Mod - HTML - Incubus City - Unofficial Enhanced Edition [v1.2.5] Final [CrimsonSamurai]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    This mod is terrible and Wape should never have incorporated it into the main game.

    The writing is absolutely atrocious. It's chock-full of spelling and grammar errors that the average fourteen-year-old would have caught with a cursory proofread. If you would enjoy "chocking" a "striper" and making her "obbey" you, this mod might be for you. "Ahahahahah" and "eheheheheh" are inserted into every-other line of dialogue as if all the characters are obnoxiously chuckling every five seconds. The overall tone of the protagonist's dialogue reads like something straight from r/iamverybadass. It's just immature, cringeworthy writing through-and-through.

    The questline for "an old friend" is poorly-paced. One of its routes requires 10 nights to complete (so you need either Enki Spice, the God Emperor beginning, or the Longer Breeding Season + Princess Falia to see it through), but it only offers 4 impregnation opportunities! You waste precious nights just having a friend stop by your apartment, or having a phone call with a stripper, with no action or decisions to make on those nights.

    Starting that questline is also straight-up cheating. On the second night, you get $10,000 and a bag of cocaine with no effort, no stat requirements, and no risk. It's extremely lame.

    That questline also clashes stylistically with the rest of the game. Halfway through the questline, the dialogue inexplicably changes to resemble text-message conversations with colored message boxes and portraits representing the speakers.

    Finally, as other users have mentioned, the mod introduces bugs such as missing images for Kate and Jeannie's booty calls.

    Overall, this mod is extremely jarring to play alongside the high-quality content that Wape created himself. It's a shame that I can't find the last version of Incubus City (prior to merging with this mod) available to play online in-browser.