RPGM - Completed - I'll Lay Down My Life To Protect You! [v1.00] [keisei yuan]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Good story and dynamic between the pair for what it is, simple and fast-moving game. Does the trope of what it's going for well enough, combat is easy (even on normal) and in order to get scenes you have to either lose or pick certain options from NPC.

    Overall you're getting what you're expecting reading the synopsis. Had some fun with it.
  2. 2.00 star(s)



    weak story, weak CG-s, H-scenes are on defeat. either game over or barely any consequence. it's voice acted tho. waste of time. if you are curious, full save is included, just watch the mediocre scenes. you have to try really hard to lose even on normal difficulty in beginning, very bad game design.

    There is no battlefuck, or anything interesting. boring 1 frame censored CG. (there are some "story" CG-s, but it's insta gameover)

    not worth the time. mass produced garbage.