VN - Ren'Py - Innocent Witches [v0.11 Alpha] [Sad Crab]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    I just finished reading the latest update of this game from start to finish, and let me tell you, it's a complete waste of time. I spent hours reading through tons of dialogue, hoping for some exciting sex scenes since it's supposed to be a Harry Potter parody. But even when I finally reached a sex scene, it was just disappointing. All that time and effort for a bland scene with no emotion whatsoever. It feels like the developer wanted to put their own spin on the Harry Potter franchise, but knew they wouldn't get much support unless they made it NSFW. Unfortunately, they still failed in that aspect. I didn't come here to read a Harry Potter book, I came for some wild adventures and the main character getting laid. The only positive thing I can say about this game is the amazing art style. It's the only thing that kept me interested throughout this tedious experience. If you're looking for a Harry Potter book with some adult content, then this game might be for you. Just don't expect much action from it.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    The artwork and animation are phenomenal and Sad Crab does some great coding that bring a lot of life to environments. The game has so much potential yet here we are 7 years later and the story is still a complete mess.

    The story is still nonsensical and unfocused. I've played this 5 times in as many years yet the story is still disjointed and poorly paced. Sad Crab made good progress ripping out MCs long diatribes that plagued the game the first 4 years yet the rest of the story line remains incoherent. If the visual artwork is 10/10 the written artwork is lucky at a 3 or 4 out of 10. Maybe Chat-GPT can help them.

    This is not a corruption game or a romance game. MC doesn't really corrupt anyone like in Witch Trainer. Any fans of that game are unlikely to find many similarities here beyond the character names.

    One of the biggest faux pas this game engages in is intentionally wasting the players time. There are 4 hours of "pauses" built into the game, Sad Crab is trying to one up Hideo Kojima for non-skipable content. A "pause" is coding command to tell the program to stop processing any code and not accept any input. Every time MC starts a conversation the program halts for 1 second before displaying the dialogue box then the conversation will be interspersed with 50 other pauses, some as long as 15 seconds. The result is incredibly stilted conversation and user interface, the user can't simply click to the next line of dialogue when they are ready instead they have to wait for the forced pacing. It's mandated frustration which Sad Crab believe is mandated enjoyment, they are wrong.

    Constructive steps for Sad Crab:
    1. Remove the extraneous pauses, google UI responsiveness guidelines
    2. Remove the black screens interspersed into animations. You don't see this in any good animation why do you think it's a good idea? It breaks up the animation.
    3. Go play Witch Trainer, the original one, and take away some lessons in streamlined UI, character interaction and character development, it was successful because it got so much right. This games failing isn't that it's not Witch Trainer, it's that it's the extraneous nonsense in the game. Nia is a great example of this wasted developer time, there's an entire character with wardrobe changes that has nothing to do with the game or story, nice but irrelevant and distracting. Witch Trainer on the other hand is lazer focused and sticks to a simple interaction loop, the MC pushes Hermione to do something outside her comfort zone, she pushes back then relents multiplied by a hundred corruption events. Sad Crab get this somewhat right with Susan Bones and cake baking but the user experience completing the quest is clunky instead of enjoyable.
    4. Devs play this game yourself without DEV mode enabled, seriously actually play it from start to finish yourselves instead of just testing the latest content. You will see the pain points.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a DAMN GOOD game! Love the artowork and the story, both new and old. It's a bit laggy at times but that's not that big of a problem. Minerva's scene at the beginning is so sexy and I love how fleshed out all the characters are in this game.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    I have to kind of agree with most other people that gave bad ratings for this game. The game has two plots for some reason. Both are fairly similar. I suppose the old plot has a bit more plot holes but I kind of doubt the new plot is that much better.
    Now the entire game is grindy, which to me is not really the issue here, The problem is rather that the H is for the most part just you see that one girl naked for a bit.
    That's it. If you get lucky maybe some foreplay. I don't mind games that are a bit grindy but they also should actually show you the good stuff eventually. This game however has multiple chapters for both old and new plot and the vast majority is just teasing. Mild teasing mind you.
    Another thing I don't get is scenes for the old plot are different from the new plot. But... many are exactly the same. I would even say the vast majority is exactly the same.
    Why even keep the old plot around? Why even suggest the player the old plot, if its the definitive worse of the two? I dunno.
    The art is really amazing. No comment there but its all so few and far in between with the H-scenes.
    The entire game is kind of built to lead up to a H-game. The first thing you do in both plot lines is pick up a broom and some panties.
    But its written in such a extremely off way.
    Its like a H-game one second, then the next its all serious business again. The H-scenes themselves are not really worth it, there are a few good ones that are way late in the game. But you will most likely never get there because the game is extremely slow and you will be disappointed every time you get a H-scene because its just this one girl. Standing straight and you tell her to strip down. Like she isn't even stripping in a particularly charming or hot way.
    You tell her to take her bra off and now she stands there without her bra. Just standing straight looking at you. Its like you're a gynecologist or something.
    Gameplay-wise you raise some stats there are some minigames but again none of them really worth it. You talk quite a lot and make all kinds of intrigues with Snape but again its all so slow and uninteresting.

    To me the entire game seems like the devs just want to drag it as much as they can no matter what. They do not want to make actual H-scenes with say Hermione because they're afraid their patrons are content with that.
    So they rewrite, "fix" and add the very bare minimum to the game to keep interest afloat. Does that make for a good game? No, absolutely not. Its horrible.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I mean lets be honest, dev trying their best. Each upgrade is long for 4 months so 4 upgrades annually. But they have milestone, when to deliver. and not to mention it has great art. Most importantly no paywall (thanks for that)
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Let me say this straight away, if you don't like story/plot and prefer more lewd actions then avoid this game as you will be disappointed.

    + Art, Storyline and whole atmosphere is really well done.
    - Very few action scene, mostly teases but that too is quite less.
    + With cheats enabled you can unlock all scenes and level up yourself.

    You will be spending tons and tons of time going through the story, so if you like that then this game is for you. If you prefer rather more action oriented games then avoid this.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Could be a great game, but ain't.

    When, better yet, if it gets finished, i guess it could be rated better, but RN ain't worth the time

    However if you just want to read a history about HP, well, then i guess it's kinda ok? It's like cyberpunk, it's a great game, but it wasn't a great open world game, they didn't deliver what they showed, and it didn't matter how good the game was, it let people down.

    SG or WIAB states cleary what you should expect, so even if it didn't deliver sex scenes, it is highly regarded because of the story. This one could be the same, but the marketing, imgs, tags and etc all kinda mislead.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Would have been much much better if they were make it stick to the point. A lot of shit to do only for little scenes.. literally. It's like bro am i playing talking sim or some indie sfw game?

    I was going to make a cheat after playing it a while because i don't understand anything cuz game also have bugs too. I play both old and new version, the new version was a bit better. Thanks to them they at least put a option of enabling cheats after finish the game, that way you can able to see all the shit you wasting your time for.

    Was about to give it 1 star but when we talking about the art, quality, world and characters then they literally nailed it. So i give it at least 2 star.

    Ngl, i feel like i wasted my fucking time lol. Always saying a good quality doesn't make the game better. It lacks gameplay, progress etc they will immediately turn you off from the game.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    A great game, with a beautiful drawing, an interesting plot and pleasant music. The frequency of updates cannot but please. It is interesting and pleasant to play. It drags on for a long time. Plunge into the world familiar from childhood and it will open up to you from an unexpected side.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Slow development but it's very fun to play in that universe, and the game still has lots of potential. But on opposite side, the quest line is a bit of messy to me. Story telling could be better i think.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Great job was done for this game, intresting story, mane activities, lot of fun! You gona go deep in school problems with intresting solutions!
    Awesome game, awesome art, awesome all! Recomended for everyone!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    i dont get wh only 3 stars, there are so poor games on f95 which have better rate but made poorly.
    Nice story, i like the different personalities, good animations, good drawing. i guess it took a lot of effort to make this.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I just wanted to express how amazing I think this game is.. I think the developer is pure genius.. am not talking about the nice story writing or the spectacular art style that is used, but I'm mainly talking about the use of Renpy to its full power, the level of details and the amazing interface design just make this game feel so polished and complete!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing start with amazing main girls plus good MC amazing game.

    This was what i think few years ago before this game stuck in development hell and i know yes this gets updates but that updates like not enough for that monthly budget they been doing this like 7 years and its not going anywhere ero scenes hardly you know ERO and few scenes here that i can say good and btw i am not saying they are bad no they are not bad they are just tease sadly really long long teasing here.

    Story good and main girls too they are interesting characters and corrupting them is mmmm tasty but how many years to complete this game ? I know original art plus good story but game is not something like normal VN but more like puzzle game you need to do many many things to do anything and thats annoying sometimes you stuck because you dont know what to do then you need to look guide sadly thats annoying and dont get me wrong i like puzzles but this is mmm little bad.

    Scenes good and really sexy but like i was saying even after many years hardly any noteworthy here and development team have a problem too sometimes they are stuck in hiatus then they come back update but its takes time and they tease with this scenes and like i said before you need to do too many things for that scenes.

    So why 5 star after this much complain ? Well game potential is 5 star not game right now sadly if i need rate that i can give 3.5 nothing more.This is amazing game with really bad update time if they fix that this gonna be solid 5 star for me so good luck to developers.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty long and interesting storyline, the art is amazing for this kind of games especially when most games now use the same old ugly Honey Select models. (god please download some better cards from pixiv or something, game devs) Looks like Daphne is the only major girl who you can get to third base with currently.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Very in depth and well built, can be a bit slow at times but I think that makes it unique. I like all the little details shoved in and progression is easy. Art is very nice and the story and mini games are fun. Overall a very high quality game.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic game with top tier art and writing. Top scores from me.

    Adult games tend to be good in different ways but rarely excel in all areas. The writing might be dogshit but the art great, or the other way around, making the game enjoyable overall. But a few games have great writing, flawless art, great setting and sexy scenes. Off the top of my head the only ones that check all those boxes are What A Legend and this game right here.

    It's a slow burn with great atmosphere and fantastic buildup. You spend your time getting to know the main four girls, who all have nicely defined personalities and actually feel like real people (the highest possible praise to an adult game, lol).

    That said, the game is too verbose for me at times - many, many times you need to consult teachers about this or that, and I find myself clicking past that sometimes. I found this especially true in the old path.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I've been following IW development for a while now. The art style, which had caught my eye from the very beginning, is getting even better in latest releases. Some may say, that game lacks in adult part, and I would agree, for now there is only one sex scene with main girl in story and some with side characters, but the story is getting to hot scenes now, so I am not seeing this as a problem. I will highly recommend IW to anyone who appreciates beautiful artwork and Harry Potter franchise.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    A loooooot of text and very boooooooring. You have to do too much and read the equivalent of a harry potter book for any simple sex scene. The only good thing is that they did a good job with the character drawings
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Hmmmm.. I'm not sure where to start. I love the music, it just so fit the Hogwart and its background. Accept the part where it made me almost give up the game because i thought there will be impossible to see H scene considering the longer dialogs and fewer restrictions in the school. But i know.. i know..
    There is a phrase called 'No pain no gain' right? but still.... i mean it's brutal. So brutal. -_-