VN - Ren'Py - In for a Penny [v0.57] [Moist Sponge Productions]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This first part is for the Trolls out there. This is a Kinetic Novel as it's clearly stated in the Tags and the Main Picture of Women with giant Breasts should be a good indicator of what's in this Novel.

    However, if you're willing to play the game for more than 30 minutes you'll find a large group of natural looking Women cloistered at the Church. The leader of the group is Sister anne who is a bit militant and refers to the Towns Women as "Balloon Bimbos". An added bonus is that the Sisters are not Celibate for it's not that kind of Church. Later the MC will visit there most days for our enjoyment.

    At the beginning the MC is frustrating. He is pissed off at being abducted and forced to play the lead on some kind of Adult Reality TV Porn Show for a bunch of purvey aliens. While dragging his feet the MC will get dragged/tricked/fall into sexual situations with the more willing. Eventually the MC will embrace his role with the knowledge that everyone will benefit if the show does well. But just because he's now willing doesn't mean it will be easy, for everyone knows why he's there and not all are happy (example: Man Hating Lesbian).

    I think the renders are great. While I'm not a fan of the giant oversized Breasts nor find some of the girls to be sexy I do find them to be beautiful. The Dev seemed to have put in some effort on facial design with varied expressions for each girl ranging from humorous to adorable. After reading the posts I went back and saw that some early renders were indeed grainy but they were the exception not the rule.

    The sex scenes varied from girl to girl with lots of renders and fun dialogue. Enjoy.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Started out OK - the size of the women's boobs was absurd and not the best renders but decent enough game. However, a while back it started getting sillier. Worst of all, there stopped being choices and it moved from a game to a kinetic novel. That was a dick move changing it like that. I hate kinetic novels and it didn't start that way.
  3. 2.00 star(s)

    Blackface Steve

    Some of the writing is ok, but the renders are very ugly. Every single woman has monstrous breasts that hang in an unrealistic way. They are not just big, but cartoonishly big. And when everyone's big, no one is. There's a lack of variety of boobs shapes and sizes. Everyone's just the same, with the exception of one "small" boobed lady and one whose breasts are extra big.
  4. 3.00 star(s)

    pachinko jones

    Quite a meaty story for those like myself just jumping on board now. The setting and concept are pretty hot and wildly underutilized amongst horny games. But the absurd body sliders are mostly a turn off, with the "flat chested" characters having larger tits than the big breasted characters from more realistic VNs.

    Also while I do enjoy the pulpy story, there are a lot of things to complain about. For having been written by an English speaker, it often reads like something that's gone through an online translator. For example I would really like this dialogue explained:
    [handing the MC a drink]
    "Here you go. Want to know what it is?"
    "Not really... So long as it stings." [so far so good]
    "So, what are you thinking dearie? Tell auntie Jane."
    "An agony aunt!?!"
    "Young ones these days. Always running around not thinking."
    ^What does th
    at mean? Why did the MC shout agony aunt? Why did Jane reply with a seeming non-sequitur? Stuff like that pops up all the time. Genuinely though if this is a reference I simply don't understand, anyone can DM me to explain and I'll amend my review.
    EDIT: someone explained what this meant, it actually tracks! Might add a different quote in later though, cuz there's definitely still dialogue that doesn't make much sense.

    Also there are a surprising amount of bugs, especially given how long this game seems to have been out. The MC's name changes to default occasionally, and every sex scene with animations has bugged out with the Ren'Py "An exception has occurred." error message. No matter how good the story is, you're gonna get pushback when you get the sex scenes wrong.

    Last two main complaints, one is easy to fix and one is a more significant issue. The former is that oftentimes two characters will be in a scene with the MC, and when one speaks, the camera focuses on the other. It's unnatural and especially confusing when you're starting out. If it's a conscious creative choice made by the creators, they should know that it's wrong and they should stop doing it. The latter complaint is that the MC keeps having interesting conversations and dates with compelling characters... and then has sex with a rando. Every sex scene with a Sister so far has been disappointing, because I don't know them. I'm champing at the bit to have some fun with Crystal, or Sally, or hell even Maddie or Molly, because I am invested in them as characters. Meanwhile I've boned Irina, Emma, and Gina, and they've shown up elsewhere in the story practically zero times. While I disagree with the MC's general reluctance to have sex, I understand his narrative purpose for acting so, and am further confounded by these instant sex side quests where others would be way more fulfilling.

    Sorry, got a bit rambly there, but I'll wrap it up. Despite all my complaints, the story is a lot of pulpy fun (looking at you, Alice), the characters are cumpelling ;) , and while I wish there was a game like this where I had more choice as to who I pursued and when, I'm having fun in this domed holodeck fantasy.

    (also all my complaints aside, if you fix the animations and stop Ren'py from giving me error messages, I'll bump my rating up)
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a fun game with frequent updates. I'm not particularly a fan of the ENORMOUS breasts, but there is a lighthearted story line that keeps it all moving. I really like the handful of quirky characters (like Red and Blue) that break things up now and then.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    For those who have seen my ratings, they know that I don't give 5 stars often. In fact, it has only been done one time before.
    I like games with choices. The ones where your choice dictates what ending you get are my favorite of all. I love trying for the different endings. When I first heard about this game, I thought it was one of those. I was sadly mistaken.
    There are no choices at all. Secondly, I like a good story. So I was pleasantly surprised when this one hooked me. The story is my second favorite thing.

    So, even though this is a straight forward game, I love the twists and turns it takes. And can't wait to find out what happens next. This Dev has my gratitude for a job well done.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    A kinetic novel. Super advanced Xenos with clarktech kidnap the MC and 50 women from earth and throw them in a small town sized space zoo to produce space porn. They also used their clarktech to bodysculpt the MC and the women. Some of the women are over 100 years old and have been returned to prime youth, most had their boobs enlarged massively, MC was given a fit body and an oversized bitchbreaker.

    It sounds good on paper... but the execution is rather meh.
    MC is some sort of wet noodle pretending to be a man, who is actively fighting against getting laid. In particular it was cringy how the BDSM nuns are trying to make him act like their master and he hemming and hewing about using "degrading" language like they want him to.
    They also keep on making fun of the MC for being a moron which... they are not wrong, but that doesn't make for fun game.

    Honestly something like this would have been ideal as a sandbox, but for some reason it is a kinetic novel.
    This is actually a very serious problem not just a personal preference.
    With over 50 women to fuck I can't even remember who is who. If this was a sandbox I could focus on a few girls. Get to know them by following their path to completion.
    Since it is a KN instead I am going round robin. So I can have easily 10 thousands lines of (pretty weak) dialog between each time I meet a specific woman. And by the time I meet her again I don't remember who she is anymore.

    The women themselves are mostly caricatures. You have the overly serious drill sargeant and her daughters whom she forces to play act as soldiers. You have the overly diligent scientist (TM) and her daughters whom she forces to play act as scientists. You have the cherleaders and her daughters whom she forces to play act a cheer squad. etc. It is supposedly just something they do out of boredom, but I am not really seeing much more depth to them.

    3d art is ok, but only that, I am not impressed.
    The pussies in particular look gross in whatever render engine they are using.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Version .25

    I came for the giant boobs but stayed due to the amusing story and characters. The pacing between lewd and story are good. The different scenarios are interesting and varied. A hidden gem.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    jamie lannister

    I had fun playing this game, the writing is good, renders are average, though Im hoping that would improve with this game getting more recognition, if I could suggest something, please add the music, really make the playing more fun. the best, to me, of this game, is the story and how the author chooses to develop the characters, special when the MC is surrounded with 60+? women, youd think this would be pretty much monotonous mindless fuck-fest where MC getting all of the 60+ pussies falling directly onto his dick, it isnt. MC has some presonality and the game is much more than that
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Sub par renders and scenes, some I wondered why they just didn't replace everything but the character(s) and had a static image as a background.
    Some of them were grainy as well.
    +1 For not using the animation tag as most other VNs/Games do which has 5 or 6 images in a sequence.
    They weren't lying about big tits, also pregnancy One scene, I hope for more later
    The game also contains fisting One scene, I hope for more later which is rarely seen in VNs/games.

    Hopefully this game gets a remake which addresses the renders and scenes.

    Perhaps harsh to rate 2/5 but one get spoiled with marvellous renders in other games and it's definitely not worth 5/5

    Rated: 2/5
    Based on: v0.25
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    yes the game is stupid, but it is fun (what more can you ask of a game?) the dev has a good sense of humor great characters and a solid premise. I think since it is what it is being a different reality than we are living in he should get some smols there too. not saying he should plow them but they should be there teasing him as it would generate ratings as "will he or won't he" we know the aliens propagate too fast for that question but its nice they do tend to tap their fathers if blue is average. he does need to engage his faux family members too rather than avoiding them. overall its a fun romp already and a yes for d/l next ep.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This game without any exaggeration is a hidden gem. The story is one of the best I ever found in a porn game. The character development is pretty decent. And a likable MC, if you can believe it. The biggest downside is the animations. I wouldn't lie, they are bad, but it doesn't deduct from the enjoyment of the game. There are more than a few spelling mistakes, but nothing major . And don't let the initial looks deceive you, it has women of different shapes and sizes.

    All in all, a superb game
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Review is of v0.22.

    After a promising start, this game lost its way for a couple of updates and seemed to be meandering, with the story not really progressing in any interesting way.

    However things have got back on track with the last couple of updates and the story line and characters are progressing well, with a good mixture of entertaining scenes and dramatic tension.

    One caution is that the constant introduction of new characters might end up overwhelming the writer - there are so many to keep track of, and many have not made any appearances for several updates.

    A related issue is that I for one have forgotten who many of them are, and there is no easy way to identify them without going back to an early save. Hopefully this will be fixed soon, as there is a stub of a character information page - it is really needed.

    A final plea - please get someone to proofread, as there are far too many simple errors, mostly incorrect use of homophonic words like "knew" for "new", etc.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    is if you love GIANT TIDZ this is for you

    What can I say, I was hooked from day one with this. It's like one of my top ideal VN's, MC (you) get's to go round fucking various breast sides girls, I do love me some gigantic breats and this VN fills that void as there isn't many out there.
    I honestly think the story is written well as well as the development of the charectors, MoistSponge is doing a great job on this. I only hope after this he makes more giant breast games in the future. With a dash of breast expansion (personnal hope).
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    As of version 0.19
    I love the Harem story design where you are the only man in a ship full of women with various model type and not all of the women are willing to have sex with Main character but as story progresses you are having them one by one . The story is at decent pace and art is nice and it seems MC family is added to the game looking forward to future updates with them . Overall a great visual novel . Kudos MoistSponge for this game , added to my watchlist and looking forward to the next release .
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Renders are good
    Story is confusing You can switch to the view of mc or someone else
    This game is a game where you need to save to see both scenes
    And that's what i really don't understand why it's made this way
    No bugs
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Well, as of 0.17, I was pleasantly surprised by this one. Based on the date of the first release, the tags, and the models, I expected a brief fuckfest, and nothing else.

    The writing (dialogues and story) is actually pretty good (even if it could use a thorough revision of typos), the MC is... I wouldn't exactly say "likeable", but more like "easy-going".(he can be obnoxiously dense and victimist sometimes), and most of the girls are engaging (even the "evil" ones, I'd like to know them better).

    The models are good and varied, though you have to be a fan of big tits, or you're in the wrong place, here, as even the "flat chested" are pretty well endowed by regular standards. Some criticism could be said about this, though: considering the weight of the "big tits" tag in this game, much more could be done with them during the H scenes. They take up half of the screen most of the time but, during sex, they are barely there. Play more with them!

    There are some "animations", but the quality is certainly so-so, if not lacking. If they can't be better, I honestly wouldn't bother with them. A few more renders instead (and some text/dialogue to portray what's happening) would be more than enough to make up for it.

    The amount of content also took me by surprise. For slightly more than a year since the development began, I expected way less content. Truth be told, there're still plenty of girls to get laid with, but it doesn't feel scarce. I do believe there might be too many women. I think half of them would've sufficed, with more focus put in each one of them, but I don't think much can be done about it, by now.

    I'll keep an eye on it for the future.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    I love your work, too bad it's a visual novel. Hope your next creation is a harem game.
    Otherwise it is true that the hero sometimes lacks courage and the aliens have still not been punished by him. Personally, I expect the hero to dominate everything from a harem.
    But your VN has enormous potential to make it a good big boobs harem "game" of a dominant virile man who slams every woman's buttocks when he feels like it ... :cool:
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I happily endorse what Larry2000 has said. This is fun, very refreshing and warmheartedly quirky. It's one of several VNs around which give us a look at a story with, for me, a fascinating and, astounding originality. The story just carries you along (with absolutely no need of a notepad) and into which the mostly lovely cast of predominantly big-boobed ladies dovetail perfectly with the setting and storyline. Though I'm no literary apostle of his, the style of humor reminds me somewhat of Kurt Vonnegut.

    Anyway, this is a wonderfully enjoyable creation of which both Moist Sponges have every right to be proud and which, if it is of any significant importance to them, I hope attracts some much more useful support over on Patreon.

    So, thanks a bunch Moist Sponge Productions for your prodigious talents, your enlightened inventiveness and, of course, your precious hard work and quality which, as I just said, I hope rewards you accordingly.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    This game need to be treated more like webcomics than anything else. Word of warning, first day is brutally long and nearly made me drop this game. All things considered it is not bad, I like MC, I like most of supporting characters.