[S>Programmer] Paid I'm an Unreal Engine/Renpy Developer looking for work

Deleted member 6964212

Game Developer
Jan 24, 2024
I am an Unreal Engine developer. I can do programming(Blueprints) and create 3D characters using the Daz to UE plugin (not from scratch), UI and environments/level design.

I'm looking to work on any Unreal Engine-based 3d projects or Renpy based VN.

Contact me on Discord my username is ah_corp

Some of my works

This is a desert stalker 3d version prototype I made

This is another game I was working on recently until my team got disband

I would like to get paid (full time and not part-time ) $100 ~ $200 per month according to the project size and workload
Part time/Full time