Instinct Unleashed is a kinetic novel that tells a story of a main character whose (self-appointed) mission is to investigate the death of her father.
To tell a good story, there needs to be a protagonist, and that protagonist needs to have a goal, and on their way to it, the writer needs to throw all kinds of obstacles, challenges, etc. at said protagonist. And the MC needs to overcome those barriers using their own wit, skill, physical prowess and so on. And I'm very happy to see that the author of this magnificent VN understands that. A lot of the time, a simple, straightforward plot line does the best job.
And when it comes to writing dialogue, it is important to remember several crucial things. First and foremost, the dialogue must never be idle. Every single time a character speaks, it needs to serve some kind of purpose. Secondly, the dialogue needs to always have conflict. The characters need to always want to accomplish something via that dialogue. Everyone needs to have their own agenda. Furthermore, good dialogue has to always have some kind of subtext. Not everything needs to be said out loud. Another important thing, is that the dialogue only needs feel realistic. It doesn't need to be realistic. Delivering information to the reader through dialogue is a very subtle thing. It must never feel like a whole lot of info is being dumped on you all at once. It must never feel like the sole purpose of an exchange between two characters is just to inform the reader of something. And lastly (and most importantly) good dialogue must never be boring. And once again, I'm very pleased to tell you, that the writer of this VN ticked each and every one of those boxes. Amazingly done.
Writing and developing characters is no easy task. Most of the time a character needs have some kind of emotional or psychological damage from their past. And I'm happy to see, that the author understands, that nobody likes to read about healthy, well-adjusted adults. The characters in this VN are just excellent. Each and every one of them is unique and brings something to the story.
Speaking of characters, the main one is written in a very interesting and "correct" way. A lot of the time, when people think about a "dominant" person, they imagine a demanding asshole, who thinks that the entire world owes them for some reason. But that's not right. The protagonist of this novel displays dominance by being honest, loyal, kind, tenacious, hard-working and brave. She's fierce towards her enemies and she's protective and caring to her friends and loved ones. The gender/sex of the main character doesn't make the slightest bit of difference because of how well she's written.
Overall, this is an amazing VN, one of the best in the genre, and I highly recommend you give it a go.