Seeking I am looking for the title of an adult game wherein:


New Member
Mar 26, 2022
You play an a male character who lives with her sister and mother and, his mother decided to live in a new city because of her work. After that, you met with a friend which your sister met from a social media platform in the game which are the twin sisters that are working in their own very coffee shop. Some time have passed, the twin sister which the MC liked went to visit her in the coffee to know her better. After that, I forgot about it but from what i can tell is that the game ended with the mc, her sister and the twin sisters playing truth or dare with a twist that involves alcohol?

Oh and before that, they celebrated her sister's birthday? Or her mother idk i forgot lol

Oh the twin sisters have different personality being the short one is being rude to the MC and the other having romantic feelings toward the MC.

Anw, if u can help me pls drop the title as i want to play the game if it has been updated or not
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