I'm getting bored of all hentai games.


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2019
I dunno if anyone feels the same, but lately I've been getting really bored of all hentai games, I just no longer feel like I like them anymore. Feels like a chore now to download play them, then dump them, rinse and repeat it's never ending and so many crap ones exist, the last good ones I used to play was back in windows 95/98SE days. I used ot have a euphoric feeling when playing them, and that was before fapping lol. Back then we used to call it masturbating not ot be confused with mastikating. Anyways I'm just thinking is anyone else feel this way too? Like they no longer do any thing , no euphoria, none of that excitement in playing them, now it's all about situations and fetish and then it kinda ruins the mind in that sense it no longer is about the storyline or gameplay, just lifeless sex and immoral sitations? What do you guys think?


Jan 27, 2022
Maybe you should then just stop playing them if H-games or games in general gives you no joy, and find something else to do with your life.
From what i saw and heard, this kind of "i don't enjoy X anymore" is a very common thing. And have many reasons. If you do the same thing over and over you can just eventually burn-out/oversaturate in it so to speak and lose all interest in it. I would say maybe you just grow out of this shit, but since you say you played H-games in "windows 95/98 days" that's not the case, and you probably much older than me, tho i was a PS1 consolepleb in my youth. Maybe it's a part of mid-life crisis or something.
I have never experienced such a thing in my life, i just got more demanding of games that i play, and in general feel very salty of how games are made today vs how they were back then. Last game major game that i could say that i really enjoyed was elden ring, and last indie title that i found interesting enough to buy and play in years was pizza tower. As for H-games i don't even know, probably sinisistar, but H-games are especially nowadays filled with low-effort quick faps, or 0.1 games that will never be finished and don't really have much content to even pay attention to them.
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Forum Fanatic
Apr 14, 2021
Oversaturation effect. Especially by crappy half-assed games/vn's.
That is what happens when you play absolutely everything, like a vacuum cleaner. Or a kid who just discovered the gaming world.
After all, no matter how delicious the candy seem to be, if you eat it a 1000 times in a row you'll get sick of it.
That's why you need to be very picky, and also dilute your gaming with other activities such as watching anime/movies and/or reading manga/novels.

Luckily games here can take forever to complete, so you can select the good stuff and then just patiently wait for it to update a couple times or more, meanwhile doing something else. :whistle::coffee:


Engaged Member
Jul 30, 2017
F95zone will literally let ANY game on here with zero quality control. Since we can't call the incompetent devs idiots; because we'll get an infraction point, the devs will be empowered to release the shittiest games possible, free from being called out as the morons they are.

(If you're a dev, and you're one of the good ones, this post isn't meant as an attack on you.)
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Dec 1, 2022
Oversaturation effect. Especially by crappy half-assed games/vn's.
That is what happens when you play absolutely everything, like a vacuum cleaner. Or a kid who just discovered the gaming world.
After all, no matter how delicious the candy seem to be, if you eat it a 1000 times in a row you'll get sick of it.
That's why you need to be very picky, and also dilute your gaming with other activities such as watching anime/movies and/or reading manga/novels.

Luckily games here can take forever to complete, so you can select the good stuff and then just patiently wait for it to update a couple times or more, meanwhile doing something else. :whistle::coffee:
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Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2019
There's some good advice here even from the youngens, reason I said that is when I was a kid growing up on hentai games between 16 don't judge me lol and 30 is when it was epic same went for normal video games, and watching anime and nowadays It's like actually the last time I felt anything good with anything really was back in 2012 maybe 2015 was the last time I felt anything for anything really, and just been going on since then trying to find something to ignite that spark even just one last time.

Perhaps this is my destiny to find emptiness in everything until the end. Well whatever comes next thanks for all the replies ladies and lads.


Jun 17, 2019
Sometimes you just have to move on from certain kinks, although you should definitely take a break first and just see if it's that. Pornography is something you need to enjoy in short bursts, and getting away from it for a bit really helps in the long term with understanding your tastes. I took a few weeks off hentai recently and literally just watched nature documentaries and played non-violent puzzle games, I came back and tried out AI roleplays and ended up blowing a hole through my desk!

AI stuff is legitimately a good thing to try out if you want organic storylines instead of lifeless no-buildup instant gratification, you can sort of tailor the mood once you adjust to how they work and create the perfect situation. Really makes you appreciate the joy of foreplay and the aftercare afterwards, while with regular porn you're just in and out. I'd suggest putting up some online blockers for a week or two then pulling out something like that, 100% text based, and seeing where it takes you.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2019
Sometimes you just have to move on from certain kinks, although you should definitely take a break first and just see if it's that. Pornography is something you need to enjoy in short bursts, and getting away from it for a bit really helps in the long term with understanding your tastes. I took a few weeks off hentai recently and literally just watched nature documentaries and played non-violent puzzle games, I came back and tried out AI roleplays and ended up blowing a hole through my desk!

AI stuff is legitimately a good thing to try out if you want organic storylines instead of lifeless no-buildup instant gratification, you can sort of tailor the mood once you adjust to how they work and create the perfect situation. Really makes you appreciate the joy of foreplay and the aftercare afterwards, while with regular porn you're just in and out. I'd suggest putting up some online blockers for a week or two then pulling out something like that, 100% text based, and seeing where it takes you.
I'm taking a huge break actually, I have to see a psychiatrist and I'm also going back to the gym, during this time I won't be playing any games sadly this is the way. If I still don't feel the need to come back well. It's been real folks, the pandemic really hit me hard when I lost my gym membership, and because of that I got back into games for a while but it wasn't the same as before. I never really enjoyed games after I think it was exactly 2015, I think there was just one game that I really enjoyed which was xenoblade chronicles X. After that I felt dead inside.

I think we all need mental health check ups, because this world is not like the 80's anymore, back then you'd have to be pretty fucked in the head to need a therapist. These days everyone is little fucked up lol. Anyways if that happens well yeah it's been real for those that seen me around at least lol.


Oct 28, 2018
The market is flooded with low effort garbage. Once you've played a few you'll feel like you've played them all. Japanese RPGM game? The heroine's about to get raped, repeatedly. Western VN? College kids are gonna fuck, including the stepmom. TF elements? I hope you like doing the same daily routine 5,000 times.

There's really only a handful of truly great adult games that are actually finished and polished. Anything being made now that's actually decent is going to be something you play once or twice a year, leaving you feeling unfulfilled because the story is never going to conclude in a satisfying way.


Aug 29, 2020
the last Hentai game I can genuinely call GOOD or even GREAT was and still is Karryn's prison but i am so done with that game, I can't find anything that resembles the quality of it.

JSKI games are fun games for a bit

and there is Summer memories but....you are playing as a kid smashing adult womens ( and one young girl, ugh) like come on.

If anyone has Good Hentai games recommendations, pls write them.


New Member
Aug 4, 2019
I don't presume to know anything about you but. I see it being one or both of two things, burnout or an existential crisis.
Anything you let consume you for a long time will eventually burn you out, take driving fast. Usually the rush you get is diminished the more you do it, a few others have suggested similar things.

I'm assuming you are around 35 given the windows comment. Given this it may very well be that you are subconsciously trying to tell yourself you need more or something more satisfying in your life. Hobbies where you create something are a great one in my opinion e.g. music production, woodwork, get a project car. It could also be that there is something else missing from your life. You know you better than all of us arm chair psychologists XD.

Take a relaxing weekend for yourself and unplug from all tech, really analyze what makes you happy in life and the times you have felt most proud. Then cultivate those experiences, connections and whatnot in your life.

All the best to ya,
hope you cheer up.