I'm always frustrated when a nice game doesn't get the attention it deserve and just staying without any reviews and stars.
- The Art is simply amazing. The developers are the same ones from Fantasy Tavern Sextet, so who's played it would notice. Great lively art on their novels!
-The Story is nothing revolutionary, some gonna like it, others not, i'm somewhere at the middle. It's was kinda predictable all the time for me, from the beggining i just though it's gonna be at corruption way, but it's not a slightest. Also there are choices to be made, but they actually doesn't affect the story, only the text after. The voice acting even exceeded my expectations.
- The H-scenes are only few, since the game is short, compared to others VN. They are static changing scenes/images. But they are uncensored, unlike the screenshots here +++ with the great voice acting they are gold.
Overall i give the game 7.5/10, the effort putted in is remarkable.