VN - Ren'Py - Inner Demons [v0.44.0.16] [GrayTShirt]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Every proportion slider is turned up to max. Tits are way too big, dicks are comically huge, and the sheer absurdity of it completely ruins any chance at eroticism.

    The writing is mediocre, the renders are gritty, and there are virtually no choices. The story is essentially set in stone, and you only get the option to view or not view certain sex scenes, although most are mandatory.

    It's just so weird to have characters randomly swap from happy to angry for no reason, or at least no logical reason.

    2 stars because I think the dev could clean this up. Maybe in the next game they put out, idk.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Chapter 1 was perfect, godlike renders, good intro and insert into history, everything very good. But after that, after the war the game became a fuckfest, everyone fucking everyone. The girl who is supossed to be in love with the MC and all that get fucked by a futa. I mean, this game play with the technically is not ntr, but this game is just a fuckfest. I loved chapter 1 and I honestly thought this game would be in my top 5 favorites but after the war i no longer are interested in continuing playing this. If you like Protagonist centric games (where only fuck with mc) or if you are a ntr hater, don't play this shit. The avoidable scenes are just that you don't see them.

    Edit: To be honest i thought the mc was special, strong and unique, but you see bigger dick, body everything everywhere. The mc is just a toy, the futas and demon king are better than the mc. If you insert into games this is going to be a painful game. Maybe i'm beeing a little harash but i only feel anger after playing a game where i'm suppose to play as the mc but ended being a voyeur of others people fucking scenes and the mc Getting shit on.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an awesome game and one my favourite as it has 2 things that we need more of in games, Futas and especially GILF's! I love the story as well although it could be a bit more advanced by now. The art style is also amazing, especially the
    FUTA dicks and the curvy GILF's.

    If I could leave a little story suggestion related to the Valkyries for the dev, I hope it's ok!

    Imagine a GILF Valkyrie that is a legendary Valkyrie warrior of old who has spent a long time as an aimless wanderer escaping the forces of Evil but learns about the MC's town and Maeve (if I remember her name correctly) living there. She arrives at the town and with Maeve and the MC's family and so on decide to rebuild the Valkyries and send out a kind of Summons to lost and wandering Valkyries that still exist around the world to converge at the town to secretly rebuild and fight the forces of Evil once more!

    I think a rebuilding of the Valkyries could be really cool also for the storyline, providing the MC with powerful allies.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 6297007

    This is immersive fantasy well done!
    It's definitely not everyone's favourite beverage, but it definitely hit my 'G' spot!!
    The narrative creates a solid foundation for a rather incestuous storyline. The women are buxom and busty, the MC is hung like a horse...the usual fantasy tropes. My only issue is that he has ginger hair...but it's not a light, no, no, this is bright, fiery ginger, like a smoking coal in a dying fire.
    I reside in a land of ginger headed people, pale and anemic looking, with's never been a good look.
    However, whilst he's not God's brightest prodigy, he is a decent player character, who I've grown to like. Honestly though, I envy his penis...I want a penis like that! I want women to adore me because of it, idolize me and make me a god!! sad am I?
    Anyway, if you like fantasy you might just like's certainly worth a brew!
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Most boring game i ever played.
    Tones of unnecessary, empty dialogues.
    Side characters have more screen time and sex scenes than MC.
    Horse cocks everywhere.
    Pathetic animations or no animations.
    World is quite intresting, but writing is terrrible.
    Poor dark renders where i cannot see anything and at the top of that with lots of grain.

    Dont waste time on this. Not worth it. Im not picky person, but this game is one of few that i cannot stand.
    I can forgive poor animations, renders etc. but this game is just so dull.

    In this game MC is not MC, it's just third-party character, most of the time you dont see him in game, he just rotting in cell on the other side of the world, while you watch side characters lives fairly happly with tones of sex/lewd scenes with other side characters.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best VNs on site. Engaging story, clearly communicated without bizarre wording or grammar. Great still images that seem lifelike with wide variety of looks ad personalities. Animations with voice were clearly worked on for many hours. I look forward to the next major update. My only complaint is actually a compliment, I wish there were more and larger updates!
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Review of v0.42.6

    This review is somewhat challenging for me to write because I am having a hard time gathering my thoughts and feelings about this game. Honestly I do not care for it very much. I was lured in by familiar tags that I usually enjoy but this game differs greatly from those I have played in the past. I tend to lean towards more story focused games/novels and the way this one is told just doesn't quite do it for me. That is not to say that this is a bad game in anyway, as you can see from my rating, I just personally do not find it overly enjoyable.

    I'll just start with my biggest complaint that I have with this game, the MC. Not how he acts, not how he talks, not how he is modeled, not his inhuman 18 inch long 10 inch in diameter monster cock; but the fact that this game even has an MC since it honestly feels like 80% of the game and content so far he isn't even present for. That may seem like hyperbole but I promise you it isn't as far from the truth as you might think. It might not be exactly 80% but it is truthful that the majority of sex scenes and even just normal story scenes he just straight up isn't there. He doesn't feel like the main focus of the story the way it is presented. For the actual plot of the story yea he's an important character, the only son of a legendary berserker bloodline and maybe the last hope of stopping the demon invasion, but in sheer screentime alone Fiona has him beat in spades.

    Another gripe that I have is how the story is presented is constantly changing. Chapter 1 is entirely kinetic and contains unavoidable sex scenes. I don't have a problem with that and it's even mentioned in the dev notes so it's no surprise, assuming you read it before downloading. Chapter 2 introduces the option for you to pick and choose what scenes you as the player see, making them skippable but not avoidable, i.e they still happen you just don't see it. I'm actually a fan of this more since you can skip scenes that aren't to your tastes. Chapter 3 doesn't add anything new here same as chapter 2, you can skip scenes that aren't to your tastes. Chapter 4 introduces a psuedo open world approach for some reason allowing you to choose the order in which you view scenes, except not really since you can't view certain scenes without previously viewing another scene so then you have to back out and go click on that scene first. It's honestly kinda a mess. If you're going to have to do that why not just keep it as a VN the way it was for the previous 3 chapters? It honestly makes no sense to me.

    Ok now that my gripes are out of the way we can move onto some positives. As you can see from the preview screenshots the renders in this game are quite beautiful. Some of the ones in earlier chapter are a bit grainy but it honestly doesn't detract from the quality. In my opinion it just gives them a dirty almost grimy feeling which fits this games vibe pretty well in my opinion.

    The character models are honestly going to be hit or miss for quite a few people, but I quite enjoy them myself. The proportions are ALL extremely exageratted, you're either a fan or you're not no real way around it. The great thing though is that it seems like ALL of the character models here are completely custom, at least as far as I can tell. None of them look familiar to me from other games that I've played and thats a plus in my book after playing countless lazy asset flips.

    Now we come to the absolute greatest strength that this game has to offer and it's a big one, the sex scenes. The sex scenes here are absolutely some of the best that I have ever had the pleasure of seeing. Unlike some games where the scenes pop up out of nowhere and feel like an obligation and then come to a finish before you have time to actually enjoy them, here they take their time. They set the stage, warm things up with tantilizing scenarios have erotic dialogue that actually fits what's going on. If you're keen to the difference between straight up porn and actual quality erotica this games scenes are definitely more of the later. Not to say that the writing of the scenes overshadows the visuals you are presented with, quite the contrary. The visuals are also top notch in this regard have no fear.

    All in all I can't say this is a bad game by any stretch, in fact it is quite good. I encourage you to give it a shot even if you find yourself like me and not liking the story aspect very much the sex scenes themselves are worth checking out at the very least.

    Edit: After sleeping and coming back to reread my review I feel like I did not do a good job adequately explaining my main problem with the game and so I shall do that now. As I mentioned in the paragraph that covers how the story is being told has changed several times I am a fan of being able to skip certain optional scenes that do not align with my tastes. The problem with that is that right now the optional scenes seem to greatly outnumber the scenes that actually focus on and progress the main story. In chapter 2 part 2 there is a scene with that takes place in The House, the brothel that Fiona runs with a noble family from a different city. While the scene itself admitedly is very well done and quite hot, I found myself wondering why am I even seeing this in the first place. Like really who are any of these people? What do they have to do with the story? None of the other characters intoduced so far that are important to the story know who these people are so why is there a significant portion of this chapter dominated by seemingly unimportant filler? And that is exactly what it is, filler. Most of the optional scenes are only there to stretch out the playtime and serve no other purpose. Instead of all the filler the dev could of easily made actual important scenes that progress the story. A caveat to this is that the optional scenes is where you will find most of the sex scenes in the game and as stated before they are extremely well done and in my opinion the greatest strength of the game. That's why I am torn between enjoying the game but also not liking it very much.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    although the game is kinetic novel but still loved this game because of its milfs, sex and story. There are few games where milfs actually do look like milfs and have sex that is passionate and intense instead of just regular porn. The sexual encounter between fiona and vincent is damn good and passionate. Hoping other encounters to be like that or better. The incest makes the game more interesting as it builds the tension of taboo plus it takes place in medieval time which is cherry on top because of its rawness and uniqueness. Great work dev.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    a star! You ask why? nothing less!
    This is a project that started as a visual novel and lost its visual novel feature with the latest update!
    what i liked!
    The mother and sister of the main character are both very attractive, charismatic and sexy the others are crap!
    what i don't like!
    fiction sucks!
    the story sucks!
    the characters are bad!
    no music effects animations!
    There is no need to write a much longer review, I already wrote it, if you read it, you know! no need to repeat!
    an advice to you! If you are someone who is open to criticism without getting angry, always respectful of free ideas, read it or fuck it, don't pedestal any of them!
    1-Write a story from start to finish! the end!
    2- edit without haste through the eyes of a director!
    3-avoid boring dialogues and repetitions!
    4-Animation, effects, music will be worked on quality craftsmanship!
    Don't make up the 5-characters out of your ass! What you really like is charismatic, handsome, beautiful, attractive, cute, scary, scary, unreliable, etc.
    "The brave die one day, the cowards die EVERY DAY!" William Shakespeare!
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Dane Christiansen

    I love this game and it is pretty unique here from what I've seen so far.

    Most of the FUTA games I've played involve males wanting the FUTA or immediately loving them, whereas this one doesn't start that way at all. Maybe I should add that I am not too far into the game, at least I don't think I am and hope I'm not.

    Dev, thank you for the game, please keep it coming, and I can't wait for the next chapter.

    I would certainly support the games development if I could and would love to try any other games the developer(s) created.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Extraordinary game, with breathtaking art and scenes, truly some of the most voluptuous, strikingly beautiful Milfs I have ever seen. Aside from the eye candy, there is a good story and plot. Thanks dev for the awesome game!!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Good!! Another level of visual novel!! Really liking it! All characters looking good! Especially the main character! But Sometimes the main character look very old.. But Although game very good with the story line! The developer focus on every characters! Thank you!
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    I started for the tags especially male on futa but;

    Good: renders, music, sounds, good writting,..
    Bad: no choices, tipical mc with a horse dick that insta make the girls wet.

    Maybe the story is good for many people, but the cons made me not interested anymore.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    One of the very, very few games that focuses on Male on Futa. So it's great for that alone.

    The power dynamics, the idea of dominating a demon queen and what not is cool. Everyone is ripped and huge which is again, kinda rare, so that's cool.

    Extremely boring story that I just couldn't give a rat's ass about. Too much pointless dialogue. Too many unnecessary side characters.

    I don't think I 've ever skipped this much dialogue in a game before. It's just so utterly dreadfully boring.

    There is 0 choice regarding which characters you like and which you don't. Your sole choice is seeing the scenes or not which happen in canon. So essentially it's a railroad.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    This was a great experience, keep it up dev, I might be biased tho.

    So basically the strongest point for me were the Incest content, dunno about the overbuffed sister, like why, why isn't she at war, why does it take a single guy to beat all demons, but I guess DOOM somehow gets away with it.

    There were no choices to make which is ok but at some point I wanted explore both (which Is a good thing about the game then) the demon queen fantasy where hero joins her forces and she indeed takes role of both his mother, sister etc, and/or fights againts her to return to his real family. The sister scene is outta nowhere and hero just kinda fucks her? I mean wasn't that romantic and a bit anticlimactic hope it will work better with mother. Anyway I found this game after looking for likes as Vae Victis, that is still baking and it will be a long way to get to any incest content. But as far as it is now:

    5/5 for Incest |BIAS| (No mother scene yet, but I liked the side character sanctum one + game is focused on it, dunno about how godmother fits into it, I always just imagined her as grandmother, but story wise she just brought heroes mom and father together)

    3.5 Immersivness I mean I got into the story but some points still rose some questions like where are the armies on both sides

    4.5 Concept + art, like the "touched" and the demon queen even if she's kinda dumb.

    I'm too lazy to point out other significant points, just try the damn game, it's at least worth that much.
    Kudos dev again, keep doing the good work <3
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Strobe Adverse

    Beautifully written Visual Novel. I really enjoyed the writers style and never felt like clicking past any dialogue... then the story sucked me right in. Very impressive work, I highly recommend you check it out.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Man, what a cool game!! Simply a job that cannot fail to mention how well it is done in terms of graphics and writing. Really congratulations to the developer! And that more and more the same will only get better! Stay safe.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    First things first: Look at the preview images. If you don't like the character design, then there's not much point in downloading it. It's the way the characters look. I, for one, am a big fan, but it's preference.

    That said, as a visual novel, it's fun and interesting, and you have the option to skip a lot of scenes that might be too odd for your tastes, although honestly, I wouldn't recommend skipping any of them, at least so far. The story is a little all over the place, but the characters themselves are fun and enjoyable. the dialogue is a good mixture of charming and erotic, and the sex scenes and tension are top notch.

    (Side note: Anyone who's gotten tired of waiting for Timepants to give us more Astrid content, rejoice: Bryn is your best girl now.)
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    I love this. Its not really a game, since there are no decisions to make, or any other type of gameplay, you are just along for the ride.
    The story, the world, the characters and their writing are all amazing, Skye, Fiona and Hilda are the best and im looking forward to see more.
    Visually the game starts out pretty rough, but as the game progresses the presentations becomes significantly better.
    Its an absolute recommend.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    great idea horrible execution. Decent story, good characters but real bad execution. Renders are strange. Every scene is in the dark, you can hardly see a thing. There is a shadow here, a dark spot there ruins the entire game. Just because it is in inside or night does not mean we should not see a thing. Increase the lighting!!! It kills the entire scene. Also, angles are very weird. It is as if there is a hidden censor so that you can't see what is going on. Focus is always tilted. Wasted effort.