...14 hours and 14 minutes and we still going...
When rendering a single image it can be normal that it takes many minutes or hours, but when making animations you have to take into account the optimization of the scene so that each image (each frame) takes the minimum.
You can do that:
- Deleting/hiding objects that are not shown in the animation (save a backup before); better to delete them because the scene occupies less memory in your graphics card, if you hide them they still occupy memory.
- Avoid, if you can, having reflective surfaces (mirrors) or translucent surfaces (windows) as this can greatly increase the rendering time.
- With individual images is normal to use higher resolutions but for animations a resolution of 1920x1080 is sufficient.
- Keep the scene well lit, but avoid using too many points of light; DAZ has to calculate all collisions/reflections of those lights and that greatly influences the rendering time.
- The rendering options are also very important... I don't know if you are using the "Rendering Quality Enable" in ON or OFF. Leave it ON and 95% (default) is the usual, but sometimes with animations you can set it OFF and assign yourself the iterations you want for each frame. Before rendering the whole animation render a single frame and check how many iterations have enough quality and how long it takes, so you will have an idea of how many iterations you have to put and how long it will take the whole animation to finish.
Last but not least... What graphics card do you have (and how much VRAM memory)? Because another possibility for it to take so long is that the scene has exceeded the capacity of your VRAM, and in this case DAZ will render with your CPU, not with the GPU, and this will make it take much longer to render.
(To check this, you can use the free program GPU-Z; in the "sensors" tab you can see if the GPU is being used for rendering and how much VRAM memory is occupying the scene).