Identify Identification of farm escape game


New Member
Nov 3, 2018

I'm struggling to remember a game where you can leave the town/village/city, walk down the road and almost get hit by a car ( you can dodge ). You end up at a farm where someone is struggling to make a living ( farmer Sam? ). You can farm the fields to help, but some bad dudes turn up and take over the farm, lock you in the barn with a slave.
They force you to work in the field, at which point you can daily dig a hole to try to escape.
I think there was a monster in the forest as you try to escape.

Either this game is real, or I've been using this site too much and dreaming about it.

Thanks in advanced for anyone remembering or knowing.


New Member
Nov 3, 2018

Thanks for the reply, I think you've found what I was looking for. It seems it was way into the game and I totally forgot about it.

Thanks again. :)
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