VN - Ren'Py - In a Scent [Ep. 4 Part 1 v1.035] [Domiek]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    You got something cocking there, funny and dirty... i like it :D Icing on the top would be more choices during the sexscences to make it a bit more interactive i guess. Even the story is quite engaging, i guess also the comedic background helps there
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    MC is the best part of this game no doubt. This is the actual AVN MC, dumb horny fuck who wants to screw everything that moves. Which is kinda funny in itself, and the game really leans into it.

    Second favourite is obviously Garry, what a guy.
  3. 4.00 star(s)

    Jaga Telesin

    The good:
    • Good models and renders. MC is a bit trollish (both attitude and looks) but he grows on you as he smarts up
    • Music is appropriate and not over the top
    • Story, while thin, is still entertaining
    • Sex scenes and variation are fairly good, though not top notch or kink-varied
    • Easy to binge to see where things go next
    The bad:
    • MC is a literal idiot at the beginning of the game, and a tool. Takes him hours to improve his personality and disposition
    • Game pokes fun at itself decently, but goes a little over the top at times
    • Current release (Ep4 pt1) is extremely short
    • Animations are mid-tier, and while some offer different perspectives, none really "do it" for the viewer. It's more flavor than fap material.
    I'd probably rate the game around a 3.7 - 3.8 right now, drawbacks being the animations and length of the game, and the lack of depth to the story. Hopefully those improve with development time.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    amazing game, can't wait for a new update though it has been a very long time since one came out. Looking forward to seeing how the story unfolds in future updates. I can imagine it will be a long game
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Love it. Absolutly love it. Really nice story. not half bad humor. Great characters and hot sexscenes. Love dynamic with Red. Cant wait for the next update. And now somehow I need to write up to 200 words...
    Ok. Game have nice pacing. It have story and not just throwing sex scenes on you. They are good. But with context they are much better. At start it kinda bumb humor, but it works and it is evolving and become somewhat serious. Also romantic side to all of this is precious. It have nice chemistry with all characters. Even Gary! Shame we dont get good look at Selenes boobs.
    Also music is banger. Super nice and makes atmosphere just right.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    TLDR: it should be worth your time if you like its humor or at least survive the intro

    My first impressions of the game were terrible. I hated everything about the MC—appearance, personality, humor, etc. I still can't say I do like him, but having played the content for [Ep 4 part 1], I see he had some character development. Or at least the 'humor' got toned down considerably.

    The humor itself is a hit or miss, and it missed hard for me, especially in the intro. I got the impression it got a better pace/usage as the game progressed. The MC still does stupid things, but it is not in every fckng sentence he utters anymore.

    Another thing that improved my experience a lot was not to expect to be able to really give input as the MC, rather to experience the story unfolding as intended. More like a movie experience. That's not really how I like VNs and games overall, but it made this experience go from intolerable to actually decent.

    I can't affirm bcz I didn't check it, but choices do not seem to matter much. That's not something I like, and it detracts from the experience for me, and as previously mentioned should not be something you're looking for.

    But putting the first impressions aside, the game got better as time passed. The jokes started being used less frequently and better placed. They were no longer only punchlines, there was room to breathe between them. The pace improved.

    The characters seem to improve as well. Ma, Auntie, Red, even the fat dude that I forgot the name now xD Considering the "incubi" powers, the interactions were believable for a VN. Red most of all.

    What started as a terrible experience became something that made me want to know what comes next in the story, even if I dislike the MC and its role.

    So, in the end:

    MC: still don't like him and would prefer another approach. He does improve, but I doubt it would deviate too much.
    Story: I dislike mind control and supernatural influences in NPC behavior. Even then it was used in a contained way, kept me interested. Good supporting characters/LIs.
    Animation: decent enough, but not exceptional.
    Renders: good. Some scenes/takes were gorgeous.
    Posing: some face gestures and body pose were a bit off, uncanny. Eyelid placement most of all.
    Music: sorry, but muted. I don't understand how you guys can stand looping music haha the first two songs played were not bad, but it felt like I was watching a sitcom. Paired with the jokes I couldn't stand (I usually mute the music anyway, nothing particular)
    Didn't experience any errors.
  7. 4.00 star(s)

    Revolving Mania

    I hate stupid MCs, mostly because when you see one in an AVN, you just know that it's all they're ever gonna be, a damn idiot with no redeeming quality, but here's one with an idiot MC that's funny and charming as hell, confident, too. Plenty of flaws and plenty of strengths, now that's how you write a flawed, but likeable character.

    Besides the MC, the LIs are also likeable despite their very clear flaws and even the annoying male side character is likeable. It's also got real dialogue that you could somewhat imagine it happening in real life, and absolutely hilarious.

    Not to mention the great renders and overall presentation. It's hard to find a well-rounded game like this, just take a look at the rest of my reviews.

    Unfortunately, it's not without its faults. Choices are easily the most important aspect of an AVN for me and I often judge the quality of an AVN based on the degree of freedom you have. Unfortunately, the choices here are mostly just there for show. It doesn't really feel like you're having an impact on the game (because you don't).

    It's unfortunate that the game is just one aspect shy of perfection, but it is what it is.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, renders and animation are really amazing. The story is interesting enough to make you not to skip any of it. But the humor is just on the other level :), I was laughing my head off "auschwitz themed monopoly"
    I wish there were more games like this.
    I really enjoyed it can't wait for the next update, keep up the good work.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I liked it quite a lot, the humor is really good, the milf and the "sister" are also very hot, and the mc has actual character development, and to be honest he's quite funny too.

    the only thing I don't quite like is that because of the mc's powers it ends up
    being too easy to corrupt the girls for my personal taste.

    def looking forward for the next updates.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I Came Looking For Copper but instead found Gold. Very decent writing and hilarious story, first 5 minutes of game and I already laughing like psycho))) A lot of content, good visaul and nice UI. Very glad that I found that (personally for me) gem!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Technically, the game features well-made models, a story with good progression, choices that are not very representative, and quality animation. Therefore, technically, it deserves 3.5 stars. In my opinion, it's a 5-star game. Although the choices lack representativeness and the story is linear, the characters, animation, and details make up for it, in my view. Many people don't like the protagonist, but he stands out for his unconventional personality, saying what he thinks without a filter, which makes him unique and funny. For these reasons, it deserves a 5-star rating.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Short summary:

    I didn’t expect much from such a silly premise - you are an incubus who magically makes women desire you. But that happens in 90% of the VNs here, at least this one attempts to explain it. The story and character actions are over the top silly, but this kinda fits the spoiled magical prince backstory. Some of the jokes are actually funny. Renders are a mixed bag. Initially the quality is bad, but it improves later on. Work on light and eroticism is great.

    Good Things

    • A lot of sexy content
    • Writing is actually decent
    • Good work with poses, light, angles
    • Unusual models
    • Some jokes are actually funny

    Bad points

    • Renders often have issues, especially with eyes and skin
    • Essentially zero meaningful choices
    • Magical handwaving for the story
    • Over the top with silliness and jokes
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Damn this game is funny! It has great animation and the writing slowly grows on you. I started the game skipping the dialogue and little by little I found myself skipping less of the dialogue until I was fully interested in the plot. Now I can't wait until the next update. I got played.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    reviewed based on version 1.035, first time playing,

    starting from the main menu, this game got me hooked, I like the music, the UI is simple but decent. Not much options in the settings but I can understand since the game is still in early development phase. What I strongly suggest is to add option to activate/deactivate textbox or to customize either the font colour or outlines. In some scenes I had hard time reading the text because it kinda overlaps with the CG/scene.

    Story-wise, I like the premise. I love some good comedy. Yes, the MC is really obnoxious, but I am really interested in seeing the character development.

    The character renders are exceptional. Not really the style I dig, but it has its own charm. The facial expressions suit the characters' own personalities. Animations are exquisite. The dancing scene is sick.

    Overall, the game has potential. There's not much content right now, but I believe in the dev. I got to the end and was like "Wait, what? Is that it?", but I had fun. Looking forward for more.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the only game on this site that made me support authors patreon. I played and liked authors previous work but it is nowhere close to this one and it is great to see how much the author has improved.

    The game itself is a kinetic novel which usually would be deal breaker and as author has said it is low brow comedy with humour that probably falls flat for some people but I personally just can't find myself caring about those things - it is written with so much heart and so much personality shines through every line of dialogue, every frame and music that I found myself completely smitten with this novel.

    The character writing is especially great, those are characters that I will surely remember long after I finish the game and dementia takes me.

    I really can't recommend the game more.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    I wrote a massive review detailing all my points, but I tabbed out and clicked back in and F95 really likes just immediately deleting everything, so I'm just gonna be lazy summarise.

    - the writing is cringe. the "humour" is total garbage for 70% of it and it clogs up the story
    - the MC is totally irritating for most of the game. he has essentially zero redeeming factors as a protagonist
    - no good passage of time, which gives me the impression that Domiek's too used to freeroam AVNs and didn't know how to pace/show time properly
    - choices barely matter besides flavour text, which again may be due to Domiek being accustomed to freeroam. There, we could just choose, but trying to make an actual narrative has resulted in a very constrained experience

    + the girls are attractive and the lighting is an improvement over Domiek's previous work
    + the animations are nice and appreciated, but the one used in the promo art feels more like a bullshot and not representative of the majority
    + the dialogue for actual sexual build-up is good, so the total let-down for the humour confuses me

    I'd give it a 7/10, but the fact Domiek made the 9/10 Personal Trainer and went to make this is disappointing. They have the skill to write something better, which is the only thing that really confuses me.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    [Ep4 Part 1]

    -Top renders. Each scene has great lighting and interesting camera setups.
    -All characters are visually interesting and all women appealing.
    -It's actually pretty funny
    -Frequency of sex scenes is decent and the scenes are hot

    -The game has animations and they don't suck...but imo they also don't add much.

    -It's not really a game. Not a single choice has any impact on the plot. No branching whatsoever. All they ever do is skip (or not) sex scenes or turn a sex scene that *is* happening more (or less) lewd. I am really tired of kinetic novels and this game pretty much is one.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Warning: :HideThePain:
    if you can't handle goofy MCs that won't always win a.k.a losers and wouldn't mind making ass of themselves, then you won't enjoy. Seriously, MC is like that one friend that will always find a way to joke or say inappropriate shit but is good at heart. MC matches the energy of Adam from Workaholics or Derek from BaD in terms of goofiness.

    1. Writing is hilarious along with great cast of characters.
    2. Girls are distinct and hot!
    3. Animations (60 fps mod) puts this on a whole new level.
    4. Renders are BANGER. Like seriously, it's very pleasing on the eyes.
    5. Music is so fire, especially during H scenes.
    6. Plot is really simple and straightforward. DO NOT READ TOO DEEP INTO IT. Game is mostly for the gaffs BUT Mc does act realistic in a sense that he WAS always that way based on starting scenes and there are some genuinely touching moments.
    Cons: NONE. The game delivers what it was meant to deliver. There's a crass joke using the word homecoming that made me shit my pants, no cap.

    Verdict: Abso-fucking-lutely pick it up. It's very lighthearted college/high school level humor with some actual touching moments.

    Still on the fence:
    The best review for this game is a couple of pages back by @dotawolfbrother . So make sure to check it out as well if you are on the fence.

    The MC is definitely laying some pipes, don't miss out! :LUL:
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4671174

    Rating: ★★★★★ (5/5)

    "In a Scent" is a wild, hilarious, and wildly imaginative visual novel that excels in every aspect, providing a top-tier gaming experience.

    Storyline (5/5): The game's storyline is an absolute gem, masterfully combining risqué humor with a genuinely engaging narrative. The journey of the inexperienced young incubus in the human realm is a rollercoaster of hilarity and touching moments, making it an unforgettable experience.

    Character Development (5/5): The characters in "In a Scent" are not just quirky; they're brilliantly crafted. Their growth and the transformation of the protagonist from an obnoxious troublemaker into a capable incubus are nothing short of remarkable.

    Art and Graphics (5/5): The visual aesthetics of the game are exceptional. The character designs and backgrounds are a visual treat, and the way it handles adult content is tasteful and artistically done.

    Sound and Music (5/5): The game's soundtrack and sound design excel in setting the mood and complementing the humor. Any voice acting, if present, enhances the experience, adding depth to the characters.

    Gameplay and Mechanics (5/5): The game's user-friendly interface and the impact of player choices on the narrative are well-implemented. "In a Scent" strikes the perfect balance between interactivity and storytelling.

    Length and Replayability (5/5): The game's length is ideal, and its multiple endings and branching paths make it highly replayable, ensuring you'll keep coming back for more laughs and surprises.

    "In a Scent" deserves a full five-star rating across all aspects. It's a comedic masterpiece in the world of visual novels, unapologetically pushing boundaries and offering a gaming experience that is both hilarious and touching. If you're open to a wild and raucous journey filled with laughter and absurdity, "In a Scent" is an absolute must-play.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, seriously, just a great game.

    At the beggining you may think it is a little too crazy, but if you just accept it's oddly concept you will find your self genuinely laughing and liking the storie being told.

    It has great (and I dare say best) jokes and funny dialogs I have seen, perfectly for the strange universe of the game. The MC is just... perfectly bizzare and unique, I endedup really loving him.

    The LIs are also really well and beautifully built.

    I'm eager for a new chapter to come and I'm also thinking about supporting the dev.