Ren'Py - Idol Island [v0.06] [Wizard's Kiss]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Good ideas, interesting kinks list, a good variety of characters including a femboy.

    The MC talks like an absolute cringe lord but it's deliberate as far as I can tell so that's fine, especially if actually has some character development along the way!

    Could be really awesome when its done. Make what you want to make, don't worry about people being mad about kinks, make the contentious stuff optional if possible but as long as it's all this level of quality it will be cool to see a game with some more spicy stuff.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice plot, narration, art, and screens. Kudos!

    Thanks for the game. Will watch for updates.

    I wonder what MC will be wearing when his clothes are torn from all hunting and scavenging? ;p

    Suggestion: Forest navigation can improve with key bindings
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Looks amazing! Don't let it become abandoned. With more content and an elaborated story this game will be one of the best.

    The voice acting is interesting, I liked it too. I usually doing modding on games for myself. The voice acting would be the best if the voices could read the actual texts defined in the game files. (I know it isn't feasible with Ren'Py, but with AI it can be achieved. If I ever try to make some game voices, it definitely will be AI generated.)
    Likes: th3n
  4. 5.00 star(s)



    Caution, this is more like a demo.
    There is no sex or much more the prologue. maybe a touch after the prologue.

    That said, I quite enjoyed it and look forward to more.
    I think the small amount of gameplay so far is good. If it focuses too hard on it, it will instead become tedious.

    The voice acting really made me enjoy it more.

    There was a bit too much internal thinking on the MCs part when speaking was in order. Since he is supposed to be a shut in, I guess that makes sense.
    Still frustrating.

    On that note, there is no choice making as of yet. It is a linear experience and mostly like a kinetic novel with a bit of clicking here and there.

    I was enjoyingit though and hated reaching the ending.

    So, some day I'll come back to this when it is done or closer to being worthwhile.

    Good stuff so far.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Reviewed version 0.02

    I 180'd so fast on this game I think I'm entitled to compensation for whiplash.

    It starts off with a goofy but promising premise. You are shipwrecked on a desert island with a bevy of beautiful ladies, but to keep things from spiralling out of control you convince them that it is all just a reality TV show. Hijinks, presumably, ensue. The renders are decent and the girls have distinct personalities that you might look forward to exploring, along with the rest of them.

    Then the first major update hits. You realise where the dev is trying to go with this, and its bad. You spend most of the update in the poorly designed free roam section, clicking through different sections of forest until you find another item that won't fit into your inventory. You occasionally meet wolves that you kill by spamming the "attack" button until the RNG is happy. Eventually you return to camp for another story section and by then all you're thinking is "does whatever comes next justify the boring gameplay I just subjected myself to?"

    And the answer is no.

    The game could still be salvaged if the developer took a step back and asked "what makes this thing fun?" But until then I'm giving it one star for the game, plus one star for being competent with Daz.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Idol Island is a pretty decent game with good renders and hot women, and one of the first games where I actually liked the voices. Overall, it is a good release with good, light humour and banter.
    I will be reviewing the game in the following three sections:
    1) The content
    You play as a young guy who lands a job at an idol agency. You get the opportunity to manage a bunch of hot girls, one being your sister, but you don't find that out early in the game. There is also a sexy MILF, and there are a lot of chances for sexual content. Your plane malfunctions, and you end up on an island with all these beautiful women.
    2) The visuals
    This game has a decent amount of sexual content, and the models are varied. There's something for everyone. Lewd scenes are also there, and you get one hot bondage scene with the MILF, Laura.
    3) The playability
    This is a fun game with nice writing and a good story. The story itself isn't pretty special, but it has a lot of potential for future sexy content and lewd scenes. You can also fight a wild beast in one scene where they showed a preview of some game mechanics. I think it was done well. The game is fully voiced using AI, and I think the voices fit perfectly. The MC does act a bit childish, but it all fits into the narrative.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good, very well made, i like the setup, only issues are that its currently too short, but i expect that too change eventually, and that the MC is a neet specifically, not a fan of that, but other than that the art and renders are top notch and the story is very good, I know its not going to stay as a VN, and im happy with that, but the writing here is very good compared to most other VN's, so i wouldnt be sad if that was the route this took
  8. 4.00 star(s)

    Starcraft Nigma

    Rating based on where it is not what it can turn into. Could easily turn into 5 star. The overall storyline seems enjoyable. The MC story and some of his lines are more than a little over the top but some are so over the top that they become funny. This is kinda like watching an X rated teen comedy with slightly crazier lines.

    If it wasnt for the voices and renders I would definitely rank it lower, but I agree with the statement by the Dev. If these are truly AI voices they are amazing! Adding this to my watch list for sure. Hopefully updates are regular and it doesnt become an abandoned title.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    As an introduction, it is a good game. The MC behavior is too childish and difficult to root for him. It is difficult to see the pictures clearly with the background. I will look for future updates with a solid story.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent intro to what seems to be a promising game.

    Animation: Animation and UI is solid and pretty standard for renpy. This game is voiced which is a nice touch, only time will tell if the voice acting fits the story and characters accurately.

    Gameplay: Game play is standard renpy with some hints at combat and management. There is a brief combat scene, but the rest is still undetermined. That being said given the story and quality so far optimism seems fair.

    Story: The story waisted little time moving forward. Grammar is good and all characters make sense when they have dialogue. The plot isn't ground breaking, but its a hentai game. It's far worse to have a pseudo-intellectual plot, then just write it as it should be. The writers had fun with the characters so far, and they seem somewhat believable. All in all a great job for a start.

    Characters: A lot of potential romance interests off the get go. The diversity in the characters is pretty good, and there should be something for everyone.

    Overall: Excellent for an intro to the world and game. Content is not heavy yet, but we will see as updates come.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Even though this is very short I already love it a lot. A very interesting scenario with adventure, sex and survival, a unique way of writing, nice voice overs, great renders and a freaking hot employee. This game will definitely be a great one when developed further.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    | Vee |

    Now that's when i say:

    Good renders
    Excellently voiced
    Enjoyable light comedy
    voice controls are great
    dialogues are much better than any other game i have played so far
    lighting is good
    scenes are good
    one of the few games that made it to my top 1% games list and yeah this is on no.1 currently
    amazingly done overall for the project

  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing! First off the voice acting, the male VA is a 10/10 performance. He actually sounds like Spider-Man at some points and his execution of lines is well done. Laura's VA is also good (however there are multiple lines where the audio is muffled. (although is seems to just be a bug that is easily fixed)

    The story itself while done before is written and told in a way that keep the players attention with comedy and being able to relate to the player character by also not knowing anything about idol training and just bullshiting his way through out the game.

    And speaking of that it reminds me of the Overlord anime where the MC is underqualified and everyone is gaslighting themselves over what he does and it is hilarious.

    The graphics alone are really good and the shading is done well.

    Overall a 5 star game the I for the first time EVER might actually donate to. (I have never donated to a game before (Especially an Adult one) so I am going to wait for a few more updates first)