Unity - Completed - Hypnosis Reimu [v1.13] [Pyon-Pyon-Pyon]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    actually really good game, wont be giving any tips cuz its easy to start and progress, you get a lot of fetishes to play around with, some customization is available but not as much as i would like, that's the only criticism
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I love this game.
    The amount of stats may bother some people and I understand that, but the music, art, and game style really worked for me. I find the character Personality and each form of Reimu is well thought out as well as the amount of lewd actions you can preform! People claim the game is a grind: it's a simulation game.

    My biggest complaint is when you Preform too many actions with Reimu laying down the game will have a (Dialogue?) Data leak and each action will lag more than the last until you press 'finish' - 1 star.
    Still a great game though!
  3. 4.00 star(s)

    Noah Neim

    Honestly surprisingly good
    I expected a fan service game that's completely carried by the fact it's about a popular character

    A nice short 2 or so hour trainer experience
    Altough i wish that the mechanics had more depth, atleast the game doesnt constantly blue ball you, if you're a tiny bit patient in the beginning you can get most of the content very eariy
    I wish there are more customization options, reimu only has her shrine maiden outfit, it would've made things better
    same with positions, missionary is just boring if it' the only thing
    Then there's the lack of a narrative, maybe im asking too much from a gooner game?

    Animated cgss are good, and the art style is just "slutty" which works out for this game, nothing to complain about there
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Holy smokes how poorly was this game coded to be using 7 GB of RAM? (Do feel obligated to edit and point out this is likely a memory leak and can be temporarily 'fixed' by simply closing the game. Still. It's a really bad leak to be noticeable so fast, in my unprofessional opinion.)

    That issue aside, it's a pretty good hypnosis corruption game. A bit ambiguous about the "fail" condition but easy enough to figure out and achieve. Entertaining enough, not too long, pretty linear. However, I personally found it getting a bit stale before finishing. A lot of repetition of actions without a whole lot of variance in what you can do to accomplish your goal in the game. There's some, but you really can't do much other than harass/corrupt her in her room for half the game, and then a handful of options once she can accompany you around the place, but still not a lot.

    Overall, 4/5 stars as a game. But between the somewhat lackluster long-term play and the absolutely absurd amount of memory it can start using, gonna have to go with 3/5 stars.
    Likes: BakaG
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Upgrade hypnotic potency!

    Its a good game, if you know what's your goal. TBF I failed a few times not understanding what was the problem. But when I focused on upgrading hypnotic potency - everything went smooth.

    - trainer with a few dozen of stats to manage
    - animated sex scenes with internal view
    - usage of sex toys
    - all forms of sex + a few kinks.
    - endless respawn keeping your items, for those who failed to reach the goal. It makes every new try alot easier.

    - just 1 girl to hypnotize
    - Game ends when you reach end goal, it doesnt let you play further.
    - Main goal is easy to miss, if you tend to skip text in games.

    Overall its a nice game for a few hours of gameplay.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Reminds me of one of those era games, though this is one of the more straightforward ones with only one girl, and it's also more polished with how everything is translated and has visuals. I only got the bad end once, though I did have previous experience and I've heard some others had more trouble. Also, I encountered a bug during sex where things would get super laggy. Beyond that, some people might find the rewards for winning underwhelming? Other than that, it's a decent era game that's simple and easy to get into.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun, short game about corrupting Reimu from Touhou. High quality animation and sound.

    I recommend translating the txt guide that comes with the game. The most important thing is: doing things without setting the mood will greatly set back progress. There is very little grind if you use common sense.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    You click on the same boxes over and over again to make numbers go up. That's it. It is also really easy to fail repeatedly without knowing why because the game does not explain anything to you. You have to figure out what everything does on your own. I played for over an hour and still don't understand what the upgrades are actually doing.

    The art and animations is the only redeeming quality for this "game."

    It feels like this could have just been released as a series of animations instead of as a game. As far as I can tell every option is available right from the start so there is not even any reason to engage with the grindy mechanics. There is no real payoff.
    Likes: BakaG
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    I have no clue why people are raving about this, even people rating it 5 stars admit it has a lack of content and is grindy and repetitive. You can see pretty much everything the game has to offer in the first 10 minutes. You're able to force her into having sex with you extremely early and make her do whatever you want so the corruption portion feels pretty meaningless. There's no feeling of developing a relationship, you basically just turn her into a fuck doll on day 1 and she becomes a sluttier fuck doll over time. There's an extremely limited amount of sex options which are all available right from the beginning.

    While the little that is there looks good and it has nice voice acting, it's still just a grinding simulator where you repeat the same 1 sex scene over and over and over again. Overall one of the least interesting trainer games I've seen. If you're going to bother with this, either get a full save or use cheats to ignore the grind as you are not going to be missing anything of value.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    This is a poor grinding simulator that has only one sex scene, and you can see it in the game images.

    All other instances of +18 scenes are poor and just uninteresting, considering the insane amount of time you have to grind the same exact actions for them. If you are curious if there are limits to upgrades, there aren't. They just get to such a high price, even with cheats. It's annoying.

    Would not reccomend any legit play of this clicker simulator.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    High quality trainer-game that's actually worth your money.


    One handed gameplay: Game is 100% playable with one hand.

    Tons of options: Various toys and service positions.

    Dialogue that changes with hypnosis level and type: Yup, the extent of hypnosis and type will affect Reimu's dialogue and it's really good.

    Voice acting: Top notch.

    Scenes/Situations: Quite a few, more unlock as you progress further. Makes progression worthwhile.

    Modifications: Modifications range from breast size , clothing changes to futanari, there's really quite a few options.

    Story: Not much to say here. Simple and straight to the point, great if you just want to fap.


    Grindy: Took me up to New Game +2 to finally hit the final hypnosis level that doesn't trigger the bad end. There'll be alot of clicking you'll need to do to get to the good end and it really takes awhile. Though it's offset partially by the progression being worthwhile.

    Lack of actual sex positions: While i mentioned a ton of options, end of the day there's only really 3 sex positions: Missionary, Cowgirl and Doggystyle. Cowgirl and Doggystyle can only be viewed during scenes. Missionary is the default and only sex position in the training portion of the game

    Messy UI: Playing for the first time, you'll be intimidated by the various stats and options. Entire UI feels messy and could have been organized better. For example to check what requirements you need to raise a certain stat level, you have to compare the requirements, to the mess of text at the top of the option box, it gets really annoying at times.


    Despite its flaws I cannot give this any less than 5/5. It is grindy yes, but the grind is tied to the sex, there's no pointless quests or irrelevant bloat quests to artificially inflate playtime. Progression is tied to sex and it is worth it.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    I´ve already played this game so heres my review:
    • Great game and dinamics
    • Lot of scenes and variations which every one is good
    • Good story-line and kinda immersive
    • Intuitive and easy to enjoy
    Only problem being is that is kinda grindy to get all the upgrades to see those scenes so -1 star for that
    Likes: BakaG
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Praise the Sun420

    Game in which you do what the title says you do. The 4 different hypnosis types in the overview change how she reacts to your commands as well as the rate in which certain stats increase. Fairly easy to get into the swing of it, and once you figure out what you're doing and buy some items at the store on the grounds it can become literally impossible to game over, you can also increase your action limit by training in the backyard.
    It was a nice touch that they kept Reimu's initial proportions instead of those hilariously large breasts most artists seem to slap on her. You CAN increase her breast size, but the game doesn't force you to.
    I THINK the game over is triggered by either Reimu running out of stamina or by not unlocking the next level of hypnosis fast enough, but if you do game over you keep all your items, gold, and your action limit as a new game + but if you're going to do that, and you end up with a really high action limit you're going to use I suggest using a Auto Clicker cause you'll get some wrist damage, and not in the intended way.
    Only gripe I had was the skills you unlock seemingly don't effect much other than the rate in which the numbers during the day increase and some small text changes... I didn't notice any new events anywhere so that was a bummer
    TLDR: Short hypnosis training game in which you increase stats in order to get higher Hypnosis control over her personality. Fairly well done for this type of game, and i think they accomplished what they set out to do with the game so 5*s
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Since i have already bought and played this game i can just give my honest rating:

    I actually really, really like the voice acting in this game, i tend to avoid some voiced games since i fell not all voices go well with the character and the setting of the game. This one nailed Reimu very well in my opinion. The voice is also incredibly hot so well done to both the actress and the circle's choice of voice.

    Quality-wise the game is outstanding. The art is really amazing and it's very cute too, i love cutesy stuff so that's a big, fat plus for me.

    Speaking of 'big, fat' things... this game futa which is basically my main fetish, my 'to-go' jerk material. Even if the futa content is not the main thing, it's well done and well implemented so if you like futa, you are liking the futa content here.

    Now, the game had mind control, it IS the main point of the game. I'm not a fan of mind control, don't really like characters acting slutty because of forced mind alterations and find it way hotter if they are slutty out of corruption or their own volition. BUT, if you like mind control you are going to have a blast here... there's different personalities that you can mind control Reimu into having, so you can enjoy some options.

    And speaking of Reimu, it's a shame that the game don't go all-in into armpit play. Reimu's armpits are basically her hottest point for me.

    And finally, gameplay. It's simple and straight to the point which is good and bad. Like a lot of similar games to this one, it gets a little boring after some time. You can enjoy the art and the hot voice acting, but the options for sex are limited to a few and after burning throught most of them you will feel that 'it's the same thing only with different personalities'. The game is good for a quick nut if nothing else and i doubt it was made to be anything else.

    Anyways, i highly recommend playing this and buying it to support the circle. The other game of them is also amazing and is also using Touhou.