Disclaimer: I haven't 100% completed this game—I've finished the Knights route and the Resistance route. I'm pretty sure there's an evil route somewhere but I lost all patience with this game. This is my first ONEONE1 game and it sure doesn't make me want to play any other.
So, where to start? This is a corruption RPG with a female warrior protagonist. No need to be an expert of the genre to know where this is going.
Mediocre. It's clearly inspired from Attack on Titan which isn't an issue on its own but there's something as being too derivative. Pacing is a total mess with major problems being solved way too fast or completely glossed over from one route to the other. Very little of the world at large is known, this is clearly not a game you play for its story.
Very bad. Main characters are standard anime archetypes with little to make them original. The protagonist, Clacier, is a tsundere knight girl with a chip on her shoulder constantly bickering with her childhood friend Falke, which makes everyone ship them because of course.
You have the supposed second protagonist, Annette, who is really inconsequential in the grand scheme of things, only put in the forefront at the end of the game by pure writer fiat.
You have the noble with drill hair.
You have a nearly 1 for 1 knockoff of Levi Ackermann.
But as much as main characters are generic, the villains are much worse than this. They're so over-the-top evil their scenes become comedy instead. Imagine the following: a villain blackmails a man by kidnapping his daughter. Once the man did what was asked by the villain and asks to see his daughter, the villain gleefully tells him they're together forever because he just fed her to him. Then the villain shows a memory-playing device of him raping the daughter while grinding her flesh and bones to a pile of mush. All while laughing about how the look in the father's eyes makes him cum.
Yeah that's this game's villain writing. I'm not asking for a literary masterpiece here, but not even edgy shit like Akame ga Kill went so comically far. This is simply ridiculous.
Even if this game had been marketed as "baby's first RPG" it would still be insultingly easy. Final Fantasy Mystic Quest was harder that this. There is no risk of failing, ever, unless you choose to. Everything is so weak, battles are just a formality. Bosses hyped up as terrible opponents fold like tissue paper.
To make this worse, in order to access the Resistance route (and the third one which I suspect branches off from it) you need to fail repeatedly. When even failing once is literally impossible without choosing to. Several character sub-plots (and the H scenes associated) are also unlocked this way. You can beat everything the game throws at you easily without ever changing your starting equipment and with only the experience gained from bosses. It's a wonder why the game ever bothers with providing an "Easy" difficulty. This is downright insulting.
Don't expect the map exploration aspect to be better. "Dungeons" are not very long as are designed in very similar ways throughout the game.
Graphics & Sounds
Not bad, and the only reason I don't give the game 1 star. Production values are high, with fairly competent use of tilesets, a lot of character art, and full voice acting for every female character. Music, on the other hand, is only so-so with a few number of tracks.
It's a corruption game. Clacier starts as a prudish virgin. She can lose her virginity herself by masturbating with a dildo, but the quickest way is to get her raped by losing a battle... which, as said before, is something you'll have to do on purpose. The second she loses her virginity, she becomes completely OK with prostitution. Furthermore, her non-virgin pheromones allow 99% of enemies to now rape her in battle, even if they have to lunge at her and magically make her armor disappear. It also does nothing to help them win.
More scenes can be gained by upping sex stats but doing this is one hell of a grind. A really boring, terrible grind. The H-scenes themselves aren't bad, thanks to Clacier's VA, but I would hesitate to call them good either, with the exception of a few ones.
I could not unlock pregnancy content. My guess is that you need to lose against a certain boss, but I don't know which one and I'm not the kind of person who likes to play games with walkthroughs. It also may or may not be route-locked. A pity, but just a single drop in the ocean of disappointment.
Final words
I really can't recommend this in good faith.