I really do want to make a porn game...


Sep 15, 2017
I honestly want to make a femdom game since it's more for the niche audience. I find that porn game developers back away from it because of the criticism they get for adding something like "femdom" in their game. Like, I'm fine with it if a huge majority of the people who play this game genuinely does not like femdom content. But it's those idiots who go onto the threads of a porn game that has a "femdom" tag on it, and expressing their distaste for that stuff. We're still stuck in this ongoing problem with a very small amount of western game developers who can actually make a decent femdom game, while the Japanese game developers are still the absolute king of it. Most of the femdom games made from a western developers are either really low quality dumb shit or something that is just abandoned before actual content starts. I really do want that to change in the future, but I can't keep twiddling my thumbs and waiting for it to happen. If I want it to happen, and if I want to try and make people try to like femdom more, I might as well try my hand at it.

So I may try and give it a go. Gonna try and start small. I'll try a small project first before starting a big project. Can you guys give me some advice? Recommend me some videos I should watch. I will be completely new to game development. I just need to learn how to use Ren'py. I also wanna learn how to do renders like Dr PinkCake.
Nov 21, 2020
For the type of renders you want, you need to learn Daz 3D. The Daz Studio is a pretty complicated piece of software that will take some time to get used to. Sadly I cannot give much advice since I haven't used it that much myself, but there should be plenty of tutorials on YouTube. You also need a good PC to render the images with Daz and (I believe) an Nvidia GPU is recommended.
Note that Honey Select 1/2 is still an option that doesn't require you to be as experienced, but of course comes with multiple limitations. However, you don't need to render every image inside of it so you don't necessarily need the best PC.

Also, who cares about people who only know how to complain. Nobody even takes them seriously. My advice to you is to stick with the base themes of your game throughout its entire development. If you want to add a fetish that is controversial afterwards, make it OPTIONAL. In other words, if the main theme of your game is femdom, stick with it until the end. If you want to add NTR on top, make it optional. And by optional I don't mean "skip scene", give the player the option to avoid that situation from happening in game.

Developing a game is no small feat. It takes consistency, dedication and, most importantly, passion. If you don't enjoy developing your game then you will get burned out and abandon it. There are so many abandoned games on this site that you can't even keep count anymore. So think carefully before starting a project.


Active Member
Dec 4, 2018
Can you guys give me some advice?
Spend more time planning than you think you should. There's plenty of tips and advice in the developer section. When you do tutorials, don't just type what they tell you to type, actually think about what you're doing. A good tutorial will tell you what it's going to do before it does it so you should pause and think about how to do it before being told. If you don't know, try looking it up. If you can solve problems yourself, you'll be far better off than someone just typing what they're told.


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2021
I didn't really understand the text. Do you want to create a game with a female protagonist ? If you are not a woman and not a gay mtf, then it is better not to do this. I'm already tired of these supposedly female games, where a woman behaves like a man in a skirt. Do you want to create a purely female game ? Watch the movie 'Captives 1997'. Men are sick of it, and if you can stand watching it, then you are worthy of creating women's games. No lesbians. Without female domination. Without all this teenage boyish nonsense.


I Was Once, Possibly, Maybe, Perhaps… A Harem King
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Game Developer
Aug 17, 2019
I didn't really understand the text. Do you want to create a game with a female protagonist ? If you are not a woman and not a gay mtf, then it is better not to do this. I'm already tired of these supposedly female games, where a woman behaves like a man in a skirt. Do you want to create a purely female game ? Watch the movie 'Captives 1997'. Men are sick of it, and if you can stand watching it, then you are worthy of creating women's games. No lesbians. Without female domination. Without all this teenage boyish nonsense.
That's not what he/she meant. They want to create a game. Female domination of a male or another female. As for men writing from a female point of view, I suppose it's fair enough to say you shouldn't write from the POV of a woman if you aren't one. But if you have enough experience with women, sexually and psychologically, you can get a good grasp on how they think and the reasoning for a lot of their decisions. That's where a lot of female-protag games/VNs fail.

Pretentious Goblin

Devoted Member
Nov 3, 2017
Eh, I'm not so sure I believe in modes of thinking that come down to "man" or "woman". I can't empathize with most male protags, nor would I act that way in their situation. Maybe I'm just a weirdo, in fact I know I am, but unconventional approaches to social interactions and sexuality do legitimately occur in some people, so they can occur in fictional characters too. Now of course, if everyone defies gender norms in a setting that doesn't justify it, that can be immersion-breaking.

In any case, setting the story in a sci-fi or fantasy setting should deter any claims of being unrealistic or whatever. Maybe you can make a point that a "girl next door" character set in the present day isn't acting the part, but who is to say that a scarred barbarian who was raised by orcs should behave anything close to modern gender norms?
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Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2017
Do you want to create a game with a female protagonist ? If you are not a woman and not a gay mtf, then it is better not to do this.
As for men writing from a female point of view, I suppose it's fair enough to say you shouldn't write from the POV of a woman if you aren't one.
Do we really have to import this ridiculous new social justice standard to porn games now, as well? The assertation that you can only write from a character's perspective if you're of the same gender/race/culture is not only childish but incredibly toxic. Obviously, if you share a character's background you will have more insight, but to pretend that it can't be possible to even begin to imagine what a person who is different from you might act and feel like is so fucking stupid that it makes me lose faith in humanity.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Do we really have to import this ridiculous new social justice standard to porn games now, as well? The assertation that you can only write from a character's perspective if you're of the same gender/race/culture is not only childish but incredibly toxic.
Anyway isn't this just plain stupid ?

An adult game it's a MC and characters (s)he'll have sex with. Therefore, unless it's a gay/lesbian game, there's always a moment when the author will have to write a character that don't share his gender. And it's not just a question of gender, a 20yo boy do not talk/think/act like a 50yo grown man. An American do not talk/think/act like an European. An introvert do not talk/think/act like an extrovert. And so on.
If an author should only write about what (s)he is, then most of them should only be authorized to write characters (main or secondary) that are cis 20-30yo white heterosexual occidental men. Then the scene would be plain boring, full of pub simulator where characters would talk a lot about sex, but never ever do it.
And be careful, writing "Suzy preferred this douche of Adam to me who tenderly love her. She's just a whore who want to be fucked !", is already borderline. You're writing about the motivations of a character that don't have your gender, you shouldn't, because you don't know how a girl think, and therefore what her motivation can be.

Just plain absurd !

Of course, it's easier to write about what you are, but it doesn't mean that it's impossible to imagine what you aren't.
Of course, there's risk that you go full cliché if you write about what you aren't, but this doesn't mean that you shouldn't be authorized to do it.


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2021
Anyway ~ to do it.
It's not about forbidding writing on behalf of the opposite sex, but on the contrary, to teach. Because guys don't know how to do it. They write only about themselves. Even when they write on behalf of a woman who would vomit from the very sight of such a 'writer'
A classic example is the DamagedCode. His female character Gail is surrounded on all sides by 100% losers, nerds and freaks and she does not feel sick. She takes it normally. Any real woman would not tolerate so many freaks around her.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Because guys don't know how to do it.
Wow... Please, warn before dropping such bomb ! Learning at 50yo that I'm not a guy is not a small revelation !

It's not because too many authors on the scene don't know how to write, and therefore even less how to write about the opposite gender, that it can be made a generality.

Humanity have, lets say that it started with Greek Plays, two and half millennium of writing... If effectively "guys [didn't] know how to do it", they wouldn't (alas) represent near to 90% of the authors we remember.

Any real woman would not tolerate so many freaks around her.
You see, this removed all relevance to what you wrote before. There's women who would perfectly tolerate this, and I can assure you that they aren't less "real woman" because of this ; I even know one that can be a real lady when she want.
Nov 21, 2020
The fact that men can write from a woman's standpoint is true when it comes to professional writers. Most of the game devs on here arguably are not professional writers. In fact, it's pretty standard for even pros to struggle to write good female characters. There are many TV shows and anime that struggle to portray females and instead always resort to a basic personality.

Nobody ever said that it's impossible to write a female character if you're a male. There are many examples that prove otherwise. HOWEVER, statistically speaking, those examples are exceptions rather than the norm. Therefore it's logically sound to assume that most men are too inexperienced or straight up incapable of portraying a woman's train of thought accurately. Again, that doesn't mean everyone, it means the average.

The difference between male and female is sexuality. And because of that, the minds are inherently different. It's not speculation or opinion, nor is it toxic, it's just the way of life and a scientific fact.
The main character is a vital part of the story because it's the character you will spend most of the time watching without a doubt. Therefore, writers can somewhat get away with writing bad female side characters, but for MCs it becomes unpleasant and obvious since you have all the time in the world to notice the cracks in their personalities.

Considering all of these aspects AND the fact that porn games focus on exactly what sets females and males apart (sexuality and sex), it's not far-fetched to assume that it would be a bad idea for a man to write a woman female character.
Additionally, the people who complain talk from personal experience from what I've seen.


Active Member
Aug 8, 2017
:coffee:if you need renders for some femdom stuff(especially if its female doms male) i can do some
And there is catastrophically small amount of femdom games so you will definitely get support/fans
just my 2 cents
Apr 24, 2020
I find it deeply ironic that people complain about men writing women because of a supposed lack of understanding of their viewpoint, yet completely ignores the fact that the game is going to target the sexual fantasy for certain men.

Please go outside more if you have any expectations of porn games preparing you for what's it's like to interact with real women. It's just fantasies meant to give the players a dopamine rush, not biographies.


Sep 15, 2017
It's come to my attention that people are not fully understanding the term 'femdom'. It's a genre in porn where the woman has full control over control over a man, thus the man is dominated. It does not mean I'm going to make a game in a woman's perspective. I will be writing the game in a man's perspective.

For the people who actually have the brain capacity to understand what femdom is and have given me some advice, I appreciate it. Thank you.

Pretentious Goblin

Devoted Member
Nov 3, 2017
It's come to my attention that people are not fully understanding the term 'femdom'. It's a genre in porn where the woman has full control over control over a man, thus the man is dominated. It does not mean I'm going to make a game in a woman's perspective. I will be writing the game in a man's perspective.

For the people who actually have the brain capacity to understand what femdom is and have given me some advice, I appreciate it. Thank you.
You can have femdom with a female protag doing the domming. You can also have femdom with a female protag getting dommed by another female character.
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Nov 21, 2020
I find it deeply ironic that people complain about men writing women because of a supposed lack of understanding of their viewpoint, yet completely ignores the fact that the game is going to target the sexual fantasy for certain men.

Please go outside more if you have any expectations of porn games preparing you for what's it's like to interact with real women. It's just fantasies meant to give the players a dopamine rush, not biographies.
Just because it's fantasy it means that people don't have the right to complain or criticize? Badly written characters can definitely ruin immersion. And there are people who play the games for more than just jacking off. How else would you explain that the most popular games on this site all have good stories and good characters?

You know what I find deeply ironic? People who tell others to go outside on a forum dedicated to porn games.
Way to take the moral high ground without saying anything meaningful.


Aug 27, 2018
Прочитал насчёт игры и комментарии. Действительно Honey Select 2 намного проще чем DAZ, можно сделать такую же картинку как и в DAZ но при этом не затратить столько ресурсов для рендеринга. Создание персонажей и обстановки не требует навыков программирования. Сам сделал игру под названием Detektiv которая размещена на этом сайте. Там есть и картинки и видео вставки если интересно посмотреть возможности студии. Ren'py изучается по ходу создание игры когда ищешь именно то чего нужно сделать, так как полностью навыки занимают большой объём. Простая для начала игра с выборами делается легко.

I read about the game and comments. Indeed, Honey Select 2 is much simpler than DAZ, you can make the same picture as in DAZ without spending so many resources for rendering. Creation of characters and environments does not require programming skills. I made a game myself called Detektiv which is posted on this site. There are also pictures and video inserts if you are interested in seeing the studio's capabilities. Ren'py is learned along the way when you are looking for exactly what needs to be done, since all skills take up a lot of space. A simple game of choices to get started is easy.
Apr 24, 2020
Just because it's fantasy it means that people don't have the right to complain or criticize?
The dude just wanted to make a porn game because of the low quality of the existing ones and seem to believe that the heavy criticism is what keeps the good writers away, and would you look at what happened here. The guy instantly gets bombarded with criticism about his potential writing capabilities without anything to base it on.

Is his first game going to suck? Most likely, but why be a Debbie downer about it when he's just asking for help to start? We've all been beginners at one point.

How else would you explain that the most popular games on this site all have good stories and good characters?
I would disagree with Milfy City and Summertime Saga having well written female characters (I don't know about about Being a DIK), just to take the top 3. They are above average for sure, but also filled with porn clichés.

What makes them great is their use of the gaming medium. They certainly both have great visuals and art styles.

You know what I find deeply ironic? People who tell others to go outside on a forum dedicated to porn games.
I can agree with that. I usually shake my head at the disclaimers saying: "This game is a work of fiction." But I can see why it's apparently needed.

Way to take the moral high ground without saying anything meaningful.
All I'm saying is that writing realistic women and catering to male sexual fantasies are two things that usually don't mix.

Just look at the games ratings and you'll find 6 out of the top 10 carry the incest tag, which usually means that any realistic female logic goes straight out the window. Yet despite of that they are still fun.