Identify I'm trying to find a game, but I have little to go on.


Mar 8, 2018
I found a video on PH a good year ago, but it was before the purge a few months back. It was a sample of the game, and the comments linked to the original creator. The game was a work in progress but I can't remember what site it was on, although I have a slight hunch it was DMM, which is unfortunate because the game had bestiality and DMM cracked down on it so the creator probably got banned for it.
What I'm hoping on is that the creator moved and set up shop somewhere else and hopefully finished it. I have the video with me that I mentioned.
Mods, if what I'm posting is against the rules, please remove. I just can't find another good place to ask for a request this niche as all hell.
Btw I basically scrubbed clean dlsite with different tags and couldn't find squat. Thank you.
Edit: I have a screenshot of the video so people don't have to download it. Also, If you just recognize the artist, that should be sufficent.
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