Indie developer at the beginning of his journey


New Member
Aug 22, 2022
Well, greetings to all of you!
I'm M.E.A.T. and I'm at the very beginning of my dev journey. I'm nativly speeking german, so for once: Sry if my english doesnt suit you.

I will build a 3D game which will roughly include (step by step):

- open world
- fantasy themed RPG(monsters, magic,.....)
- crafting/alchemy
- real time fighting
- fully animated sex scenes
- breeding system
- and more to come up with

As I already mentioned I am at the very beginning, but I want to create the content as much as possible by myself.
I have already gained some experience regarding 3D modelling and animation.

The software I'll use (thats already decided) will be:

- Unity game engine (I want to go crazy with Havok physics engine)
- Blender for 3D modeling
- some other stuff for image manipulation, references

At first I started to get a stable understanding of all the aspects regarding 3D game development.
The second step will be to create a bunch of primitive assets (characters, environment, collectables...) which I will use to implement the core mechanics in Unity. Parallel I do a lot of concept design regarding the world itself (e.g. names, level design, npc design).
As soon as these things are established, I would like to release a demo version(with very poor graphics) to test how the community likes the real basics (movement, menu navigation, player HUD).
Later on and step by step the graphics will get updated. To give you an imagination I think the graphics of "The Elder Scrolls Skyrim" should be the minimum.

Maybe you have some constructive approaches or recommendations for me.
What would you like most in a fantasy RPG?
Is there anything I should definitely not do?


I have set up a patreon page where you can find more information.
I will post a link as soon as I have fulfilled the forums rules regarding "post a link".

I do not expect to receive any money at the moment! Serious, this is off topic for me as long as there is nothing I come up with.
The only thing you will find there is a "Dev diary" which should give you a feedback how I'm doing on my journey and this is public.

Also all the available supporter tiers and goals are subject to change while I go forward.

If you kind of like my idea or if you want to support me from the beginning, please feel free to do so as my main goal is to develop this game full time.

Thanks a lot in advance for your time and effort!


New Member
Aug 22, 2022
As announced, please find the link below for my patreon page and make sure to read the NOTE in the message before.
Thank you!



New Member
Aug 22, 2022
Thanks a lot Ambir!
Please excuse my late reply as time ran extremly short.
I wish you good luck too!

Also as general information to all:
I had to do some supportative work in a foreign country....which caused a delay on pretty much everything.
  • Red Heart
Reactions: Ambir


New Member
Aug 22, 2022
Hi there!

I just want to tell you, that I'm still on it!
A few weeks ago I decided to change the game engine for several reasons.

I will work with Unreal Engine 5 now.

At the moment I am creating the game map which is about 115km² in size.
Several areas will be available. They will be there in every version of the game, but you will only have access depending on the development status. Just to give you a short overview:

- Grassland (will be available as soon as the first version launches)
- Forest (parts of it will be available from the beginning)
- High Mountain (follow up)
- Lake (follow up)
- Swamp (follow up)
- Desert (follow up)
- "Corrupted" Area (follow up)

I look forward to share some content as soon as possible!

Thanks a lot for reading, have a good time!


Engaged Member
Oct 7, 2022
Hi, I wanted to ask you, before the game comes out, will you do a sort of demo where we can see more or less what you've created, or will it be a first introductory release?
anyway I wish you good luck with your project and I hope you get it done quickly, so as to play with it

Müptezel Emo

Dec 15, 2022
I will build a 3D game which will roughly include (step by step):

- open world
- fantasy themed RPG(monsters, magic,.....)
- crafting/alchemy
- real time fighting
- fully animated sex scenes
- breeding system
- and more to come up with
Don't misunderstand me but this game looks huge.
Can you really do these things?


New Member
Aug 22, 2022
Hi, I wanted to ask you, before the game comes out, will you do a sort of demo where we can see more or less what you've created, or will it be a first introductory release?
anyway I wish you good luck with your project and I hope you get it done quickly, so as to play with it
Hi, sry for my late reply and thanks for wishing me luck (I could need it) !

Well basically the idea is to provide a very early stage of the game.
This should have as content:

- Basic game mechanics (movement in general, interaction with npcs, basic fighting system), just to give you a feel how the game will be played. Also I want to know if the controls are good to use.
- the UI (will it be comfortable to use, is something missing)
- a small area to explore (player starting location and additional a little bit to walk around) This should give you an idea how the environment will look like and roughly give you an idea about the world dimensions.
- a few animations (sexual nature). I really hope I will get some usefull, critical replies about them.

On my patreon site I try to follow up with every bigger chunk of work/progress done. So I give you a light yes about a demo. I will not release playable content until I have reached the points above. But I will supply you with screenshots, videos and some of my ideas of course ;).

As time is my most valueable good, it depends hardly on how much people are going to like what I do. In general I want to do this as a full time job.


New Member
Aug 22, 2022
Don't misunderstand me but this game looks huge.
Can you really do these things?
Hi, thank's for the question and yes you're right, the game will be huge ;).
Well to say I can do this within the next 2 years would be a lie. BUT, this doesn't mean that there will be no game in this time.
I already created a complete plan about the development of the whole game. Also addons as soon as the main title is fully released. It took me a long time before I started to even touch the first engine to come up with this plan.

About the questions if I am able to do this things:

Yes I am. I have a very good understanding of 3D modeling, basic to advanced scripting skills, a sense for erotic art and most important the will to do this. ( I did a total of around 600 hours online lessons(still going on) and refining my gamedev skills every free minute)
As I posted one message before, it is a matter of time what makes the difficulty. But I'am serious, as soon as I get settled with a few supporters, things will go faster and faster.

If you take a look at my patreon page you will see that there isn't much at the moment. It looks empty and abondened. This also has a reason.

People often have no idea HOW MUCH time you really need to build things up and I try to create a documentation about all the aspects of game development in parallel. This should avoid that there will be spread rumors in kind of "....still no he even working continously?.....why should I support him further..." and so on.

So as soon as I have to come up with something which is worth to be shown, you will find it here or on patreon.