Unity - Completed - Infection Lab [Final] [BlueDreamPelican]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Zombies ripping your clothes, first the top, then the bottom. Guess she's not wearing underwear.
    Sex animation is mediocre. When they get you, it starts off zoomed out which is stupid. Can't zoom in as much as I would of liked.
    Haven't tested how much damage the pistol does but it feels the same as the knife. Shotgun does more damage ofc but how? Does it do a spread shot? No idea.
    Camera angle can be a little awkward and on how it choices to switch.
    It feels like I'm drifting and not walking whilst taking a turn.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Finally, a real Biohazard H Game :D
    In all seriousness, of course. This feels the closest to replicating that resource management, disempowering survival horror gameplay, with a spicy H-Game twist.

    It genuinely feels like if this game was expanded on, this could be the closest to a real 3D Parasite In City game. It's a shame this one's as short as it is.
    It'd be an excelent alpha build for a full on RE1/2/3 era survival horror shooter if anything.

    If the creator ever happens to stumble onto here, I'd want them to know:
    great job! Please give us more!
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    A short classic resident evil styled fixed camera zombie shooter with a pretty decent translation. and by short i mean very short like the game is 40 minutes long but its pretty fun. theres only around maybe 10 h scenes barely any voice acting and the gameplay is also pretty basic but its charming in its own