RPGM - Abandoned - I Can't Start a New World with My Family [v1.00] [Impreganator Games]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Well, this has been arguably one of the worst games I've played on this site, and I rarely post/say anything. I'm much more the lurker type, so when I'm deciding to say something, that means I really mean it.

    To start things off, the navigation is horrible. The maps are 99% linear, you have slow, and not as slow.

    Secondly, the UI is god awful. You can only save by resting at the camp, which is also what heals you. But wait, if you rest in the camp by yourself, you will not heal your companion. The companion has to be in your party to be restored. The kicker? It auto-removes whoever was your companion when you rest. By the way, once you start a sex scene, you sit there. And you watch. You can't click, you can't escape (other than ALT+F4 or closing the game.) You just have to watch as the scenes very, slowly, change, to, the, next, scene. With new text. Repeat ad-as-many-times-as-your-masochism-permits. By the way : Your armor options are limited, your weapons are limited until area 4, and there are no accessories. Nor are there any abilities that use TP. Huh.

    Next, the combat is an atrocious "Hold Z to win." Not only that, you stack defense, you win. Nothing can hurt you. Oh it gets better, all status ailments do not miss. You can literally cripple anything and everything.

    Your choices also do not matter. Play the last fight, and it auto-impregnates all the girls. Even if you didn't do so before hand.

    On that note, you can't even tell your progress in the girls relationship. It's just blindly checking every now and then, leveling them up, and giving gifts which you have no idea if they're working or not.

    Here's another fun bit, I was able to access the option to impregnate them before I could even choose to have sex with them.

    But really, just skip. Skip this game, save yourself the annoyance and grind.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    I'm going to ignore the stolen assets because that actually doesn't matter and I didn't consider it for this as theres plenty of 3D games on this site that do the same thing.

    This game even if you like the fetishes it caters to is really bad.

    It has all of the sins of a bad RPGM game:

    • overly grindy in an attempt to create the illusion of content
    • typo ridden writing
    • combat that is overly complicated in a bad way... to play optimally you need to use certain girls against certain mobs, but it doesn't tell you who to use and there isn't enough avilable easy mobs to level all the girls.

    The one bright spot here is the (censored) art, but the scenes themselves are buried inside webm files that scroll automatically at random speeds so you either are stuck watching something for like 10 seconds longer than you need or it scrolls too fast to read.

    So the dev managed to fuck up the one bright spot they had going.

    This is also ignoring the fact the dev put no effort at all into the backgrounds or anything like that.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Hey whoever made this should had boss area teleported invented to make game play enjoyable.
    There nothing enjoyable about this game.
    Incest heavy. I think two things you can do you can have robot modify all family related characters and make them no your family. Self modify relatives to they have different personalities, other thing that annoyed me while playing was stats of main male character never increased, his age I don't know how old he was so I guess he was under age way his mother kept on calling her young boy made feel it was shotacon and I felt sick.

    there is game I nearly played but I felt deleting felt better. This game if wants survive being downloaded then deleted many times I think they should fix probably game play, teleportation means and base camp upgrade so players don't feel mobs are on time experience. I think players should be able return returnable mobs power up before meeting more mobs.

    Viral slime are unbeatable?? Did anyone see that?

    Weapon and gear never levels up? Mom and sister when you rest in tent never heal on their own?

    Please add additional content as I said before add this game to either Itch.io or steam. Because no one going play your game.

    there also area you need to spell check and some places where family people call hero teenager? Disclaimer reads everyone are 18 years of age or above so I kind annoyed they should probably change some wording just a little bit.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I just played the latest version which is 0.15 and I will start by saying:
    I don't care if it's stolen cg I hope it will be a story like it's promised to be continue your job I will awaits your updates!
    Like the post linked in description said you can't have a artist for a new and take your time to make it good!
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Version 0.15

    The game consists of artificial grind to increase playtime to I guess instill some degree of accomplishment when you are given a reward. As for scenes available, they are okay but the game is still too early but shows promise. Game is alright as long as you don't try throwing too much logic at it and are into the themes presented. Progession with the girls is unlocked by beating bosses in each area but the game fails to tell you this.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    There seems to be a lot of controversy around this game right now so I decided to be the explorer for anyone who doesn't care and just wanted free porn. I must say in it's current state, it's not worth compromising your ethics for. There's only 2 scenes which you can currently access (both with the same girl), the gifts you can buy are useless because you can't give them to any of the girls, and you can't even grind to get ready for more content because the 2 areas with monsters don't respawn. According to the files there should be more than 5 areas we should have access to (I'm counting the starter platform), but if there are there is no hint as to how to reach them.

    tl:dr; not currently even worth the stink it kicked up. And if earlier posts about this dev abandoning games pathologically are true, then lets just all forget about this and move on.