Unreal Engine - Illustrious [Rework v1] [Kvento Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Just played v0034.1

    I can't imagine a game with more potential (for me) and my rating is for sure influenced by that. It's a bit buggy, if you decide to close it halfway through a mission, forget loading up a save, just start over. Things just break upon reloading but if you do everything with one solid playthrough then everything works great. I love the dev's future direction of making it an actual game and not a porn movie you walk around in.

    I'll try and update this review as the game develops

    Great things about this game so far:
    + Incredible animation quality
    + Graphics in general look incredible
    + Great audio and voicing
    + Just the right amount of poses for each scene
    + Adjustable speed and depth (love this feature to death)
    + Potions and buffs
    + Controls really well
    + Camera snapping points and intuitive positioning controls
    + Customize character during the scenes, outfits and body
    + Press X to nut
    + An actual good character customization menu with preset save slots
    + Outfits and customization options are 9/10
    + Facial expressions are great, something I've seen a lot of 3D H games neglect
    + Unlimited sprint stamina!!
    + You can get followers but (and this is repeated in the negatives) they suck ass at actually following

    Negative things:
    - Loading in old saves is buggy
    - Some outfits cause glitches including floating t-pose outfits
    - Skipping dialogue skips the entire dialogue, not just the line currently being spoken, so if you read faster than you hear, you might get a little annoyed
    - If you're using the futa model, some animations clip through her cock n balls
    - Some animations, the game ones not the sex ones, take a while to kick in
    - If you're using the futa model, as soon as character reaches climax it deflates like a popped water balloon, that could be much much slower imo\
    - The way the light hits the hair in some colours is iffy, you gotta be careful with customization if you don't want the beacons to be lit on your head. Gondor calls for aid.
    - This may be fixed with more content later in development but the world is too large for the amount of things in it. You gotta run a bit to get anywhere. Not nearly as bad as some open world games but not great either.
    - Follower pathing is honestly atrocious. I imagine this is an easy fix for later iterations
    - Threesomes are difficult to initiate, I couldn't find a way to join but I could be joined

    Things I love but they're things you may or may not be into:
    · Futa also has horse dick option
    · Female protagonist (huge sell for me but I know some hate this)
    · Dev wants to make it more of an actual fun game
    · Sliders for body proportions stay within the realm of relative realism. Relative. Not realistic, they still go huge but it's not like astronomical proportions
    · Tentacles
    · Character shoots load, load hits ground, load is there on ground. Nice.
    · Goblins and magic instruments that just wanna be in a girl
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a personal project which the author is kind enough to share.

    There isn't a whole lot going on here, but what there is here is very good. There are a couple of short quests which grant a few things that make it even more fun. Sex animations are top notch! You can play as a woman or as a real futanari and completely customize your character. If you choose futanari you have a choice of two different dick styles. One is normal looking and the other is more like a donkey dick and is quite honestly the best looking dick I've ever seen in a game. It doesn't take much time to see everything, but revisiting the content is still quite enjoyable at least for a while. As I said, its all free because its a personal project the author is simply sharing with us. Hard to say bad things about that, but even with that the game still surprises me with how well it can turn me on. I wouldn't expect much more with this project, but I would definitely be very pleased if it would continue.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Review from version 0034.1

    Originality - 80%
    Renders - 90%
    Playability - 10%
    Performance - 30%
    Bugs free - 30%
    Animations - 80%
    Amount of content - 30%

    Total - 50%

    Idea is good, but the performance is just poor. Lots of bugs and for now unclear what to do in game as there isn't enough tools to help (such as map). Got stuck multiple times & clothing glitched on swap. World is either too big or too empty, personally I'd say both.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    My boredom got bored.

    Yes, the game looks good.
    Yes, animations look good.

    And animations looks good.

    Did I mention animations look good?

    Because that's all there is and wow, it's boring.

    You begin the game by crossing a bridge and getting caught by tentacles. And you will have PLENTY of time to watch that good animation, then go take a cup of coffee, go to the toilet, watch a TV show or something while you wait for the good animations to stop and the game to resume.

    Then you reach a house, a woman tells you to find 3 stones. 2 of them being guarded by, roll drums.... tentacles...

    Wait... I just wasted 5 minutes with ONE set of tentacles, and you are telling me the start of the game will be dealing with even more of them?

    No, thank you.

    Also, yes, it is in the tags, yes, the artist is known for that, but there is also a lesbian tag, so I was expecting lesbian content. But nope, most of it is either tentacles or futa. And futa seems to be unavoidable.

    You will have seen most of what the game offers in less than 10 minutes, and none of it was even a little entertaining.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Okay... The Lustland Adventure

    There's nothing here that could interest you unless you have a strong erection and a lack of self-respect.

    Absolutely empty and unpromising project of its kind, of which there are already many. Every time I see the same thing, and I can't understand when the standards of adult games turned into niche crap. If that's okay for you, fine, but personally, I would like to see the art of game design or, for example, meaning in what's happening, rather than looking at a piece of who-knows-what done on the knees for a can of beer and praising something that anyone can do by watching a couple of videos on YouTube

    Attempt number two

    Performance is really good on RTX 3060 12GB at 1080p, after 3 hours of aimless adventure filled with melancholy and despair, the average fps on ultra settings was 28 frames per second. The same fps was observed on high settings, and only on the lowest settings did I get 37 frames per second. At this point, the processor didn't even think about working, and this is with dynamic resolution or FSR or XeSS, which significantly degrades the image.

    I would like to remind you that there is nothing in this project, the whole world looks extremely awful and uninteresting, it is maximally empty without any details, and the lighting is extremely low level, the same goes for the models that look like plastic, and MC is like rubber from a workbench.

    The gameplay is extremely unusual, resembling the best porn games; we don't need to do anything, just run and jump. During sex, we participate in the most boring mini-game where you need to find a point on a square to finish it faster. Also, not a single cum animation was noticed, and this is, pardon me, a crime against humanity.

    I also liked that we can summon three girls with penises and just have sex with them at the very beginning. This is excellent; in essence, nothing else is needed. BUT! ....But... They can join the sex themselves, oh my god, it's just brilliant! Do you understand? If one girl with a penis is having sex with you, another can join herself. I am amazed.... But somewhere I've seen this before... I don't remember what that project was called, something on Y... or... Reb... doesn't matter... The important thing is that the camera control feels like I'm under some heavy substance, everything is so slow and clumsy that it's more like a medieval torture. Also, the eye-popping interface makes your eyes suffer!

    I am extremely disappointed with the character customizer; it is not deep at all, lacking depth very much, and the absence of size 0 breasts is an automatic minus, because well, in all games there is size 0 breasts, how can I understand that it is not here? Well, how can I play this? The main aspect was spoiled at the root, the absence of the most important and essential is simply impossible to comment on.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game , animations are simply amazing , the best I have seen around , Customization is in fact very good although maybe a little more freedom in characters body options would be a good add , but I understand is due to the animations itself that limit the body customising so that it doesn't clip on those , overall due to the limited game play yet its a great game to pass time , story isn't nothing but at its start , love the graphics but not very optimised yet ... Great game so far that is still in Dev but given the skill of the Dev I know it will be great up ahead ... Love it so far
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has great potential, the animations and customization are really solid. Hope to see it go all the way. it has some bugs but with more updates would be excellent. Nice character design, UI, controls and graphics as well
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Shallow fluff, pretty but unimaginative ladyland fluff. Not well optimized, so it possibly wasn't intended to be accessible to many. Attractive characters, but no characterization, and not that much latitude for customization. There's no sense of world depth, so after you've explored everything for the sake of seeing the unexplored, you get the sense that you didn't see much. Certainly not enough to leave you wanting more.
  9. 3.00 star(s)

    Nice Kitty

    I do not know what to do here. The last update is 16.11.22 and there is no content. There is no normal optimization. In the game, the world is small. There are a couple of animations and character creation that's all. There's not much to do here yet. Beautiful in-game visual effects. The physics of the characters is not very good. Breast physics should be improved. If you're wondering how to look at the Sims 4 physics mod for characters. There you can turn a boring game into an 18+ game with mods. At the moment, the game is for 30 minutes, although there is potential. We will be waiting for a major update in the game
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    The game itself features little content as of now, some scenes you can try, that's it.

    Tho, the game could develop into something outstanding.
    The visuals look really good, especially on highest settings, pretty. The sounds and the lighting are very well designed, too. Creating a fitting 'atmosphere' from the getgo. The animations in regard of walking, running and sprinting look surprisingly well made for a game like this. No matter which angle you look at the char, it just looks.. Good? It usually turns me off to see placeholder/cheap animations in games this early, this is a nice change of pace.

    The good? Well.
    The charactercreater features doezens of well thought out designchoices.
    Not only can you create a rather good looking, unique character from the very beginning, you canreally put some well done customizing on it, too. Like thighs, waist, handsm, shoulders and so on - Even nipples, which i deem rather important because most games simply overlook them entirely. Lots of different choices, and visuals for certain settings, like the 'hardness' of an erection - or settings to change how veiny and hard your D gets while cummin'.That's really well done!
    If you are near sexual activity, your char gets aroused and, if applicable, your D gets hard.
    Same happens to bots, that you can summon for trying out the scenes.
    The scenes that are implemented look smooth and well put together. You can adjust speed and depth to change the movement of the animation. Simple, yet effective. Blowjob-scenes actually take into consideration how log/thick your D is and adjust the angle of the mouth of your partner accordingly, as well as the neck-bulge. That's cool, looks rather silly with huge members, tho. There's a 'Photomode', too. A rather detailled one!

    So, that was a lot of 'good' - now to the 'bad'.
    As mentioned before, there's basically no 'real content'.
    It's just a character-creator, a small open-world to take a look at vegetation and visuals and some bots you can spawn in to try out certain scenes.

    To things that should be changed and/or added or continued in my opinion.
    There are certain, in my opinion, important choices for character-creation missing as of yet.
    For example the 'wetness' and specular of the skin, which i think is something that should be implemented.
    As well as of make-up, tattoos and more sliders for certain bodyparts, especially for nipples, genitals(crown, shaft.. More than just length and thickness) and facial features. as well as increasing the range of given sliders - Because certain sizes are rather small, while others can be rather big for no apparent reason. Sliders with % where the player can adjust it himself would be dope, i think.
    As of now, you can go underwater. But instead of swimmin' - You run. Like on the bottom of the lake, terminator-style.
    Which is ... Supercool! This is something i really enjoyed, for some odd reason. Maybe add underwater exploraion at a later point with fish and vegetation down there, or something like that. Maybe some mermaids to bang? I'm sure that swimming will replace this at a later point, but please consider adding diving for the mentioned additions like exploration, or let us decide between swinning/walking underwater.
    For everyone else, just hop off the cliff and slowly (ctrl) walk into the water and back out of the water, haha, so cool!
    The underwater-visuals are really cool, too!

    Well, i think the game's biggest strength, as of now, is the char-creator and the current visuals - As well as some of the animations like the moving-animations and some of the physics and details like the 'hard'n veiny' thing.
    If the creator continues adding more choices and options to that, the game could easily surpass big names like wildlife in regarding of customisation, creation and 'feel'.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Really promising. I love the character creation system and the everything you can change, as well as how the models look with basically any setup. The physics seem really solid too, and the graphics look great.

    My personal things I'd want is:

    Allow the sliders to go bigger on the body based sliders, glutes, hips, breasts, etc.
    All the player to make custom poses
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Still not worth to play:
    - Extreme performance issues
    - Few sexual animations
    - No gameplay

    This game has a good looking female main character, but that's it. The gameplay will probably be the famous 'errand boy' quests, in which you talk to an NPC who sends you to talk to another NPC...
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Gorgeous models. Real Futanari. There isn't much to do as of yet, but I am definitely liking what the dev has so far. Character creation is done very well, and you can alter the characters body even after you create her. I may change my rating in the future depending on the status of the game, but for now, I consider myself a fan.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    there is not much adventure ingame, i feel pretty empty while walking around, kind a feels like Kojima's new weird af game. Animations are cool, vision is cool but idk what the dev wanna do with this game. thumbs up for now but i hope there will be a story or something like that in future.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    For anyone wondering, this right now is nothing more than a proof of concept, you have your character, a forest, a few other female/futa characters, about 5 animations and that's it.

    Pros -
    Nice graphics
    Decent character models (though they all look the same and are only female or futa)
    Character customization (though a little lacking but nice touch)
    Animations are well done
    Good sound effects
    Physics and collisions all done well

    Cons -
    There is no game here yet, literally the same character models, about 4-5 sex animations between them and a tentacle sticking out of the ground with another 2 animations, that's the entirety of this concept...

    If you were hoping for a game to play then don't waste your time because there isn't one, if you want to just check out the concept which will take about 5 mins for all the current content then go ahead.

    I hope the dev's keep it up, this could be a really nice game as what's there is well done however for anyone hoping for a game anytime soon think again, come back in about 5 years (seriously)
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Its one of the best looking 3D erotic games ever made. Thats main attraction of this game. Sexual animations are top notch and photographic system is very advanced. The problem I find with photographic system is that I can't save my viewing angles and use them many times over and I need to manualy set it every time which is time consuming and takes away from immersion greatly. I belive that if Dev made simplified version of adyustments lets say saved sets for each animation then it would be more enjoyable expirience for many. And a single kay to hide and show simplified menu and advanced manu respectivly. I can't say how hard it would be to implement but I belive that with Devs skill it would be possible as he already made so many advanced parts of this game this one seems easy enaugh in compriasion. Additional thing to consider is POV.. Player point of view or the partner in a scene. It would add additional layer of immersion for me. Pov might be already in game but I didn't find it. Which is a shame becouse POV is essential in 3D erotic games.

    To sum it up dev didn't overcomplicate this game with huge world to explore, quests to do etc. He adds things from enjoyable to more enjoyable for all who likes his work. I can't say it enaugh. Its ONE of THE BEST LOOKING 3D animated erotic games ever and one of the most Realistic at that. Which brings additional immersion to sex scenes. Sooo.. I really wish for this game to be developed more in the future.
  17. 1.00 star(s)

    The 1★ Dude

    Only positive bout the game are the character models. The MC looks pretty hot. While walking the tits bounce realistic.

    The bad:
    There is no target in this game. You start somewhere. Around you are many Futas and all you can do is fucking. You can run, jump, climb but you are just in a forest with a lot trees.
    Bad performance. It doesnt lag, but it doesnt runs smoothly.
    The scenes are always the same. One futa fucked you, the other futa have exactly thr same scenes.
    Character creation? Nope, didnt see any. You start with a pre set girl and all you can do is dress and undress her. You cannot change any appearance.

    For around 1 1/2 years of developement is just a short demo without any noticable content.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Edit: it's been three years since this game was shared on this website for the 1st time. I feel I have to update this review to reflect the total lack of interest of the developer to ever finishing this "game". Content has simply changed, not added, and even some of it, has been removed (outfits, voice over...) The rest of the review, still stands.

    Excellent visual style, animations, physics, character design and gameplay. Developer clearly knows how to do things.

    Sadly, the escope for this game is huge and I don't believe is ever going to be finished. This needs quite a big team to be finished in less than three years, more if team is small.

    Triple A quality games, or even double A, need certain level of commitment and human power to be made. Without both, it simply won't happen.

    So for now, enjoy this mini game about fucking futas with triple A graphic fidelity in an empty "open world" forest.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Not much of a game right now, more of a in-engine proof of concept, where the concept is: run around, get fucked...
    Not much to see, not clear what this game wants to be beside a h-scene generator.
    Too early of a build to actually review, but honestly, right now, it only shows potential in one aspect: it looks AMAZING!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Looks good. I like how futa look in this game.
    One of those games I am waiting for and hope that the developer will not abandon it.
    Nice graphics and pretty good photo mode. There are some nice animations with futa.