Identify (Identified - DandyBoy Adventures) 2D/3D game with isometric camera angle while running through the city/town.


Active Member
Dec 8, 2017
I don't remember a whole lot about the game as it was in an early stage other than it was a custom engine, IIRC.

I remember the town could be traversed in a similar manner to RPGM games where you had to run from one area to another but it was a third person isometric camera with pseudo-3D buildings with varying levels (uphill/downhill/etc).

I kinda remember a warehouse near the top of the map near a cave. There was also a neighborhood where you lived along with six or eight other houses. Most weren't intractable as it was in an early state.

I really don't remember the premise of the game but I liked the playstyle but forgot to watch the thread. Hoping to find it to see what state it's in now.