I love Porn (my Story) - the Exit


May 17, 2017
Hello F95 Friends,

Im completely hooked on porn.

I dont eat, dont wash, dont clean, just... love porn.
Not even sure I even like jacking off, i just really like looking for the next thrill.

And I believe that is super wrong and I desperately need to do something about it.

Here is an overview of my story:
Ive been pretty succesful with the ladies, not with relationships, just with ladies.
Absolutely gorgeous drop dead beautiful women have came to my bed.

Problem was... they were not porn, how am I supposed to jack off? I need to put it in you? I mean... sure, I can make you my personal pornstar, you look amazing, but... ok, this should be nice, though not as aroused as when watching porn. So I put my dick in you... and it completely fails to stand up for attention. Im like WHAT?! COME OOOON, THE WOMAN IS GORGEOUS, AMAZING BODY, AMAZING LIPS and EYES. WHAT ELSE DO U WANT, DICK?!

But then, this one gorgeous woman, after taking out of her a most flaccid cock, she starts jerking me off... and suddenly it felt good. And im WAIT?! why does her hand feels better than her mouth or vagina?!

Thats when I discovered Death Grip Syndrome (DGS) exists.
I searched online, and what the hell, its actually a thing.
Why is no one thaught about this? In schools?!

I tried to stay away from jacking off and porn until the next real encounter, however my brain super craved for it. It was so hard to stay away.

But the girl, dissapointed in my performance and my desperate demeanor to have her come back, never came back....
Until I gave into porn at full power again, and next day she came and I performed even worse than first time.

This happened recently, but its been almost always like this...
Gorgeous women dissapointed by not being able to perform or run away from sex entirely just not to dissapoint.

Damn, if i functioned properly I could ve had some Bilzerian harem shit...
Seems girls REALLY love the way I debate (dunno, i just read a lot) + earn good money and have nice body.

Now my only purpose is to get rid of this dark self, this hard developed anxiety and depression
and pursue a path that brings out the man I know I can be.


I post this thread for your help and to advise me if what I want to do is a good idea:

I want to delete ALL my porn collection with former ladies/girlfriends I had (yes, I convinced quite a lot they are my personal pornstars).
Like years and years of girls getting dirty for me on camera. DELETE EVERYTHING.

Delete this account on F95, delete cookies/history and everything that might become a trigger to watch porn.

Cut ties with the girls that take my mind to those places. (bad dirty girls that cheat on their husbands).

Basically... I want a new life, one that I owe to myself!

And only way I see myself returning to F95 is getting a girlfriend that wants to play VNs together.
(maybe make this a challenge for me?)

What would you guys advise me? Should I do it?