VN instinct-unleashed tags


Active Member
Nov 4, 2022
Not sure if that is the right topic or sup forum for this if not i am sorry to post it wrong.
Its about the game
Instinct Unleashed [Ch. 5] [Kind Nightmares].
Ther is are scene that is are bit tricki i say it counts as female domination or even futa domination .
Of curse the Female dom tag is ther but maybe it counts as futa dom tag because the mc is are futa in this game.

'Bdsm' include domination and submission. The first scene with blair is a bdsm scene to me if you chose the option "she can handle it", because Jade is dominating her (and I expect she will dominate other partners later).
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Jun 4, 2017
I never liked tags like "female domination", or "male (or whatever else) domination", because they are unclear. We cannot know if the domination is done 'by the female' or 'to the female'. (in the case of this game "female domination" means women get dominated by the futa MC.)
Tags like "Female dominant" and "female submissive" would be clearer, but unfortunately, the ubiquitous ones are the unclear "X domination"-type ones.
I like the tag 'bdsm' for this game "instinct unleashed" because the MC is a Domme through and through, and she is looking for submissive partners.

Often the tag, and related ones like 'female domination', are used in games which only have one bdsm scene, with the character otherwise being 'vanilla' in their behavioor and sex-lives. That's pretty annoying to find such games when I'm looking for Bdsm relationships. (well, the 'doms' in most 'bdsm' game are generally not doms at all but abusers anyway, so there are worst issues).
It would be nice for games with very few bdsm themes or scene to be tagged something like "bdsm-lite" rather than "bdsm".

But anyway, adding this "bdsm" tag was just a suggestion. I never meant to make a big deal out of it, and now I know to keep an eye on this game anyway, since I like the writing of the characters (and of the sex ;-)), and the plot itself is fine so far too.
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Active Member
Nov 4, 2022
That's why I started this thread so that we can discuss it here in peace and not disturb the game op thread or spam it unnecessarily or start an unnecessary discussion.
This isn't meant to open a barrel, but we are free to talk about the tags and maybe give one or two moderators a nudge to watch the tags again or take a better look at the game.Because it has the tag trap i dont see any trap so far trap is for me are transWoman(if you count futa as trans/trap ok then the tag is alright).


Engaged Member
Feb 1, 2020
I wouldn't just apply it to Instinct Unleashed. There are more games with a similar problem. I only play Futa exceptionally well, but I've run into this conflict a few times. If there is a tag "Female dominatio" and "Male domination" on the forum, there should also be "Futa domination"... On the other hand, so that there is no shortage of "Bestial domination" and any other dominance...

I would definitely not associate domination with BDSM, they are not mutually exclusive, but from my point of view it is not same and can be at ease without each other.


Active Member
Nov 4, 2022
I totally agree with you. Dom doesn't necessarily have anything to do with bdsm.
Of curse if ther is now let's say are scene with nippelclamps that is for me 100% bdsm.