I feel there should be an FAQ post to answer some of the questions that come up. For example:
Q: Is there nudity?
A: Yes, if you have the DLC workaround working correctly. Most of it is stills but there are over 10 animations. 2 for each of the main girls and two for the side girls.
Q: Is there a new game plus?
A: Currently no, you have to do the best you can in one playthrough. Good luck!
Q: Are the stat requirements for Hard really high?
A: Yes, the original difficulty (Hard now) has some insane requirements. They are achievable, but Elle's 15 Suave requirement is kind of insane. Upside, I personally found Week 1 to be the hardest since you have to do a lot in a short amount of time. Stat checks become more common so free points galore! It is very much a trial and error game though.
Q: How do the endings work?
A: The game itself does not really treat this one correctly. There's an Evil ending, Dark ending, Light ending, and "Ultimate" ending. The Ultimate ending is achieved by *never doing any dark actions* even though the game suggests that you would get this ending by taking a neutral route. It's a bit weird.
Q: How do you find the Easter Eggs?
A: The Easter Eggs only appear in NSFW mode. This means in SFW you will always miss them and it will always feel like a penalty. The reward is a nude in the gallery.
Q: Is there a harem ending?
A: Doesn't seem like it. One girl only and that might be limited to the "Ultimate" ending. So uh... sucks for everyone that isn't Iro I guess lololol.
Q: Art direction seems all over the place.
A: Yes, yes it is.
Q: Does the game always unlock images in the gallery?
A: This seemed to just randomly happen in the original release so it may not apply anymore. Happens with SFW and NSFW images. Use the plugins gallery toggle (F4) if you're confident you should have an image the game is denying you. Only with the gallery unlocker did I just realize that the game over screen didn't show up in the gallery for me, good job game!
Q: Is this game a sequel/prequel to Crush Crush?
A: In theory it's an Alternate Universe, but no one seems sure, especially the game. On the one hand, there are no mentions to "Marshmallow" from Crush Crush. However, Alpha claims that she used to be a "Songaloid" until she was turned into a human (which happens in Crush Crush). Eli also gives you a free $5k on his second date and says it's no big deal because he has a sugar daddy (presumably the MC of Blush Blush). So uh... just go with whatever suits you I guess.
Q: Are there any kinks?
A: Not really, no. Unless you like corpse butt. It's pretty vanilla overall, with one handcuff scene.
Q: Who is in the game and who can I fuck?
A: Not a comprehensive list, can update it later.
Cassie: Lewd on introduction, animated fucks on Dates 2 and 5(?). 5 easter egg stills.
Mio: Lewd between date 3 and 4, animated fuck on Date 1 and 5. 5 easter egg stills.
Quill: Lewd on introduction/Date 1 (they're basically one event), animated fuck on Date 3 and 5. 5 easter egg stills.
Elle: Fuck on Date 4 and 5. 5 easter egg stills. Lewd on Date 5 if you do the date over the phone.
Iro: Lewd on Date 1, fuck on Date 3 and 5. 5 Easter egg stills.
Bonnibel: No lewds, fuck on date 2 and 3. 2 animations for fuck 3!
Eli: Fuck on Date 1 and Date 2.
Alpha: Fuck on Date 1 and 2.
Fumi: Two sex scenes.
Lotus: No fucks. There are events where she is bikini and on Eli's second date you can get her in lingerie. That seems to be as close as that gets.
Everyone else: I'm leaning towards "Nope" on everyone else. Just not a thing.
Peanut: Appears in one scene! You don't get shit.
That's all I got for an FAQ for now, hopefully someone will find it helpful. I know I saw some repeated questions here and maybe I'll add to it later.