Ren'Py - Innocent Au-pair: Restart [v0.272] [D&D visual]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I played the original game and I like this one much more. Original game was full of tiresome grinding unlike the "IAP Restart".
    This game is much more straight forward but not in a bad way. Choices you make do influence the story but if you have half of a brain it's easy to make the right ones. Writing is not the greatest but since I'm a huge fan of reluctance, corruption and innocence in porn games I must rate this game with 5 stars even though 3,5 to 4 stars would more realistic rating.
    I hope that writing will pick up as the game development continues but even as it is, this game is absolutely "my cup of tea".
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is average to poor.

    The renders are good, the models are ok, veering a but too much into just a boob fetish game

    The writing is also ok, except that there are two protagonists and you're not going to relate with both, so it feels just like an ntr game which really pulls it down
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    I remember playing the original, and while I liked it, it was also crazy frustrating to play with all the grinding and doing things in the right order... all the worst of a sandbox. IDK, I guess I was expecting more being in Ren'py, but the dialogue is worse and the characters are all still as unlikable. I think I was hoping for more of a reimagining. Taking the good and making it playable, but instead it is just the same crap in a new wrapping.

    Granted, when this first came out, it was pretty good, but AVNs have come so far since then and this just seems to be sticking to the past with little to no improvement.

    If you were hoping for something that held true to the original, then you might like this, otherwise not much new to see here.

    On a positive, the dev does seem talented and the images look much better than the original, so I am hoping this game sees some success.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Loved the original, but this feels like a novel... The first one had agency... you had to figure out what to do, and when you did you were rewarded. This is basically on rails. Not going to miss anything.

    The graphics are behind the current standard too. Just looks like a rip of the old game.

    Sandbox? Not really. There is only 1 person available usually.

    I would still love to see a true Sandbox with better visuals.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Interesting start.

    Found that both characters work/school are very easy to max out except for first week.

    Graphics are good. Dialogue is good. Story has the potential to be good.

    Things to hope to see:
    - Son/Father sharing
    - Rating system for father (son has one on how the girls feel.
    - A way to get with the Au Par for father that does seem so sleezy.
    - Some way of knowing an event is being repeated and no new content

    Normally stay away from anything with Sandbox tag as they all have issues disconnecting story from audience by forcing endless advancing time and checking everything to see if any more story actually available.