I'm making a game of The Owl House

The Owl Lady

New Member
Jun 25, 2024
- Parody
- Mind Control
- Female Protagonist
- Female Domination
- Lesbian
- Harem

For the title, I plan something like "The Owl House Path Of Temptation".

The main plot is about a girl named Oceane who is desperate to get a girlfriend and will do ANYTHING to get it, from being a sweet, tender girl to kidnapping and torturing a girl into accepting.
She accidentally ends up in the boiling islands a few weeks (or months) before Luz, where she encounters an ancient cult that seeks to overthrow and destroy Belos.
Oceane joins only because a pretty girl invited her and they teach her a mind control spell (how a human can learn spells if none of them can? that's a secret for now).
It will be up to the player to guide the protagonist in 2 routes (there are more planned)

- Decide whether to be a good girl, not use the spell and get a girlfriend for herself as she always wanted.

- Brainwash all the girls to worship her as a goddess like a fucking psycho.

Also a time system, as I said before, Oceane arrives a few weeks before Luz, this can generate interactions like:
- You become Amity's girlfriend before she meets Luz.
- You get in the way while she is confused about her feelings towards Luz.
- You want to fuck Amity and don't care that she is Luz's girlfriend.

Obviously these are all just plans for the future.
Most of the code for the demo is ready, I just need the artist to pass on what I need.
(If you know an artist with a similar style to TOH, and who is willing to draw the shit I just wrote, I'd be grateful).

That's all, obviously I plan many more things, I know it may seem that I want to accomplish many things, but don't worry, I'm willing to finish this game, and if I don't, you have all the right to humiliate and denigrate me as you want (I don't like when someone with a good idea, just disappears and we all just say "You know? this game would have been epic").

You can ask me questions, recommend ideas for the story or characters, comment what I have so far, or just give your opinion, I'm interested in knowing if my idea has a future.


Sep 7, 2022
An Owl House Parody would be fun. I think your idea is trying to be two different games. Are you making a dating Sim? Or are you making a mind control game? Pick one and stay in that lane. Build your whole game and all it's mechanics around a single idea instead of trying to build things that fit both ideas and come off as sloppy.

If you don't pick one, all you are going to accomplish is doing neither well.

Edit: it's actually more like three games with the mention of Belos & a secret cult bringing in a whole nother non-erotic plot. "Don't include non-erotic plots in porn games" should be a general rule.

The Owl Lady

New Member
Jun 25, 2024
Yeah, I have in mind something like Four Elements Trainer.

My main plan is to be a normal dating sim on the good route and a mind control game on the bad route, I mean, I don't think they necessarily have to be separate things, I've seen several games that work with the 2 path system, and I'm not going to do something so different from that.
A lot of people tell me that wanting to do so much I'm likely to do nothing, but I'm looking to do a lot because I want this project to be long from the beginning, I would want to do very little if I just wanted to make a quick game.

And on your second point, I completely disagree, obviously I'm not going to include something super deep, but I personally like it when the game has something to offer besides porn.
I mean, I don't end up remembering when I played a porn game, I remember when I played a good game that interested me.
Conclusion? I hate porn without plot


Sep 7, 2022
If you set out to make something on the scale of 4 Elements Trainer chances are damn good you are going to fail and burn yourself out. This forum is littered with the corpses of games by devs making all the same arguments you are here.

Maybe I'm wrong and you make it, but it's incredibly unlikely based on the avaliable evidence.