RPGM - Infinity Realm [v0.6.3] [Chaotic AsMe]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    The game has a lot of good femdom content, including:

    - kinks
    - good renders
    - progressive corruption system
    - a little bit of the story/lore

    My biggest issue with the game is that it's one of those games where I prefer to play with a save editor - because some choices like difficulty or some game mechanics are just not rewarding or even frustrating.

    Still, it's a very solid game IMO.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    That fucking board game....as if the game didn't have enough breaks, that board game completely ruins the experience. The best part was accidentally selecting Give up because I held a button down just a little too long.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Characters are decent, but the bad decisions on game design are atrocious. There's no reason for some of this game's gameplay to exist. the monopoly board is just bad and shitty designed. Miranda has fighting parts where you just can't attack at all for some reason. there's a lot of bugs that need fixing
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    so yeah i played the game and it got potential and i wish i could give it 5 stars as it got porn i like but i cant because of game play

    so the first thing that makes my blood boil is that the game has multiple endings and to reach each one u need to spend good chunk of time doing same thing again and again, like a tree... i personally prefer linear game with lot of side missions i can accomplish next to the main quest but its my personal preference and i cannot rate any games for it, what i can rate game for however is that i cannot reach the ending i wanted to reach without reading walkthru - i played for whole day trying to get 3rd girl pregnant and i couldnt - i saved the game just as i enterred her domain and tried to get it THIS MANY TIMES:
    tried to make her slave NOPE
    i read that i need to get more blue chalices than red as was written in scenes room so i got full dominance and some submission NOPE
    then i tried middle yellow road with full dominance NOPE full dominance and some submission NOPE some dominance and less submission but not full NOPE
    then i tried to go submission road with some dominance as to maybe DEV made mistake NOPE
    as i write its evening and im tired of looking where did i exactly fucked up and im puking already how i need to watch out to not push button thatkicks me from labyrinth accidentally
    and im fucking done delete and wanna play something else
    dont get me wrong i like harder games but i need to know what the fuck i am doing and looking for

    game has 4 builds and u need to check every one of them until u find one thats OP so its still unbalanced and i think adding more things will only make things more complicated for players

    +3 for nice girls models and for idea of this whole world somewhat like in that movie CUBE or something of that concept but also with room masters
    -2 for execution and technical issues that can be fixed and for not clear enough path for the players
  5. 4.00 star(s)

    The Lamb Sauce

    The dev has good concept for this game as well as his other game - monarch of magic - with several paths and endings. The artwork could use some more work and understandable so as I think the dev did his/her best even though there is not a lot of funding yet.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Version: 0.3v3

    This is one of those games I want to like, but i just can't bring myself to recommend it. It's got a neat concept, but doesn't do much with it.

    Art: 2.5/5: At worst, slightly subpar 3d models. At best, average 3d models. Could use some polishing.

    Gameplay: 1.5/5: Distinctly Subpar. It's repetitive at best, completely RNG at worst. You find one skill that works, and spam it, and hope that the enemy doesn't use an attack that you can't defend against beyond getting lucky. And that's when you're allowed to fight, and aren't just restricted to rolling a die to see who wins and looses with no control what so ever. Also, perhaps more damning, the developer removed a lot of features, then built things on top of those removed features.

    Story: 3/5: Average. There's hints at an interesting story, but it's bogged down by everything else, and there's so much more that could be done with it, which several of the game mechanics just draw attention to. Also, not helped by the following point at all.

    Grammar: 1/5: Terrible. They are in desperate need of a proofreader. What story there is becomes incredibly hard to follow because you need to parse what they're saying several times.

    All in all, it's got a lot of potential, but needs more then one person doing work on it as a side project. Which, unfortunately, I don't see happening.
  7. 2.00 star(s)

    Karl Speidel

    This game is not bad,it has alot of potential but right now its a bugfest,it has translation problems/grammar problems,many mechanics not working as intended and many areas are unfinished.Its an unpolished diamond if you will.
    Review as of 0.3v3

    Story is good so far but gets worst,less original as you progress.

    Art is good,it can use improvement though,Morgana looks good but the Marinda is just below average,the 3 boss is also looking good but there is no fight with her.

    Overall i can say that in this section things are fine,it just needs expansion and improvement aka steady progress.

    Combat: I've played the gunner and thief the whole time so im not sure how its different with other classes,supposedly the mage can drain the will of the foe but idk.
    Combat is very repetitive,unlike in games like ToT where enemies get new behaviours,new skills,new mechanics or so,there is nothing different between the fights,only stat changes,so it makes it a bother to win 10 times,because its just a war of attrition that makes you almost fall to sleep.

    Not many skills for the protag or flexibility but i havent tried much other classes so im not sure but i've looked at the skills,basically you go fight an enemy ones and you saw it all,there won't be anything new,hope this changes like in ToT.

    Fights are very simple and if you learn the behaviour of the enemy and the RNG doesnt screw you then you are going to win 9/10 times.
    It would be nice to be added special mechanics,new skills as you beat them and maybe bondage/hold that you need to escape from like in No Escape game edition.

    Music:Ok but nothing noteworthy

    Scenes:Kind of basic,few are unique and many repeat,there is few if any post domination content and the realms feel empty and small,no interaction with NPCs.

    Areas and desing is pretty poor: realms are small and empty,there is nothing to do and no NPCs to talk to,there is a work area and private quarter in second area but there is no content,its just empty.

    The areas need to be expanded,NPCs to talk to and interact and not only for dialogue,it would be nice to have them help you win against the bosses by providing items and so on like on ToT,also adding enemies that can dominate you other than the main bosses would be good too,like the kitty bitches in second area.Also activities,something to do in those areas,first area doesnt even have a shop so you CAN run out of potions and practically get stuck losing.

    The third map is the worst so far,i like those dices games but there is nothing unique and it can be frustrating to cross,enemies are not female and dont battle fuck,boss doesnt battle fuck,pratically its just filler.
    Bosses: They aren't very unique im sad to say,first one is practically Dimitrescu clone,second is not beutiful or unique in anyway,third is ok but there is not much interaction with her.

    BUGS/broken machanics:If you go to gallery and view the enslavement from morgana you get switched to ghoul,it shouldnt work like that since its only a gallery.

    When you role a dice you need to press enter after you get the number,after you complete moving if you press up or down you can accidentaly end up pressing give up and this happend alot to me.

    Pathfinder doesnt talk after the first area,even though the option is there and you can select it.

    beast claws item doesnt work,it doesnt unlock the skill as promised.


    I wish i could give this game a better rating but there are too many holes,placeholders,bugs and repetitiveness to give it more for now,however its just 0.3 so i will make a new review once its finished,for now it give it a
    6/10 (because i dont like the star rating system)
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    An interesting idea. unfortunately the game is currently full of bugs that really hamper it. In addition most things are completely unexplained. Items in inventory mostly have no description and there is no clue what they actually do. Combat is not very well balanced either because they gotta deal with multiple "classes".
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Its like tower of trample but unlike TOT you aint a little bitch and you can fight back and actually get rewarded when you win.

    Its a strange way of doing scenes if you go for full wins you get a domination route if you go for full losses (maybe you liked TOT) you get full submission but you can also go half and half (some losses some defeats) for a kinda romance route with pregnancy (so its my go to route).

    The 3dcg isn't too polished however but its a great concept and unlike TOT you don't have to memorise fucking attack patterns.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    First i like the game. Love All The Crazy Scenes. Unlocked Them All. Atleast I Hope I Did. The Game Is Crazy Good For Visuals. If Its Your First Time.


    * Work on the story a little bit like hire a writer i think it needs more dramatic content like some sort of thing you have to achieve some mystical thing

    * Friends lost should be incorporated back in i have seen this with a game from The Gary like it gets really exciting but thats your choice Ntr or not i love The Lady ;-)

    * The scenery requires some more work like a little more depth to the castle

    * Fight system also is quite fast like i love the pace but add some more dramatic lines you know so things spice up

    * Make it so you have to fight enemies like in all Rpgms These different enemies should be low leveled so there is a good farming system

    * Add like in the future some sorta village outside thats explorable maybe some consequences to exploring it maybe and weapon system

    * Quests Are Also Required

    These are mere suggestions
    Over All Game is A (5)
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    I love some of the concepts and potential in it, I like the renders, I find the game play acceptable though I am not a fan of the unguided balancing act required to achieve certain paths (if I like a certain fetish and want that path, and your game doesn't make that intuitive, that's an issue IMO).
    Overall... 3 at it's current state, with the ability to go up or down depending on how it progresses.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Not a bad BDSM game where you can impregnate a monstergirl who is extremely buxom. The only problem is that the duels with her can be pretty tough but the efforts are worthwhile. Can't wait for what's installed in future updates. Will you get see the monstergirl dropping your kids is something you must be patient for as well as new species of them.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    At the moment of writing, this review goes up to v1.

    I like this game a lot, I hope work continues towards its improvement.
    I was going to rate it 4 stars because of the english level, but as I'm not a native speaker myself, and damn I can't create a game, nor even draw, I value the effort very much.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    game is too short now and the battle is too hard i think...

    but goodthins is great cg and various path of stroy

    (It depends on the score of the battle)

    I really enjoyed the game, and I can't wait for the next update.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    alright so in short sentence i fucking love this game its still on early alpha but as rpgm game fan this is above my standard and have lots potential and some stuff that i don't like.

    so basically this game story was quite instresting for me. getting trapped in another world,grind some lv and becoming stronger and all sort of that. im a fan of manga or manhwa or something like that and i have quite high standard for the story and this game lore is quite insteresting

    like all rpgm game but there are thing that i love and that is class system,race system(human or vampire that kind of race okay please don't cancel me) and ability to pick choice of change our class or race in a story was cool and i doubt many rpg game have thing like this.

    also for the battle is quite easy to learn not too not too easy but not too hard, i like this kind of game battle system in rpgm

    also the item was quite hard to find and reward afterward is depending on how much we win and lose to the guardian, and for the scene also different so always combine win or lose it will give you different ending for guardian

    3.fap material
    for simply it im a man with multiple fetish so i can fap or tolerate most of fetish(except for some fetish i can't find it sexy) this time when this review was created the only fap material on the game was morgana vampire mommy(lady dimitrescu refrence) was a good one from dominant tall women,submisive milf slave, and of couse lovely mommy so far i only found these fap material and i will search for other too
    for the fap material although this game was still an alpha the rating from me personally was

    4.what i don't like
    first of i don't like the size its 1,3 gb for only morgana mostly fap material so far, i hope there will be official compressed ver or the dev will make the size smaller

    second the dialouge must click few time to immidietly complete dialogue instantly maybe its because of lag or something i don't know but perhaps dev could help this problem

    third and lastly im a bit skepticle and still don't know any about this game development or how many time need for new update but, this kind game will be hold,abandoned, or long time needed to new update that is why please give your best to update this game its has lot of potential and i was love it

    total personal rating
    remember this review is out when the game was in version 1(alpha)
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    I don't usually like to review an extremely early alpha, but it needs to be said. One scene does not make a game. It makes a disappointing tech demo, if that. You get one enemy who has about 50 billion scenes. I wouldn't know how many there actually are, since I was hoping the content might include more than a prologue and an enemy and I tried to progress in the game like a normal person might.

    My mistake.

    I want to give this a higher rating, probably will in a year if more than one enemy exists in the game at that point. Right now, though, I can only express myself through my spirit animal.

    I hate to be the asshole who asks this, but can devs put more than an hour's worth of content into a game before publishing their alpha?
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I usually don't rate first versions, but this does feel like it could go under the radar because of the presentation and the initial scenes but this has a great concept that could go a long way. Especially for the MC to progress and find other people who came with him later on, have multiple paths to follow, and also the diversification of the bosses is a big possibility,

    The battle system is fine although could use some minor balance changes. The overall plot holds together so far despite seeming overwhelming and there's clear knowledge of what to do despite there being no real pointers.

    Now, this is the first version so there is not much you can do on the side other than just keep grinding the boss, but yeah, it is a solid concept that should be expanded upon and the dev has been able to show the proof so far.