Patch 0.8.3 is now available! In this update, I focused on combining key scenes, adding new gameplay features, reworking scripts for improved performance, and fixing bugs. Below are the detailed changes:
Scene Combination:
- Consolidated apartment-related Unity Scenes into the Apartment Scene and outside-related Scenes into the Outside Scene.
- Created ApartmentScenarioManager and OutsideScenarioManager scripts to manage these scenarios.
- With the consolidation of these scenes, changes of region throughout the game do not load scenes unnecessarily, eliminating stuttering when changing areas.
Script Reworks:
- Showcase Manager:
- Replaced the old Showcase script with the new ShowcaseManager script.
- Implemented instant hover effects directly in the script.
- Questionnaire and System Menu:
- Removed Unity animations to improve performance.
- Rewrote scripts to implement instant hover effects.
- Reorganized GameObjects for better hierarchy management.
- UIManager:
- Created a new UIManager script.
- Integrated energy management functionality:
- Defined activities that affect energy through a public enum.
- Linked activities to energy changes and updated the energy display with delay functionality.
- Items Management:
- Created an ItemsMainManager script to handle item management across the game.
- Reworked the ClosetManager to manage items in Alex’s closet.
- Modified LoaderManager to manage loading screens and scene transitions more efficiently.
- Dialog System:
- Modified the DialogueManager script to hide the interface using the new UIManager .
Soundtracks and Effects:
- Updated the Apartment soundtrack to ambient sound.
- Added ambient sound in Karina's Office.
- Added ambient sound to the Laptop.
- Added new soundtracks and sound effects to the following scenes:
- Alex in Karina's Office.
- Alex meets Karina for the first time.
New Features:
- Animated Loading Screen:
- Introduced a new animated loading screen for smoother transitions between scenes.
- Gym Clothes in Closet:
- Gym clothes are now available in Alex’s closet, allowing for better customization.
- New Dialog:
- Added a new line from Alex when attempting to remove the Chastity Cage.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue where gym clothes were appearing one on top of the other.
- UI Optimizations:
- Decreased the time for the Main Menu entrance animation.
- Replaced the Gaussian effect on the showcase viewer with a screen dimmer.
- Laptop Tasks:
- Blocked the conditionings from triggering for the second time.
- Blocked the hypnos from triggering for the second time.
Artwork Ready:
- Alex doing the deadlift exercise at the gym.
Artwork and Animation I’ll Be Working:
- Animating Alex doing deadlifts.
- Alex doing the hack squat exercise at the gym.
Patch 0.8.4 is now available! In the previous patch, I worked extensively on the game's systems to improve performance. In this patch, I’m excited to bring you the completed animation of the Deadlift exercise! More details below:
New Animation:
I’ve completely redone the Deadlift animation. Previously, the animation was created using the rotoscoping technique, but now I’ve drawn and animated Alex himself performing the exercise.
The animation includes 11 keyframes where I modified Alex’s clothes, hair, and anatomy. Additionally, I reworked the barbell and weights to enhance the overall appearance of the exercise.
The animation adapts to the three difficulty levels of the exercise. When the weight is light, Alex performs the Deadlift effortlessly, but as the weight increases, his movements become more strained, reflecting the challenge. Additionally, as Alex cycles through the exercise, he gradually becomes sweatier.
Artwork Ready:
- Alex doing the hack squat exercise at the gym.
Artwork and Animation I’ll Be Working:
- Animating Alex performing hack squats.
- Alex doing the captain’s chair exercise.
Patch 0.8.5 is now available! In the previous patch, I worked on the Deadlift exercise animation. In this patch, I’m excited to bring you the Hacksquat animation. More details are below:
New Animation:
I’ve completely redone the Hacksquat animation. Previously, it was created using the rotoscoping technique. However, I’ve now drawn and animated Alex himself performing the exercise.
The new animation includes 12 keyframes, where I’ve modified Alex’s clothes, hair, and anatomy. Additionally, I reworked the machine and weights to enhance the overall appearance of the exercise.
The animation dynamically adapts to the three difficulty levels of the exercise. When the weight is light, Alex performs the Hack Squat effortlessly. As the weight increases, his movements become more strained, reflecting the challenge. Additionally, as Alex cycles through the exercise, he gradually becomes sweatier.
Artwork and Animation I’ll Be Working:
- Alex performing the captain’s chair exercise