Im gonna make a H game, would you jack off to my artstyle or nah?


Jul 26, 2019
Here is a character bust that is gonna be in the game, shes somewhat emotionless and probably a robot or a golem (haven't completely figured it out) (ignore the lower half of the legs since theyre gonna be covered by text boxes)
would you jack off to a game in this artstyle?
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Engaged Member
Oct 7, 2022
the design is not bad, now we wait to understand what will be in the game :cool:


Jul 26, 2019
If you're asking if the artstyle is good, then yeah, it's nice looking. It kinda reminds me of pixel art, except it's a bit more high res. As a pixel art enjoyer this is interesting. Good luck with whatever you're making.
Its actually really funny you mention that cuase I started art doing pixel art


Forum Fanatic
Apr 14, 2021
Art is just one element of a game.
Yours seem fine, but there are always new heights to reach. :whistle::coffee:


Aug 17, 2016
Maybe? I'm not really digging the robot joints or glowing eyes or the 'you just ran over my dog' expression, but the figure's good.


May 2, 2018
Your art style seems fine to me, but take that with a grain of salt, because I'm a weirdo who'd be perfectly happy if it were all just text games on here :) I do like how she feels very grounded in her proportions compared to what we usually get on here. She's absolutely stacked, sure, but there's a weight to the lineart that makes her seem, idk, heavy. Probably the thick, black outline, which as you say you do pixel art, makes total sense.

If I had any crit, which I'm not really qualified to do because my only artistic skills involve making mediocre pixel art, it would be to watch your lighting/hotspots. You're not pillow shading her, thank god, but just... watch out about where your lighting is meant to be coming from and how bright it is relative to her skin tone. Too bright and it makes her shiny, because human skin isn't usually shiny like pleather unless there's oil involved ;) Obvs it could be intentional, with the doll joints and such (and hentai women just being uber shiny), but it doesn't feel purposeful to me rn, sorry.

Like, she's obvs meant to be some kind of golem/construct/thingie so the pose is good to convey that, and I assume is entirely intentional, even if it's probably not going to be 'sexy' to people in and of itself. Idk, I'd need context on a scene to know if it would do anything for me tbh lol

Mr. TurTur

Jun 12, 2020
The art is good enough, but whether I get horny about it depends on the presentation and creativity of the sexual content.

Good luck(y)
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Torch Me

New Member
Jan 15, 2021
Artstyle is good! shading of the skin is really well done imo. The thing i'm a bit confused about is the texture of the dress, the shading on her hair oh- and her eye color.

I'd suggest you try to have only 3-4 colors and don't try to go too nuts on the color palette and add too much on the canvas because it can bite you back in the butt later (trust me i tried that) also try to search how materials look and try to copy how it's structured ie. how it hugs the figure, how fabric cascades, etc.
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