There are elves! For that reason alone, it's worth testing, but it doesn't stop there, there's incest, that taboo that everyone loves, the MC has a beautiful and "young" Elf as his mother, and at least three sisters, two who have already appeared in the story and who showed that they were interested in MC, and I liked them all.
The MC is not exactly a gentleman, he is rude and does what he wants, maybe this is the image the developer wanted to give us, the MC could be a better person, but no, he is an alcoholic and a womanizer, and maybe is an MC like this who can give us the scenes we want to see, even though I don't like him, at least he's not a smooth-talking ass-kisser who just wants to do what's "right".
Choices matter, I recommend using URM to keep an eye on the variables, don't choose blindly, think carefully about what you're going to choose.
There is not much to judge, this review is about the v0.2 version, what I can mention is that there are several characters, and this indicates a rich world; there are conflicts, even if small at the beginning of the game; a potential drama, the MC, a half-elf exiled prince has returned to the kingdom, but will he get the throne that easily?
The renders are ok, but could be better, it's clear that the DEV suffers from hardware limitations.
The script has many errors, it is clear that it has not been revised, it was due to laziness or haste, if the developer does not have time to make revisions, find someone to help, some fans will love to help, here at F95 there are areas to obtain this type of help.
The sex scenes are bad, seriously, really bad.
The interface is bad, especially on the save and loading screens, my cursor is in one place but seems to click on another, seriously, how dare the developer launch the game like that, the default Renpy screen doesn't have this problem.