HTML - Abandoned - In Transition [v0.4.1] [lovesky]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    A real pity this was abandoned. One of the best sissification games to ever come out.
    The characters are really top notch, and the story is stellar. The only real complaint is that it's a little too easy for the main character to suck cock. It's literally like two weeks in and your supposed to be a faithful boyfriend, and you're just like, "Oh, your minorly threatening me, so I'm going to suck your cock". Other than the whole sucking cock thing, the actual transformation is rather slow, but does have a nice pace to it, so it doesn't feel lacking or grindy really.
    The real selling point to me was two things. One, the minigames were actually really good. Easily done with one hand and doesn't need a lot of concentration, if you know what I mean. And second, The way that the author times the text to match up with the videos is next level.
    There's a ... decent amount of content, but it honestly ends before we get to the really good stuff. As of now, it's more about the cuckolding with some transformation/sissy content.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This was really fun. I'd kind of avoided it because I don't really like games where you're turned into a girl. But you can stay a boy all the way through and it's still interesting. I particularly liked the mini games, and trivia in class. And, of course, all the hot cocks and lovely ladies.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    A great sissification game, with a nice paperdoll and some appropriate real porn. The story and the gameplay are nice. Special mention to the blowjob/cuni system that I've never encountered elsewhere.
    Sadly the gae is unfinished and the dev haven't gave any sign of life in the past months. Fingers cross it continues!
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1040613

    This is one of my favorite games in this genre and I hope that the author doesn’t abandon it. Love the graphics and how everything is arranged. It doesn’t feel grindy and has good progression. Keep up the good work, and would love to see an update soon
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I have no Idea why I looked past this game, but now that I've finally played it I absolutely loved it. The perfect combination of Sissification, Feminization & NTR (Sharing). the game has a decent amount of content. If the developer improves the avatar (paper doll) and wardrobe this could be the best in its category.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    A fantastic gradual sissification HTML game that manages a great balance of text and pics/gifs.

    It doesn't open to a hundred different paths and that is not meant negatively, on the contrary; it gives me hope that it'll one day become a finished game. But there are choices to be made that will advance the story accordingly.

    Wardrobe management... loooove! Definitely one of the best I've seen. Also great and easy to handle UI.

    The few minigames are basic and not at all frustrating. I especially love the idea of the blowjob and muffin diving games with the videos, even though they might profit from an improvement. eg they could get smoother, but the idea is great! And please note I'm not a fan of minigames in a porn game.

    The avatar and clothe sprites, yeah they can definitely get better. But they do serve their purpose for now and I guess that's easy to fix once you have the game ready. It's better to not delay development cause of artwork imo.

    Played the current content through and wanted more! (y)
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the most interesting games in the genre lately. It sure takes some time to progress in the story but I feel that helps not to rush everything, since some things are pretty sudden anyway in the game (no spoilers). I really want to see where the dev will bring the game later on.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    i absolutely love this game so far it has a bit of grind but it paces out the content very nicely for a good story and fap session i cant wait to see more of this game it really is an awesome game for this genre
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    I have to say that I feel like this game truly has a lot of potential. There are certainly things I feel like could be done/have been done better. This will be one of those games where a wait at least a few updates before I play it again. As right now there doesn't feel like there is a lot of meat on the bones.

    I like how the sisification/transformation is being handled. It's not something that is forced upon the character. It's more suggested to them. Like if they do change they are likely to start seeing money from game streaming or the photo app.

    One thing I don't care for is the school bullies and how MC is "forced" to suck dick. This is because it only takes a single hard/determined chomp to bite a dick off. Even if they had a gun, MC might be dead, but their still dickless. So I never understood that in these games where the forcers aren't even armed. But they are played off as overly mean, to the point of caricature or parody.

    So that plus the poor paperdoll, which I know the Dev has already started to address, it costs this game a star. There are a few other minor things here and there, but those are the two big ones for me. I still think the game is totally worth playing, and I hope we get the chance/choice to turn MC full girl, or at the very least into a school slut/bimbo.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    I liked the game! I would put it between the top of sissification games. I really aprieciate that feminization is a MC choice. I'm tired of games full of violence and forced stuff. Even the cuckold content, that I'm not really into, seems to me that is somewhat consensual between the Mc and her girlfriend, it's like they are experimenting open relationships, more than actual cuckcold stuff, and its sexy. I hope you don't revert this in the future. Adding more violence and forced shit would make your game just as all the other sissification crap that follows the same patterns, same structure, same recipes. We have too much of that already. Not telling that everything has to be politily correct, but I would suggest to reinforce the concept that all that happens is the desire of MC, and that way you are proposing something different that stands out from everything else..

    I also love the minigames. They are fun to play, and all the systems you developed.

    Things I don't like: I don't like that MC doesn't have the option to get a hard on. Its a super boring clitché that every sissy might have a small penis, that doesn't even works. You know, there are lot of sissies, trans girls, traps, or whatever you would like to call us that love to use their penises. I know small dicks are another fetish that people seek, not me, but I would suggest that you give the player the option to choose. If the narrative structure depends on the small dick at the begining, I would suggest you to add the option to find a way to get an acceptable boner or big one in later phases of the game. Maybe by completing a quest or something. I would love that.

    Man... your paper doll do sucks. I'm looking foward to see the version in wich you will improve that. If you need artists, I can show you my work, and give you the price list of my ilustrations.

  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Great concept AND execution. Good balance, not overly compicated nor simplified. Sounds and minigames are nice touches that add some variety to the game. I'm looking forward for more updates and future games!
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Such a pity that sex scenes are mini-games. U have to use WASD or you can't play it on mobile. Such a shame.

    Other than that the premise is promising. It's interesting. First time an HTML game makes it impossible to be played on mobile because of sex scenes with mini-games, though. Bothers the hell outta me.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Extremely promising game. I really hope it gets more fleshed out and possibly improved character art. For being a brand new game, it already has a nice amount of content but nothing too far since it can be a bit slow, but I like that sometimes as long as there's a few teases every once and a while.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the first HTML games I've seen with this degree of interactive elements. The subject matter may not be for everyone, but if it's your sort of content this is one of the most promising around. It's still in the early days of the game, there's ~1 hour of content if you're doing everything and it remains to be seen how the more porn/fetish heavy mid game will an out. But that first hour shows a ton of creativity.