Ren'Py - Completed - iNSight of you [v1.0] [AdventAnyx]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    So far it's the only 3d game I've given a chance and WOW!!! It's a fucking masterpiece. The creativity with how raw, depraved, and sexual the scenes in this are is amazing! I really don't know what made me try this out but I don't regret it at all. Full fucking stars for this masterpiece. RIP to many peoples meat though... Or bean...
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Highest effort training game with "rough" stuff I've seen in years.
    Everything has an animation, a little bit of mechanics that make it a real game with a lose condition, right amount of BDSM stuff, at least for my taste, and in-game hints for noobs on how to proceed the story.
    Great job.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Superb game!

    I don't usually read or play with much attention, I grab whatever cheats and speed run to the goodies, but not here, I did try and enjoyed the mechanics, up to a point.

    The cheats might have fucked up some parts since I got stuck in a grindy loop with Gloria, or I did miss something, doesn't really matter to me, the girls are pretty and hot the right way, there are tons of slutty outfits, heels, many totally un-decent humiliation scenes, power play, nastiness, and it's really good and fun, so I might even do a real replay once. Maybe, can't promise tho')

    Mucho appreciation to the work, the details, the fact that i's basically done and most of the players would love more of it - Great job & thanks!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best H-games ever imo. This game is complete and well-polished and has so much content.

    The story is pretty good, I like that there are 4 different endings (to my knowledge). Normally I prefer more linear stories as I don't like replaying games, but this game is definitely worth replaying. I've only unlocked 2 of the endings after 15 hours, and I will probably try and get the others in the future. The story feels somewhat realistic (to some extent of course) and the justifications for plot progression is actually fine.

    The characters are some of the highlights of the game. I love the relationship between the MC and Esther, even though the dialogue is a bit corny sometimes, I do appreciate the humour and the emotional bond between the two. It is a little bit unrealistic how quickly they meet and become lovers, but that really doesn't affect the game at all and is jsut a small nitpick. Again with Maya, the character is great and I like how you can make her a slut (which I chose) or part fo your own harem (i havent seen these scenes yet, but I;m sure they're good). Gloria is the most interesting as the objecive is training her and making her slutty. Overall, this game has really fleshed out characters, even the side characters like the MC's family members and stuff. I also really like the character designs and the models arent just generic models used in lots of other games.

    The scenes themselves are eexcellent, I love the animation and quality that goes into them, and I also love just the huge amount of content there is. There are so many different fetishes and scenes and it's just amazing. I especially love all the public content with Gloria and how much cum she drinks and stuff. I also like that the scenes are all relatively easy to obtain, it might take some time to get the stats for it but I like that there is a gallery and there are also hints to progress for the different subquests. I did get a bit confused with one of the assistant subquests but that's just because I'm a bit dumb and didn't realise I just had to assign Gloria to the assistant role.

    In terms of lewdity, this game is so depraved its great. So much public humiliation, so much cum everywhere.

    Some other things that I enjoyed are the music, especially the main menu, a very nice song. The music adds to the atmosphere of the game and its just nice. Another thing is that the whole resistance mechanism with Gloria is a bit annoying, especially the low lewdness/high resistance cycle, but I do appreciate that there is no real punishment if you fail, even though I did get called a noob.

    Overall, just a very polished game and I recommend that everyone plays it. This is a top 5 game for me, S-tier. 9.5/10
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Genre defining game!!

    Played a bunch of corruption and humiliation themed games (since that's my kink), however, haven't seen/played something that hits the nail on the head like this.

    Eveything from the story, to the progressive descent, to the actual scenes are exceptional.

    I'm gonna have a tough time finding another game that comes close to this.

    I thought about it a little more and..if some of the tags are not your kinks, I can see you having a bad time. However, if you're fine with all the tags and like it as much as I do, it's great.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Interesting product. The quality is actually quite high given the volume of content. The plot has... something to it, even though I can find no particular attachment to any of the characters. Making the MC's look fit the slavic skinhead profile does seem to fit the character pretty well since this is definitely not a situation where I can imagine inserting myself into the role. But ultimately, the game devolves into too much grinding in the later chapters.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    use technically not brainwash to turn a women into a fuckpig
    Played Version : 1.0
    The Good:
    • great renders
    • long playtime, about 12hrs tracked for me
    • lots of different scenes
    • passable story

    The Bad:
    • middle of the game is a little grind heavy but there are plenty of scenes to make up for it
    this game will drain your balls. if your not one of those guys who are weird about sharing the girl in games play it
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    It more like a 3.5 stars then 3.

    The game has amazing animatuions and sex scenes they also have good sound effects.

    The Music is also pretty good.

    The fetishes in the game are mostly corruption and a lot of sharing and some NTR kinda moments, most of the time the main character knows when a girl fucks someone else but he isn´t a cuck, but if you don´t like any kind of moments where a girl does something with another male character this game isn´t for you.

    The story is kinda boring and the comedy clashes with the serious moments, and because of that I was never really invested or cared what will happen.

    The character look okay but not special and their stories and personalitys are very basic.

    The gameplay was intereting and fun at firt but got really boring and grindy.

    If you like corruption games and don´t mind sharing I would say it´s worth playing.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is awesome. The amount of twisted corruption is wonderful. You get to force someone into the pit of depravity.

    Really well thought out, and despite it being in development for years, most of the scenes hold together.

    5 stars. Thanks for the great game and look forward to the next.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    UI literally hurts my eyes from being this colorful with the "bad PS skill" that looks like a meme is a give or take depends on your own taste
    too grindy, and needs some balancing from this level of grindiness
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The girls are all very well made. Corruption is the best part, but some of it later in the game can be a little grindy.
    Scenes are perfect, choices are many, a few routes.
    You have to check this game out!
  12. 2.00 star(s)

    Harem Trooper

    Finally, the game is finished, so I decided to give it a try. Overall, it's just mediocre, even if I disregard the content involving Gloria.

    After playing and reflecting on it, I have to say I'm surprised by what can be accomplished with the RenPy engine, and even more surprised that it runs without any bugs. Initially, I felt overwhelmed by the various GUIs and options, but honestly, I appreciate that aspect since I prefer games that offer both gameplay and visual novel elements. This game manages to combine both aspects, and I must admit that the beginning had me hooked. The story starts off strong, the music and sound effects are really good, and there are numerous well-done animations, both NSFW and SFW. If the content involving Gloria had been handled differently, I could have overlooked it to some extent, and the game could have received at least a 3 out of 5 rating. If the harem path had been written by someone who understands romance, it could have even reached a 4 out of 5. Unfortunately, the majority of the game focuses on Gloria's actions, which involves her "whoring out" the other characters.

    The renders are decent for Honey Select, the lighting isn't the worst I've seen, and the character models look great. Gloria, being my favorite, was the main reason why I waited for the game to finish. (What can I say, the allure of a hot yet uptight, bitchy, angry MILF can really captivate a person, am I right, guys? :LUL:)

    However, I must express my disappointment with how the game played out and how it ultimately concluded. But I can't really blame the developer since it's evident that he enjoys the NTR aspect, where the main character "whores out" the girls, as it seems to be the core of the game. I did try the alleged "harem" path for the two girls first becuase Im obviously gonna do that. Otherwise, I would have simply enjoyed the gallery and moved on. But I have to admit, my expectations weren't high, and the experience wasn't enjoyable. It's not the worst attempt at a "harem" I've seen from a developer with a sharing fetish, but it's far from being the best.

    Time passed quickly as I reached the end with those paths, and I felt like I had somehow skipped some scenes. It left me dumbfounded when I tried out the "whore" route, as it had more content and played better. Yes, the girls turned into dumb bimbos while the main character enjoyed his "sloppy seconds," but in the end, it made sense within the game's setting and overall theme.

    In the end, it's the same old story. You're lured in by the "harem" tag, only to discover that it's not really a harem. The hottest chick, Gloria, has the content that I'm not fond of, and I find myself staring at the screen, unsure of who is more foolish: me for playing it, as it's clearly a game focused on "whoring," with the other path receiving much less attention, or the people in the comments who mentioned that it's worth a try.
  13. 5.00 star(s)



    The Good

    - The characters are incredibly likeable, their personalities make sense, MC is not the classic moron that reacts to shit, he is proactive, Esther is cute, funny but also wholesome, Maya is an adorable shy-pervert the exception to the rule "Don't stick your dick in crazy", Gloria has her moments too.

    - The plot is linear and while for someone it can be "boring" at least it makes sense, there are no weird twists that ruin the whole thing unlike several VNs i played recently. This game answers to all the questions you may have about characters and plot, nothing is left behind.

    - Of course: GOOD GRAPHIC! What else is needed to be said? We even have smudged lipstick...which i'm not a fan of it, but the amount of details the dev worked on? Chef Kiss level of good if you ask me, so detailed the scenes feel real, it's not just porn, it's art!

    The Meh

    - The grind can be annoying, but there are cheats, and you can save edit (bit of hard because of the names of the values...but nothing impossible) but it's pretty much an integral part of the game, is not bad just annoying

    The Bad

    - Sorry there is nothing in this game that i consider bad, because YES the game is that good...aside maybe everything about filth like pissing and other gross stuff which can be nauseating if you've a weak stomach(which is my case, but it's in the tags, if you hate the game for this stuff, that's on you: you downloaded it knowing what you're going to see even though it might gross you out, so for me it's not a bad thing in itself...i just wanted an excuse to write in this section XD)

    The Conclusion

    Oh boy, this game is overall amazing, funny, wholesome, sexy, the characters are likeable, the story makes sense(big kink of mine, i get more aroused by a plot that makes sense than from watching the best porn ever) and yes it's good all around, the graphic is breathtaking in it's simplicity(even though i'm pretty sure making all this stuff wasn't simple for the dev but i believe the effort paid off or i hope so for him, imagine working hard and not getting a dime from it) well...i guess that's all, I WANT TO THANK THE DEV FOR THIS AWESOME WORK AND WISH HIM/HER/THEM GOOD LUCK FOR THE FUTURE, WHATEVER IT MAY BE AHEAD ^_^ See ya!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. Good sexual content, well animated. In particular i look for games with the bdsm tag, it had good bdsm and mindbreak scenes. Wish there were a few more scenes with the other two girls but no biggie. Looking forward to more games by this guy.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    An awsome use of HoneySelect models which I love, Basic story yet true to what is has to do, the writing is good nothing special but in no way bad, the renders are awesome and the fact that they are animated is a big plus!
    Gameplay is also quite good, it might be a little grindly at some points but that's a minor inconvenience in my mind since it's not grindy as hell all the time etc. It has plenty of content, if someone is debating whether they should try it or not the answer is YES, it's worth your time!
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Insight of you is overall a good game with a wide amount of animated scenes I preferred the scenes with es and may more than with lee still enjoyed them to a high extent the scenes were quite varied which is a bonus doesn't feel it like repeats any the charachters are quite enjoyable
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    A descent game overall: 4/5
    Animation: 4/5
    Story: 3/5
    Few inserts where they break 4th wall are interesting.
    Though the animations seem little old/ models well developed, the camera angles and characters are good
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Animations: 5/5 not the best but it's really high up there.
    Story: 2/5 it's not there
    Dialogues: 2/5 cringe
    Characters: 1/5 no characters just sluts
    Gameplay: 1/5 I find myself stuck at almost every event.
    On side if you are into watching your girls(LI/not) by 1-5 random dudes in the worst possible way. This game is for you.
    Saying this because there's barely 33% content involving the mc.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Holllllllly molly. I loved this game.
    Pretty complete and with varied content. Even the gameplay is way varied, each phase is slightly different from the previous one.
    I never got bored.
    I'd recommend it to anyone.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I like how the dev made the game,

    he solved issues of person being stuck at stupid tasks to progress because its right there, maybe they could be toggle-able or something but thats details

    people are complaining about grind, but idk you can skip days, you can skip also dialogue if you don't care that much (in settings turn on "unseen text" and just press tab, its renpy)

    the story was good, it was funny enough some stuff was good some was yikes

    there were also choices, I'm not sure how I like choices when it comes to content like this, because you then skip a ton of stuff - this is basically fixed by the gallery (but I guess if the gallery would be more user friendly it would be nicer)

    overall very good game, if you don't mind stuff mentioned as tags, the dev deserves the money, the game shows he cares/cared about it

    I never heard about this game and only found it when released, but the end product seems to be finished which is like 1 for each 100 developing games on this site

    Hopefully he is not burned out and has some ideas for next game, my advices would be (as a dev, but not game dev):
    - as a solo dev keep games reasonably short (I guess this game length-wise is the max imo), you not necessarily have to make single plot game from start to finish you can do stuff like the simpsons that each game is just an adventure not the whole life story; shorter finished game is much better than long neverending misery, it frees you up to basically "start from scratch" without redoing existing content/story
    - keep the UI organized, this game was fine, one thing I had to look up was slutiness of maya and somebody said its when you play as esther, but I bet there was more stuff which could be improved but I just don't remember, if dev wants me to write more stuff, no problem I would play the game again to provide better feedback from my POV
    - try to make it fun for yourself if possible, developing shit solo is often a hassle and a lot of people burn out quick
    - keep being you, you rock

    Thanks for this gem, good luck in your future endeavors

    PS: why is there no discord server