So . . . Insimology. 4.5/5 VERY Good.
I love me a bit of Desi action and so, being that this game genre is 99% white & black chicks, I was definitely interested in this. That it's family Desi is even better.
Though, in all honesty, the fact it's based on The Sim's graphics - a game I've refused to play since forever, was somewhat of an Uh-Uh for me, and it's taken quite a while to bite the bullet.
As it IS based on The Sim's it's really cartoony and the 'players' are definitely rather caricaturish. The animations, though, work quite well in that game's engine, so I guess it's a reasonable trade-off.
I mean, let's face it, some of those high-end 3DCG animations are atrociously bad, yeah?
The Story-line - such as it is - is Just. Plain. Daft.
It's totally contrived as fuck - just look at that warehouse scene in v0.6 for proof of that! - and the suspension of disbelief thing leaves me with a WTAF? feeling.
I s'pose, though, it's a bone-us that scenes happen fairly regularly to keep engagement going & I am engaged with it.
It's being released piecemeal, which is a bit of an armpit cos you gotta keep updating it. You COULD wait for the whole release, I s'pose, but who knows how far down the line that'll be?
Despite its various shortcomings, it absolutely remains one of the hottest games out there. Really. Much better than some of those aforementioned 3DCG offerings.
Obviously, I
ALWAYS play it one-handed . . . .