
Aug 9, 2016
I'm not talking about point and click minigames for RPGM, rather the ones like jumping and pushing puzzles, and triggering switches that are made in the engine itself. It's designed for certain types of puzzles like that. Some minigames can be fun even in renpy and unity games, but the ones in IW tend to just be annoying with little in way of payoff for completing them.
What was I trying to point out was, the puzzles minigames (like the pipemania type, 'drinking game' choice type, matching panties, inside IW i.e) are prevalent in old school point-and-click adventure games, and that is the genre IW is following.
Those are "point-and-click minigames" as the input is mainly the mouse exclusively, and were present in point-and-click adventure games, like the Monkey Island series, Larry, and many many others, etc...

What I understood that you said before, was that you disliked the IW minigames and those were better suited to an RPGM game (which they aren't as the minigames are mouse type mostly, and RPGM is mainly keyboard/controller which is suited for those jumping and pushing puzzles that rely on character control you gave as an example).

The payoff bit I totally understand though. Despite unlocking progression (is kinda... meh), I think they should be a more rewarding, even if they don't reward with anything related to the main girls directly.


Dec 11, 2020
Mini-games are horrible, but finding hidden items on scenes and with dialogs is ok, it makes the game fun.

Devs maybe refusing to realize the obvious fact - nobody likes those dumb games with Hermione, with girls pants collection etc, they spend work hours on it, but result is pathetic..

Does anyone really enjoy content about used girls panties? I'm not, it looks so stupid and boring.
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Jul 30, 2017
When you buy an apple product for a first time you get a free lobotomy, so you buy their shit for a full prize every time they change a single line in a code. They change your brain chemistry so you feel pain when you even think about getting free stuff. ;)


Jan 4, 2020
Hey, I ate eight times on your restaurant and didn't like the food, so I am gonna keep coming there to eat and scream at everyone at the door that the food here is terrible.
Do you actually expect Gordon Ramsey to eat shit and then just stand up from the table and go away?


Aug 8, 2017
Do you actually expect Gordon Ramsey to eat shit and then just stand up from the table and go away?
So apparently he the Gordon Ramsey of porn games. Sorry I didn't know we were in the presence of such a celebrity.
Now the serious answer. Yes he would, he is not a Karen that is gonna just start yelling in the middle of the restaurant to demand to talk to the manager.
And now the extra:
"My girlfriend cheated on me, so instead of breaking up with her I am gonna stalk her and go running to everyone she talks to to tell them she is a bad person that cheats on me"
Tell me is this is a normal person reaction or a petty manchild reaction
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Aug 8, 2017
The fuck are you even trying to say? I don't find enough value in the game to support it on patreon, that doesn't mean I hate it. A more apt example would be a homeless person eating throw away scraps and claiming not to like a restaurant. Your example makes no sense at all. However if you actually looked more than a post or two back before throwing your little tantrum you would see me compliment the art within the last couple of pages. I know reading the thread before stamping your feet and crying is hard but you might want to try it some time.
Following what you said: what you constantly see in this thread is the homeless people complaining that they don't like the scraps they are given despite not paying for them.
Then they go all the way to go telling people that this guy gave him scraps and they didn't like it.


Jan 10, 2021
Following what you said: what you constantly see in this thread is the homeless people complaining that they don't like the scraps they are given despite not paying for them.
Then they go all the way to go telling people that this guy gave him scraps and they didn't like it.
Looks to me like you're doing more complaining than anybody else. At least they're posting about the game, all you're doing is complaining about complaining. How about trying to stay on topic to not clutter the pages with nonsense.


Aug 7, 2018
I am stuck on the sex-education quest. I wrote ndsent the letter to Amelia bbut apparently thee BD present was not sent. The message says "did I forget something?" I have now finished everything else for this update and the message says I am finished and bumps me to the menu. Is the sex ed done for tis update or did I miss something? Thanks for any help.


May 3, 2020
I got console to work in the latest version -
Open file - game\modules\nondeveloper\main.rpym
and make config.console = True
remove 3 lines -
config.keymap["developer"] = []
config.keymap["console"] = []
_console.console = None
and then start the game.
For those who are trying to open the console, I did exactly what he said AND I used the latest version of Unren.bat, and it worked.


New Member
May 24, 2019
How the fuck are you supposed to get past the canvas and alcohol part in Act 1? Literally tried every option but I keep getting brought back to the prison where the other guy just says I get black out drunk


Dec 22, 2018
How the fuck are you supposed to get past the canvas and alcohol part in Act 1? Literally tried every option but I keep getting brought back to the prison where the other guy just says I get black out drunk
You might find this useful to answer your question.
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