Seeking illustrated 2d high school themed game


New Member
Apr 19, 2022
I'm looking for a school themed game that i played a few years ago.
it had western high school vibe to it rather than Japanese high school.
i don't remember its name but i remember some settings it had.
if i remember correctly you could have only named your character. (no character creation)
the main character was a boy; i don't remember correctly if he was in the second year of high school or third.
the story started as how he was annoyed by how his homeroom teacher forced him to join a school club.
i only remember three options where you could have joined either the tennis club, newspaper club or no choosing any club at all while each club had it own girl and routes.
i only remember the tennis club girl which was a rich blonde girl who didn't liked mc at first but slowly developed feelings for him because of something that happened in the past between them.
the story ended in the prom night where you ask the girl in the route out and she either accepted or rejected you based on how the route went. (the game is completed)
the game wasn't voiced or didn't have any animations and was a 2d illustrated game not pixelated.
the sex scenes in the game where just some pictures and no animations.
the platform i played it on was android but i don't remember if it was released on pc or not.
and i also remember some website had a walkthrough of the game which i unfortunately don't remember the website name as well.