I'm creating an adult game and I'd like to get your opinion on some things!


New Member
Jul 13, 2024
Hello F95zone, I want to play a game!:sneaky::devilish:

But it's not just any game. In fact, the game in question didn't exist. That's when I decided: "I'm going to create my own game!" The game would basically be a visual novel/sandbox. I think you know the style well: you click, make choices (like actions and reactions, and even what kind of relationship the protagonists will have—you know what I mean, right? :sneaky:;)) and increase the character's attributes with some grinding.

My initial idea is a game that doesn't have a male protagonist, but rather a beautiful MILF as the protagonist, with a system of using more daring and less daring clothes to tease the romantic partner she wants to corrupt. It is a game that would focus mainly on the relationship between a MILF aged 40 (probably) and a much younger man, 18 years old, whose type of relationship you could choose.

I'm thinking of a system without Game Over for choices (I hate it when I make a decision in a game only to come across the Game Over screen and realize that the choice, in fact, wasn't possible in the game!) and also a system that doesn't force you to take any path you don't want or to progress in a specific way to continue with the story.

I also want a game with a strong focus on light foot fetish or whatever you prefer to call it. At first, i didn't think about anything too hardcore; however, it is something that can be implemented later depending on the acceptance of the game.

I do not intend to make the game available until there is at least one scene of acceptable sexual intercourse! Even if for that i must to resort to some resource like dreams or something like that for the protagonist.

My questions are:

  1. How well accepted would this game be, in your opinion?
  2. Would you play it?
  3. Which fetishes do you consider essential?
  4. And finally, the most delicate question: as you know, developing a game takes time and requires work and dedication, so i would like to use a platform like Patreon, for example, to raise funds. I'm thinking about releasing the game as long as financial goals are met. I believe that the more patrons decide to sponsor the game, the faster i could release it, of course with early access for all paying customers, with exclusive content for the most generous paying customers, and with a public release one month after becoming available to patrons. Once I've explained my initial idea, i would like to have your honest opinion: do you think it would be possible to do it this way? Does anyone have a better idea?

Living In A Lewd World

Active Member
Jan 15, 2021
1. Depends on how good the lewd scenes are, you produce and how interesting the story is, you tell through your images, but I think, there is some audience for Milf stuff.
2. MILF is not an interesting kink for me, so it depends on how interesting the story would be, and if it caters my own kinks. I nevertheless find Zorlun's https://f95zone.to/threads/project-myriam-life-and-explorations-ch-5-04a-zorlun.66806/ interesting, as he has an interesting kind to write.
3. I think there are no essential fetishes. Every kink/fetish you add might get some people to your game and scare off others. Use the fetishes you understand most of or you are willing to invest much time to understand them completely to cater the corresponding audience. If you want to introduce some extreme fetishes, you might make them optional.
4. If you want to do it only for the money, do something different. You will probably get more money in less time and for less effort.
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