Unity - Completed - Impregnation live2d [Final] [Rumored erotic radiohead]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Game's JSK-esque, but even more grindy than most of that library. Buttons are hard to click correctly, or count as a touch on the girl behind it when you do click it. Dialog is mostly untranslated, and what is is very badly written, sometimes incomprehensible. The loop is very, very simple and boring: Touch until time runs out (Time being a limited number of actions/thrusts, not a clock), buy upgrades (including more time), then repeat. That's it. Touch, buy, touch, buy.

    The customization of the girls is pretty sad too. Very, very limited, and the menu is very janky too. Did you want anything less than DD on your women? Too bad. Hair or eye color changes? Too bad.

    Not a lot of audio to the game either, so you may hear the same moan repeated 3 or 4 times before a different one plays. It gets annoying fast, so playing muted if you're playing for more than 5 minutes is recommended.

    I just can't recommend it at all. There are far better games that take up less space and look and play a lot better too.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Really hard to decide between 2 and 3 stars here. It's an interactable sex loop, with early game grind, basically...

    Let's start with translation: While the game has an official English option included, it might as well be a typical MTL translation. Broken English, and incomplete (yes, the official English translation still has scenes with Japanese...).Had to preface with this, because next is...

    Story: Basically non-existent. Even if you could understand the writing well, it's so short. Basically you... died, but a wizard transported your consciousness into a boy in another realm, who has a dad, a busty mom, and a busty sister. Your immediate reaction? Let's touch/fuck them. Their reaction? Almost immediately on-board?...

    Dialog: Yeah it's bad

    Art: It's decent actually. You can change the size of each girls' tits/nips/hips/thighs, and lighten/darken her nipples. They also have removable clothing with a few kinky sex accessories. You can put them in 2.5 poses (doggy, and facing you with legs down or up).

    Gameplay: Poor... It's kinda JSK-esque, in that you are meant to be shit at first, but that gives you points to unlock better abilities to become good... but it just becomes a fucky experience becase the game play is literally click the big mommy milkers until points go up, pump stats, repeat...

    I put this as 3 stars when I started this review, dropping it down to 2 after writing. It's... "fine"....

    Oh and regarding NTR, it only occurs in side-scenes that you manually have to activate, and you can see what they are before doing so. So... not really there... but you cant read any of the dialog in the side-scenes anyways, because it's all Japanese...