I want to do a game where the Mc is in college but I don’t know if people are tired of that because almost every game is when the Mc is in college. Should I look outside the box or just stick with the college theme?
People controlling elements like Fire, Water, Earth and Air is super overdone but it doesn't mean that Avatar: The Last Airbender is suddenly bad, do you get what I'm saying? If you do it good enough it will stop being just another overdone trope/cliché and it will turn into it's own (good) thing.
It's not always about the theme itself, it's about what you bring to the theme that matters. A.O.A and College Kings are both college set games that debuted in the past few months and they both have already connected with people. If you think your story is worth telling then go for it.
Nothing's really new. Your characters have to be somewhere. Whether they're at school/college/university, at work, lounging around in the park or on an isolated island, or even on a newly discovered planet or a spaceship, it's all been done before.
For a visual novel, I think it's the story that matters more than the location. Same for a game really, go for playability rather than worrying too much about the location.