- Imagining and writing copious amounts of incestuous content, story concepts, narratives and dialogue.
Preferred method of contact:
- Discord @ oratora
Employment Type & Rates:
- I'll work upfront for free for the experience, if we can make money from the project I'd certainly like a fair share and ideally would be able to fund my life style from the success earned by the work we do on these games, one day.
- Full time. 24/7.
Work Samples:
- I've written hundreds of captions and short stories that no longer exist online despite their popularity as I wish to take my writing to another level and they don't have the depth I'm looking to put out, so hey, samples can be provided of my previous work but preferably I'd give you a sample of my writing via improvisation. If you provide me with an image you'd like an incest story to accompany, I'll provide you with some text to give it extra levels of depth and show you how I type things out and put thoughts in to words.
Additional comments:
- Any type of game, but I'm not really in to gay/futa/scat/violent content, it's gotta be hetro (maybe some lesbian content) and it's gotta feel consensual and that's how I write. The woman is so horny that she gets off on giving an ogre a blowjob in front of her... brother (friend/dad/son/neighbour), she's excited by the prospect of a gangbang with four turtle monsters so even if it looks rough, she's got to be in to it. There's an amount of leeway without crossing the line here, we can talk.
- Imagining and writing copious amounts of incestuous content, story concepts, narratives and dialogue.
Preferred method of contact:
- Discord @ oratora
Employment Type & Rates:
- I'll work upfront for free for the experience, if we can make money from the project I'd certainly like a fair share and ideally would be able to fund my life style from the success earned by the work we do on these games, one day.
- Full time. 24/7.
Work Samples:
- I've written hundreds of captions and short stories that no longer exist online despite their popularity as I wish to take my writing to another level and they don't have the depth I'm looking to put out, so hey, samples can be provided of my previous work but preferably I'd give you a sample of my writing via improvisation. If you provide me with an image you'd like an incest story to accompany, I'll provide you with some text to give it extra levels of depth and show you how I type things out and put thoughts in to words.
Additional comments:
- Any type of game, but I'm not really in to gay/futa/scat/violent content, it's gotta be hetro (maybe some lesbian content) and it's gotta feel consensual and that's how I write. The woman is so horny that she gets off on giving an ogre a blowjob in front of her... brother (friend/dad/son/neighbour), she's excited by the prospect of a gangbang with four turtle monsters so even if it looks rough, she's got to be in to it. There's an amount of leeway without crossing the line here, we can talk.