes, Body proportions were all over the place and a lot of times i just thought "this is it?"

    overall, a time waster if you have literally nothing else to do. I wouldn't call this a porn game, more of a gacha game with lewd images.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Yikes, tough crowd. I think a lot of people have some rose colored glasses for the first HuniePop, though I haven't played it in years either so for all I know it holds up better than this game.

    A lot of people are complaining about the extra puzzle mechanics: I'm not finding them too crazy, but I'm also not ashamed to be playing on Easy and cheated money so I don't have to grind for gifts. I also had to cheat near the end of HuniePop 1: the fact that the affection requirement keeps going up and up makes it all too possible to hit a wally before the end of the game. You definitely have to play thoughtfully, which might not match up well if you're just trying to get to all the pictures quickly.

    The girls are definitely one-dimensional. The voice acting is good but the writing doesn't always give them a lot to work with. I like Ashley and Abia, but some characters like Suki are annoying on purpose to listen to, which isn't very sexy.

    My least favorite thing is possibly the CGs themselves. There seem to be one for every pairing and they don't have the progression that the first game has, they're all the aftermath of a threesome. But they don't depict the guy, just two girls with funny looks on their faces and spooge everywhere. Once you've seen one you've basically seen them all. This kind of content was more precious when HuniePop 1 came out (for a western game anyway), but now you can play games with gigs and gigs of images, so it feels like a lot of work for not much payoff.

    Maybe I just give game extra credit for being finished, but I think this one is fine. I'm glad at least that it's out so the creator can move on to whatever's next.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    Huniepop 2 is an absolute utter disappointment for every fan of the first 1.

    In the first one you are a shy loner, but thanks to Kyu you slowly building up a relationship or romance in form of talking to girls, finding out their interests , befriend them, go on dates and get rewarded with sexy little private pictures through your phone while progressing. All of it with an intimate moment climaxing in your bedroom.

    It was basically a nice little dating sim with cute, sexy, hot and varying characters and all of it build around a fun but challenging match 3 type gameplay.

    Now in Huniepop 2 you play the omega alpha chad screwing girls left and right on a daily basis, the girls are all dick hungry dogs in heat with lack of charme, you basically screw them after 2 dates and thats it.

    Whats even worse is the abysmal character design. While you can see the time and quality that they poured into them, almost all girls are ugly af and have terrible features that were made just to please as many tastes as possible without restraint. A lot of stereotypes and cringy lines + often terrible va comes also in the package.
    The Emo white girl with ugly tattoos and piercings? They got you covered. The punk chick with mixed hair colour & glasses? They go you covered. And now we even have an ugly weeb and a dickgirl stuck in 1960s that was probably brought into this game per time machine.

    Oh & you all remember the controversy around the dickgirl Polly? Yeah?
    It didnt even matter in the end because you NEVER actually see any private parts of her/him in the game....

    On top of that they even botched the "Gameplay".
    Now you have "Double Dates" and you also have to watch out even more in the match 3, because both girls now have stamina bars that you have to refill while clearing lines and if both stamina bars are down its bye bye even if you have 10 attempts of clearing left.

    But no that isnt even the worst of it. You also get "Handicaps" That basically means all girls have specific restrictions in gameplay like clear specific Tokens and your current girl will be pissed while loosing the whole stamina bar YAY DOESNT THAT SOUND LIKE FUN?

    Its especially fun when you clear more than 5 Tokens and you cant control what comes from top of the grid. You basically get punished for clearing more than 3 tokens which takes out all of the fun and makes progressing a unnecessary hassle.

    Using items is now also a hassle & so unintutive that you dont even know how to use them correctly this time. Doesnt that sound great too?

    Huniepop 2 lacks EVERYTHING that made the first one good.
    Soul, Love and Heart & sadly not even the only good character (Kyu ofc) can save this trash from getting uninstalled after a few minutes.

    Save yourself time & money & just look the CGs up, they are at least better than the actual characters in game but still lack soul and avoid this trash at all costs.

    Oh Yeah i forgot 1 positive thing: The best characters from the first one are not in this game so you dont have to worry about starting to hate them too like this game.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Love yourself enough to have better standards than this frustrating game.

    The design's worse, the art's worse, the women are both written and designed worse. Maybe just "Huniepop again" would have been boring, but it would not have been as actively disappointing and frustrating as this game.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    The artstyle is great. People complaining that its the same as the first one would have complained had they changed it. The girls are fun to talk to since they did great work with the VO. The update they just released made the dates simpler. If you complain about rng... This is a match 3 game of yourse there is effin rng. You cant win every date while others you finish with half the moves left. This is just a fact. The only complaint I have is the lack of 1on1 dates and that it only takes 2 dates to get that sweet sweet threesome. Otherwise Great game would fap again