VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Hypnosis Experiment [v1.0] [#define]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    John Malcom

    4.6-4.7/5, if you want a hypnosis game or getting into the genre, id say this is a safe bet, the scenes are pretty good, the story is just about mc in school, mc is a monk and he learned hypnosis from the Internet and tv-shows, mc's ability develops along the game, Story has 2 endings I'd say, maybe 4 depending how you like love vs lust for each of the two girls, ending is choosing to follow one of the girls, you can't really fail to beat the game, all the choices mainly slightly change the scene that plays (again love vs lust), game is somewhat short, in a couple or few hours you can 100% everything.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I have to admit that hypnosis is not really my fetish, but I really admire how the author on this really made it the complete centerpole of the game. In most hypnosis manga or games, the hypnosis is just a magic gem that instantly makes anyone do whatever you want (all the 'hypnosis app' crap).

    In this game, hypnosis is everything. You'll get to live with the MC as he discovers his hypnosis powers and develops them, and tests them on the heroines... and it's really a slow burn. There are also two extremely different routes that branch very early, so it's almost like you're getting two games in one, though at the end they both come together.

    This is not a nukige. There's a lot of buildup and relationship building, so there is a ton of reading, which I enjoyed, but if you're just here to fap then just move on.

    I'm knocking a star off for the graphics, which are fairly retro (it is an old game), but I'd really like to thank @JustXuX for the translation and porting. Again, this is not my fetish, but in spite of that I still found it fascinating and am glad I played it.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    So, this is a very specific kind of game. The kind that has "Hypnosis" in the title, and is a straight VN with minimal choices. The hypnosis-content is what you're here for, and the game doesn't really offer anything else.

    The plot is some high-school vanilla-romance pulp. MC-kun gets a full personality in this, but sadly the two girls need do with half-a-personality each. The school-scenes could probably be written by AI these days.

    Translation is bland, with some awkward typos, though obviously you shouldn't judge too harshly with a labour of love like this.

    The actual draw here are the hypnosis-scenes, which are "realistic", while still being idealized. If you have this kind of specific thing for the process and fantasy of MC, then you are the target audience. It's the exact thing that makes this story worthwhile. Hypnosis is not just a means to an end, but a key theme in this. Be aware, though, that the game takes a very "dubious consent" -stance on sex, and despite the vanilla aesthetic, the sexual content itself can get rough really quickly. Japan being Japan, basically.

    Overall a rough experience that will only please MC/Hypno enthusiasts. I personally leave the text on auto and do something else while the filler-scenes are playing out.